10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for Shalvin
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Member Avatar for masterfact18

...here is the scenario...in my inventory system i have database and it's fields are "Item Number,Description,Last Week Stocks,Deliveries,Total Stocks,Total Withdrawal and Current Stock...this is my logic if adding new stock it will add to 'Current Stock' and to 'Total Stocks' and if withdrawing stocks 'it will add to 'Total Withdrawal' …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for martin11ph

Is there any code that will enable me to click on portions of the form with the use of coordinates? I know most of you find it easier to just use controlname.click but it is not possible for my application. Hope someone can help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sam1

Hi, I am trying to output some data from sql db within excel to XML. I am updating the sql db from the excel worksheet and then outputting the records from the db to xml. I have used CDATA to parse html within xml but i can only get one …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for piyushdhamecha

i made report for invoice printing which contains 10 pages for single invoice, i want to Print Terms & condition on every next page it means my report will be of 20 Page.. please help me... thanks in advance

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for RichIT

Hi all, thanks in advance for your help. Is it possible (and if so how:sad: ) in Excel (using VBA or whatever easiest) to have 2 worksheets A and B where worksheet B is atomatically updated. A bit more complicated tho!! I enter data into A, and B takes that …

Member Avatar for faizshafie
Member Avatar for ayarton

I'm a very new developer (if you could even call me that), and I'm killing myself here. Essentially here's what I'm trying to do. A user scans a series of documents which are sent through a program that places a .tif or .pdf of each document into a folder on …

Member Avatar for ayarton
Member Avatar for piyushdhamecha
Member Avatar for ichiban1985

Hi All, I need to create a macro that will copy the data in the last 5 columns of the spreadsheet and paste it to the next 5 columns, also I need to have a pop up that will let me add date to the heading of the new inserted …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ash07

Dear all I am developing an application in VB & Access .I am trying to secure application by adding user control,trace modules,database password. (just today i saw how to make a folder inaccesible+ not to allow delete.) 1)I would like to know how do i secure my application.. am i …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for slugdoug

I am trying to learn vbscript and am having trouble with one of me first scripts, can someone look and see what I am doing wrong? I get the following error: Line 13, Path not Found. 'if folder B does not exist it is created option explicit const OverWriteFiles = …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi All, I want to ask how to remove unwanted character from string?? Can provide an example? Dim A As String A = "@AA@BB@CC@DD" If i want to remove @BB what method i should use? First i try to use instr to detect where the @BB but how to do …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for ftl25

Hi, Does anyone know of some code analysis tools (add-ins) for VB6? I used to use checkstyle and some other tools for Java, and am looking for something similar for our VB6 project. There is a huge codebase, and as I'm just starting out in VB coding, I'd like advice …

Member Avatar for IssamLahlali
Member Avatar for masterfact18

[CODE]Form3.Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from login where username = '" + Text1.Text + "'" Form3.Adodc1.Refresh If Form3.Adodc1.Recordset.EOF = False Then If (Text2.Text = Form3.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("password")) Then MsgBox "login success" Unload Me Else MsgBox "invalid pasword" Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus Form2.Refresh End If Else MsgBox "invalid username" Text1.Text = …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for masterfact18

[code]Form3.Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from login where username = '" + Text1.Text + "'" Form3.Adodc1.Refresh If Form3.Adodc1.Recordset.EOF = False Then If (Text2.Text = Form3.Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("password")) Then MsgBox "login success" Unload Me Else MsgBox "invalid pasword" Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus Form2.Refresh End If Else MsgBox "invalid username" Text1.Text = …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for AWPROGRAMMER

I want to simulate the enter key when my form opens so that it can continue it processes without the user having to push the enter key or selecting OK with the mouse. I know the question is then why have the form at all. I did not write the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Xjmaslord4

[CODE]Dim Hours As Integer Dim Minutes As Integer Dim Seconds As Integer Dim Time As Date Private Sub Mydisplay() 'This code is common to all three text boxes so I 'put it in it's own sub. 'Extract the numbers from the text boxes by using 'the Val() statement. Hours = …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for neelle26

[CODE]Option Explicit Dim temp As Integer Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Enabled = False Text1.MaxLength = 10 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text = Text1.Text + "1" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = Text1.Text + "2" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Text1.Text = Text1.Text + "3" End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for PM312

How can i generate next increment number for alphanumeric serial . i.e first cheractor is alphabet and next four cherectors are numeric. ( N1125 )

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for kubic

Hi, I need to use LPT as SPI with CS DO CLK But how to setup LPT pins for SPI can I use D0 D1 D2 on lpt port for this ? is this correct ? lpt pin 2 CLK Lpt pin 3 CS Lpt pin 4 DI [CODE]Const Po378 …

Member Avatar for kubic
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Ok, here's another problem which i really need help. One suggestion from our panel suggested if we can have a module which do not allow deleting a record (one or more) in the database which are Administrator type. Those records cannot be deleted whether through 1. the program itself (via …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for prajana

Hello! I am very pleased to join Daniweb. I found it very interesting and helpful and immediately joined the community in the hope of getting some help regarding my final year project. Well coming to the point, m designing an Attendance Management System(AMS) for my college. I have created accounts …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for mistymarian

Hi. . . i got this code in visual c3 and i want to code it in visual basic. . .somebody help me please in doing it. . . [code] byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; int nOffset = stride - b.Width * 3; for (int y = 0; y < b.Height; …

Member Avatar for JD69

i am trying to find a code that will do a search and find the ip address of any printer on the network with a ip address? Please help thank you

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for JD69

i have a a form that has: textbox1 = registration name textbox2 = network folder path textbox3 = local user name textbox4 = password i need a button that will send all of this information to a webpage with a single click of a button. The section where this information …

Member Avatar for PM312

How can i trigger Leave Cell event for Msflexgrid through command button click or textbox lost focus.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jogieglenmait

my problem is so simple guys, how do i make [B]3 textboxes[/B] connect to a database of users using [B]adodc in a different form?[/B] [B]so that if you entered your userid, username and password you could log in.[/B] i cant post my code now but ill try later on.

Member Avatar for panchong
Member Avatar for MichellePV

I completed a form for my supervisor using VB via Microsoft Word. It worked beautifully on my end...I could fill it out, save it, etc. I password-protected the document and only allowed people access to fill-in the form, which consists of drop-down menurs and text boxes. However, when another user …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for daniwaber

Hi:) How can I scroll the report in runtime by mousewheel. I am using VB6 (SP6) and for reports I am using VB report control.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for martin11ph

I have an IP camera that feeds video over lan or the internet thru a browser. It has its own interface on either Mozilla, IE or other browsers. I tried calling the site using the Microsoft Internet Controls component and it works fine. The GUI is called upon and I …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.