10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for v_janssens

Hi there, I'm a Visual Basic novice and have written a very simple GUI which I want to use to run a c++ program. I'm wondering how I would write the button click event to call the C++ program? I assume there's probably a simple way to do this but …

Member Avatar for jean1234
Member Avatar for meLiel

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() Dim con As ADODB.Connection Set con = New ADODB.Connection Dim rsAdd As ADODB.Recordset Set rsAdd = New ADODB.Recordset Dim Query As String con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\VBTHESIS_liel2\ListofMembers.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" con.CursorLocation = adUseClient rsAdd.Open "SELECT * FROM census WHERE ID ='" & strId & "'", con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic 'If textboxes …

Member Avatar for hyesin
Member Avatar for shhh

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class Form1 Public sConnection As New MySqlConnection Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If sConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then sConnection.ConnectionString = "SERVER = localhost; USERID = root; PASSWORD =; DATABASE = vb;" sConnection.Open() End If LoadPeople() End Sub Public Sub LoadPeople() Dim …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for murali1

Hello everybody , Im created an Application in vb6.0 . In that application i have to store data in a web Mysql database.How can i connect tht

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for choeychoco

i am trying to execute an exe file on a remote computer using vb 6.0 and i'm using psexec here is my code: shell("psexec //computer1 d:\test.exe") but it is not working by. by the way i am using a cloned system. can anybody help me.. thank you so much.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guyzz i wanted to remove item in the lisview using the for each i want to delete multiple item with similar field in the listview. any help.. for this problem.. it could be possible ? i have here code but it delete only selected item in the listview. (ListView1.ListItems.Remove …

Member Avatar for bluemarine90
Member Avatar for swapna7999

hi i need to connect a vb application to a mysql database which is in a remote server plz suggest solutions thank u very much

Member Avatar for choeychoco
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi all, With BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio)/SSIS, I have a process that downloads zipped CSV files. I store the files using the naming convention from the source ie 03260020-eng.csv. In a script task using BIDS, I would like to rename the file to exclude "-eng" but I'm not sure …

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Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hi to all, now I was about to document the help file of my applicatiion and I thought "How or what kind of controls will I use to have something like waht Microsoft has in a Word application where I can just write the documentation in in such a way …

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Member Avatar for zalen17

Sir good morning. can you give me some codes of how to make a Online Grading Enquiry System using visual basic. i need your help sir beacause this is uour project. hope can you help me.. thnx in advance more power god bless

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for krunal1986

hi, i am getting Run time error '13': Type mismatch error. below is my code: Dim ndMain As Node Set ndMain = TreeMain.Nodes.Add(, , "Root", "Main Menu", "myappname") thanks, krunal

Member Avatar for Bile
Member Avatar for forjustincase

Students Details and Mark Entry Form Input : Number of students, Student Name , Student Id, 5 subject marks entered through inputbox by using dynamic array Output: List of all input Students Grade Form Input: - Output : List of students Name, ID, 5 subjects, Average, Grade Students Grade Analysis …

Member Avatar for forjustincase
Member Avatar for dnk

Hi, I'm manage how to find word in textbox. In textbox : "How i can be a good programer? How i achieve that?" If i want to search "How" then it should return 2 How words in text. Please Help. Thank You.

Member Avatar for Basavaraj16291
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hello I hope all is well. -->>I'm trying to join or select some data from 5 tables by using the following join statement: SQL ="SELECT RegistrationTB.Christian_Name,RegistrationTB.Father_Name,RegistrationTB.Birth_Date," "BaptismTB.Date_Baptised,BaptismTB.Parish_Name,BaptismTB.Minister_Name," & _ "CommunionTB.Date_Communised,CommunionTB.Parish_Name," & _ "ConfirmationTB.LC_No,ConfirmationTB.Date_Confirmation,ConfirmationTB.Parish_Name,ConfirmationTB.Minister_Name," & _ "MarriageTB.LM_No,MarriageTB.Date_Married,MarriageTB.Parish_Name,MarriageTB.Mr_Name,MarriageTB.Mrs_Name,MarriageTB.Certificate_No,MarriageTB.Minister_Name " & _ "FROM RegistrationTB " & _ "INNER JOIN BaptismTB ON RegistrationTB.LB_No=BaptismTB.LB_No " …

