10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for shahriar2403

How can i make my report header variable? I want 2 make my report header label as per a textbox filled in a form. How can i do it? Please help me..

Member Avatar for surveyteck
Member Avatar for Abu Badr

Hi all, please I want the code in vb6 to save content of all text boxes i put in the form to a database in the internet.. I hope you understand what I want :)

Member Avatar for Abu Badr
Member Avatar for abu taher

what is .dll file. how it is work and how can i make it. please any body help me

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Richy321

Hi, Im looking for a way to get all the possible vb6 runtime errors and write them to a text document for later use. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for zapptuner

I need to generate a timer code in VB that counts down from 3600000 miliseconds (1 hour) to 0 miliseconds.But it's not allowing value to exceed 65000 something....my present code is as follows..... [code=visualbasic] Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If Label2.Caption = 0 Then Timer1.Enabled = False MsgBox ("1 Hour is up") …

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for iamnoangel26

I'm making a program that uses several forms, some are maximized some are not. My problem is when I try to run my program on other pc's that are using resolutions lower than 1280x800 the form now is to big for the monitor. Is there a way that the forms …

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for SPIRO_DT

[b][color=#0000FF]Visual Basic 6 Tutorial - made by Spiro_dt Volume.1 [/color][/b] [quote] 1.Intro 2.Starting with simple hello world 3.Declaring variables 4.Combinations with Math 5.Loops 6.If ,else 7.Making a simple program for Shutdown pc using shell command(implement cmd commands) 8.Timer 9.Last words 10.About [/quote] 1.Hello People this is my first tutorial about …

Member Avatar for LudwigFF

Hello. I wonder if anyone can help me. I have the Following XML file, where I load multiple SQL database connection details: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ConnectionDetails> <ConnectionName ID="1">DAWS</ConnectionName> <ServerName>LOLLIE</ServerName> <DbName>DAWS</DbName> <UserName>sa</UserName> <Password>sa</Password> <Network>TCP/IP</Network> <ConnectionDetails> <ConnectionName ID="2">FreightEquipe</ConnectionName> <ServerName>FREIGHTFOCUS2</ServerName> <DbName>FE</DbName> <UserName>sa</UserName> <Password>sa</Password> <Network>TCP/IP</Network> </ConnectionDetails> <ConnectionDetails> <ConnectionName ID ="3">Media Express</ConnectionName> <ServerName>FREIGHTFOCUS2</ServerName> <DbName>ME</DbName> …

Member Avatar for LudwigFF
Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all, I have developed a software which is basically is Question Paper Maker. For the questions and answers to be saved I have used access database with MEMO field. Now the entire software is ready and the reports seem to be printing fine on the screen as long as …

Member Avatar for Derice

I whould like to check on a particular file in a share network whether it is open by other user. If it is open by other user, i would like it to be close. Here is my code for opening the excel file and checking code. I have no idea …

Member Avatar for oscarresonable

ei..guyZz... Can u help me with my project??.. I'm using front end vb6 and back end is mysql.. it is a cashless system.. do you have any idea about that??.. because i'm already a card.. how do i connect it in my project???

Member Avatar for chloevin

[B]hi im a newbie here,,, and i am having a hard time to display an icons in my chat program in vb6,,, does any body knows how to do it,,????[/B]

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, I am using travelmgmt.exe file of visual basic project on LAN. In project i can add record,edit,search and delete record. I want make my project multiuser but when i use travelmgmt.exe file on LAN it shows message [B]File already in use [/B] Please tell me the way of …

Member Avatar for saradavid
Member Avatar for smile4evr

hi... ive connected my VB to my data base with the following code.... [code=visualbasic] Private Sub Form_Load() Set CN = New ADODB.Connection cString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\DATABASE FINAL\Passport Requirements.mdb" With CN .ConnectionString = cString .CommandTimeout = 20 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open End With nw... i want to connect every …

Member Avatar for smile4evr
Member Avatar for jarojasp

Hi, I am writing a network applications to read data from a server. The problem I have encountered is that on abrupt termination of my program, the socket rtemains open so that the next time I execute the program it will return an "Inavlid operation in actual state" error 40020. …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi Friends, I have a Access table with [B]S.No.,Name,Department,Status [/B]fields and some data attached with this mail.

