10,991 Topics
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I would like to copy and paste special values in excel using VB6 during report generation. But pastespecial is not working. Its throwing error 1004 Paste Special method worksheet failed. Below is the code. can you please advise [CODE]xlTmp.ActiveSheet.Range("H7:H23").Select xlTmp.Selection.Copy xlTmp.Sheets("Consolidation").Activate xlTmp.ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 4).Value = P(N) xlTmp.ActiveSheet.Cells(8, PS).Select xlTmp.ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, xlNone, … | |
Hi, I just want to ask a simple question.. hopefully. I use package and deployment wizard to create my software's installer. My software can be run by using a lot of pictures and document that because it contains millions of pictureboxes. Those pictures must be located in the same folder … | |
I need the syntax of queries in visual basic 6 to edit the database in ms access.please help me.The name of database is patient details and it has fields as name,id,height,weight,bmi,email,phone etc. if the id is already matching i need to update the details and if its not matching i … | |
Regarding my earlier post. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread327097.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread327097.html[/URL] I encounter an error saying [ICODE] Run-time error '462': The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable [/ICODE] Haven't notice this error earlier. Code: [CODE] wrdApp.Documents.Open App.Path & "\Reports\Locatorslip.docx" wrdApp.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize wrdApp.Visible = True [/CODE] The code works fine. Error only appears … | |
Dear Experts, I am working on a TCP/IP project but my problem is that whenever my programme trying to reconnect again to server then server giving message port number is different. i.e. every time my programme is run its port no showing different in server so kindly guide how can … | |
Hi, I am using vb6 to manipulate my word 2003 template .dot and save it into .doc. My current method is: I am creating I word class, called W. then I use: W.activedocument.SaveAs "documentname.doc", 0, 0, "". 1, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 It can be used perfectly for … | |
i am typing below code in each and every date text box keypress event to allow numbers and back slash keys only. can any function or subroutine be created to avoide typing same code again and again in the project. [CODE]Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Dim ch As String ch … | |
how to transfer data from datagrid to textbox using vb6.0???? | |
How do i populate a combobox with values from a certain field on my database when i click the control? My combobox control name :cbodept Dbase table: Offices and Dbase Table field is: Office Preferably code. Thanks | |
Hi I need to migrate an application from MS Access to SQL Server (2005), and i'm using the code bellow, but i'm getting an error when the compiler reaches the AddNew instruction. It gives me "Run-time error '3027': Can't update. Database or object is read-only". [code] Dim DBTesteSQL As Database … | |
hi, i want to receive a ascii value from rs232 port and then it should be displayed in terms of decimal.. i am using VB for programing... the ascii value comes from a micro controller.. can anyone help me... | |
when you type a last name on the textbox then on the datagrid,for example i ype letter "S" then the datagrid will show all the las names that starts with letter "S" how it is??? | |
i'm using checklistbox, i want to display data from sql database in checklistbox with check when particular id number inputted in textbox. Please Help...I'm new with visual basic... thanks.. | |
Please help me on my project. I used this for my log in form. The registration form worked well and its easy for me. There are many errors almost 3. The errors are on the first 3 statements. line 1: syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'ID Number = … | |
Hi all, Please give me some inputs about my situation, because I know that you have more experience than me. I have a program that is written in vb6, which is near to the completion. I would like to start selling the program at the beginning of next year. My … | |
Ho guys i got question need to ask about the if else statement: Can i write like this IF CUST= "A" OR CUST = "B" OR CUST = "C" THEN CUST = "A , B ,C " Then statement i pal is if i key either A , B or … | |
Using the following code I have a questions. .Fields(intFldCntr) = 2.66666666666667 yet after loading it into arrWhite(intIndex), arrWhite(intIndex) = 3. I'm working to get some weighted averages so I want the actual number. How can I prevent it from being rounded when I load it into the array? Thanks. Dim … | |
i have a student maintenance form in my program im using this code to update the database Adodc1.Recordset.Update Adodc1.Recordset!StudName = txtStudName.Text Adodc1.Recordset!StudId = txtStudId.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Course = cboCourse.Text Adodc1.Recordset!Section = cboSection.Text Adodc1.Recordset!first_day = cbo1day.Text Adodc1.Recordset!FDlogin = cbo1.Text Adodc1.Recordset!FDlogout = cbo11.Text Adodc1.Recordset!second_day = cbo2day.Text Adodc1.Recordset!SDlogin = cbo2.Text Adodc1.Recordset!SDlogout = cbo22.Text Adodc1.Recordset!third_day = … | |
i have created a user control for text box to enter date. I have saved time and effots to type for each text (date) box code to check date validity and key typed. but i have lost text and locked property of text box as it is not available on … | |
hi there i want to ask if how to transfer data from datagrid to textbox using vb6.0!i'm using Ms Access 2007!!!the code that i have are already ok when saving the information on the Access my problem is i dont know the codes to transfer the data from datagrid on … | |
how to stop the other form from appearing when i clicked the item in combo box?? | |
plz help me to make media player in vb6 or vb2010.. not using windows media player.. need in my finals project plz help me... thank you.. | |
uhm, hello, i was hoping if anyone here can help me with my project its due on next week, im gonna fail if i dont submit this one, problem is i dont really understand visual basic, so im seeking for help here.. well here it goes.. i was asked by … | |
I noticed in vb 2008, you can right click a text box, and in that menu it says, "Text" or something of that variation. You can paste all of the text right there, and your program will start with that text in it. I was wondering if there was a … | |
hey guys, Im having a bif of a nightmare. I was up late last night finishing a project in VB6 but when i try to open it today it wont open, well at least the form design window. If i click the play button i can see the interface of … | |
Respected Friends.. I need help from your side.. Im using Visual Basic 6.0 with MS Access, I wish to create a automatic serial number for my program, It will show HITE001.. HITE002...HTTE003... same time it will show in form load stage it will automatically show in combo box( last record … | |
I am a total Visual Basic (VB) novice & am thinking about learning VB; but, before I do expend the time, there’s three question that I need answered first: Can anyone tell me if a VB program can control mouse clicks & program options in a PhotoImpact (a non-Microsoft photo … | |
Hi, Need help in creating backup/restore on database using SQL Server 2005 with VB6.0 code when the database is on the network. Please Help. frexyang | |
i am using font style [B]Bookman Old Style [/B]and size 12 for my Project but the default font type is Ms Sans Serif and size is 8. Can default size be set to Bookman Old Style and font size 12. Thanks | |
Hi, I have a WebBrowser control that accesses an IP cam on the same network on form load. The camera has a login interface that I don't want to be seen. Is it possible to autocomplete the form once it pops up? Attached is a screen shot. |
The End.