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Member Avatar for Bile

-->>I hope all is well... -->>I have tried to use the package and Deployment wizard to create a setup for My application... -->>But the way My setup Icon Is (The default one) makes me feel uncomfortable,as I have an Icon alredy for my application and used it in all of …

Member Avatar for Bile
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hi all... -->>Here is what makes me be unconfortable here... -->>I was trying to develop a Progam that will help me creat a folder and make a copy of my passports -->>I managed to creat a folder but when I try to Copy the files is where I get an …

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Member Avatar for srkv03

Hi, I have been working with some legacy code at work. There seems to be a common logic in storing an entire table in the database as an array. I have got no clue at all as to why this needs to be done. The recordet is open the entire …

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Member Avatar for boher

In my project, I have two seperate forms and in one of them I can add various panels using a button. After adding let's say 5 panels I click on one of them and I need the code to tell me which panelI clicked on. The reason I need this …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for xaves

Is there a way to create a VB6 e-mail program fearturing attachments that bypasses attachment size limitations? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for stillmarooned

Hi all I would like to search a Excel List of names(voters Registration list) by typing a name to see if that person is registered. Can anyone advice me how to do it or provide me with a sample program Many thanks

Member Avatar for stillmarooned
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I would like to know if there is a way to use augmentations on a visual basic.net program? Eg. "ProgramName.exe Command" And i mean on my vb program so i could use a commandline using cmd to do something on my program. Please Help.

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Member Avatar for locsin

Post Thread: Searching Database file if existing or not. How to Add the Microsoft scripting runtime dll in my Project reference menu. I saw Microsoft Script in the components. Is this the file? Anybody can help me or give me step by step procedure to add this Microsoft Scripting runtime …

Member Avatar for ritesh9nair
Member Avatar for albert.staszak

So I have a main form and 5 other forms. When I press a button on the main form, I want it to open Form2 and disable a certain button in form2 so that it cannot be used. I produced this code but the button is still active and there …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Matigo

Hello guys I have got a little programme that been written in Python, I did connect it to an application been created in Visual Basic 2010, But to run the Python file, Of course you will need to install the Python software/Format to be able to run the python file, …

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Member Avatar for yuvjeeth

I wanted to know how to separate contents of a tab from another tab. I tried Deleting It but it was deleted even in tab 1 I used Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control SP6 Any help would be Appreciated Yuvjeeth

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! I have a variable string that will hold numbers...I need a function that will check if the number meets the below criteria: **( Acceptable format )** -accept positive numbers -accept negative numbers -accept single decimal place (ex. 567.89) -will not accept double demical place (ex. 567.89.678) -will not …

Member Avatar for RonalBertogi
Member Avatar for meLiel

**how can i delete a record on a database? im using this codes: Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() Dim con As ADODB.Connection Set con = New ADODB.Connection Dim rsDelete As ADODB.Recordset Set rsDelete = New ADODB.Recordset MsgBox "Are you sure you want to delete?", vbYesNo, "Santo NiƱo Census Info System" ' i …

Member Avatar for RonalBertogi
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to replace a cell value from one excel spreadsheet and save it as another spreadsheet but with the replaced cell value. Please Help

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for magord86

I'm trying to switch "M" to "Mr." and "F" to "Ms." when the last name is selected in the listbox. When I clicked on the first name it worked, but when I clicked on anyother name, I got this error message: --Additional information: Index was outside the bounds of the …

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Member Avatar for Behseini

using MS Excel 2007, and VBA I have two combobox.The first combobox has three items as:{One, Tow, Three} now I would like to load the second combobox based on what user select in combobox1. For example if user select One in the from combobox1 then namebox1 will populate to combox2 …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.