Member Avatar for dspnhn
Member Avatar for hemantray

I m getting error msg "[B]report width is larger than paper width[/B]" when i want to display abt 40 fields on DataReport in VB. Is anybody have solution pls write me [email]hemant_apt@hotmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for dspnhn
Member Avatar for babukumar

I developed the project in vb.the screen resolution is 1024 * 768 the exe is posted in server . now when another person is opening the exe from his system of 15 inch wider screen the resolution is 800 * 600. some part (right to the user) of the form …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for silver_wolf

hi everyone! im just a newbie here! hope that someone there is willing to help me, i got a huge problem about how to show image from mdb in vb, the errors tell me "unable to bind object" something just like that, hope you will help me to solve my …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for mason_bancroft

Hello everyone, I'm trying to get this Sub procedure to execute after the selected worksheet is printed. Any suggestions? [code=visualbasic] Sub Save_Printout() Dim s As String, Sh As Worksheet Set Sh = ActiveSheet Sh.Copy s = "c:\printed sheets\" & Range("M5").Value 'save location and name of worksheet ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=s Range("A1:IV5000").Copy 'selects …

Member Avatar for mason_bancroft
Member Avatar for SHAWTY721

I have a form that contains two text boxes where the user can type in file paths, I want to check to see if the file path entered into the textboxes are valid when the user clicks on the accept button. Here is my code [CODE]Private Sub btnAccept_Click() Dim OpenFile …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for edmicman

I've got a strange problem that I'm hoping someone might have an idea on... I have a VB6 application, and in that there is a form with a password textbox, and a multiline textbox. On one of the workstations, a user pulls up this form, and the multiline textbox acts …

Member Avatar for aquiintac

Sorry I first posted this question on on the tech talk portion.... I'm using crystal report and vb6. I posted a thread two days ago regarding changing the connection properties of the crystal report in vb6. I found a way by using : [code]crxReport.Databases.SetDataSource rsReport[/code] but I'm having an exception …

Member Avatar for gunasekaranm
Member Avatar for barneygurl

I've created a software using vb6 and mysql as the database. The exe runs ok but whenever I try to open a report, I get the error "ActiveX component can't create object". Can anyone shed some light on this problem? I'm using crystal report 11. The reports will run on …

Member Avatar for barneygurl
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, I need a decompiler for a VB6 application. The software was written in 2002 by a former IT admin, and he didn't leave the source code. I've been able to use programs like VBdecompiler-Lite, but it looks like the only thing I can get is the native code? …

Member Avatar for 3250245

oh my god ! the teacher let me 2 do the hangman !! u know, it is difficult 2 my--a VB learner who can give me the code for hangman ! @_@ thx

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for Bhatti302

[code]Hello, I am creating a Internet Explorer. I am using a webbrowser and VBStatusbar. I want when website is loaded a VBprogressbar is show in the VBstatusbar. The value of the progressbar is increasing with the file downloaded. please tell me anyone about this metter. I am very very confiuse.:icon_redface: …

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for newb666

hey y'all i just started messing with VB about 3 days ago i just created a countdown timer. it works as far as result goes but here's my prob. i created a command button, when i click on it, it shows me the correct countdown and all how can i …

Member Avatar for Drycola
Member Avatar for alski

Hi all. I have an unbound Infragistic SSdbgrid which I populated with names and student numbers sorted by name from a recordset. As the user typed a name from a search text box, the grid should automatically scroll and point its current row on the record matching the name with …

Member Avatar for Sdr46

Recently some of our users have been having trouble using our VB program that gets data from a MS Access database. When checking those users PC's, we find that by going to MS Access on those machines, and the TOOLS > Macros > Security , the security level is medium, …


The End.