10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for krunal1986
Member Avatar for abu taher

for save I write this........ With rs .Open "Select * from Dad", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic .AddNew !SrNo = cmbbillno '!SrNo = GetNewNo("Dad") !DadItems = cmbIName !DadSize = cmbISize !Dad = txtDadIQty !Dadby = cmbOrTkBy.Text !DadDate = DadDate !deliverydate = deldate !partyname = cmbPartyName !amount = txtamount.Text !due = txtdue.Text !Receive …

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Member Avatar for swilcox1110

I am working on a homework assignment and have been hashing it out for days. Hopefully my novice status with this wears off soon. I am supposed to create an ISP calculator with checked radio buttons and the user enters the hours. Package A = $9.95 for 10 hours each …

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Member Avatar for 2jewel

Hello all, I am having an issue learning some things in visual studio 2013 asp.net using vb. I am following a fellows instruction on doing a report with a parameter. In this part of the code: Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As …

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Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1

I need to search the content from one list (List A, Column A) for the mention of items from another list (List B, Column A), and if any matches are found, I need to publish in Column B of List A the data from Column B of the associated matching …

Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1
Member Avatar for Kayce_1
Member Avatar for GameOKtructuyen
Member Avatar for Lakshmi_1

Hi in my project for printing faxes they connected server remotely now i want to change the servere lo local.Please suggest me on this.

Member Avatar for raymund.climaco.7
Member Avatar for swilcox1110

I am very new to visual basic 2010 and am really struggling with it. My assignment is a fat gram calculator and the example is there are 200 calories in the food and there are 8 grams of fat in the food. The calculator gives the percentage of calories that …

Member Avatar for swilcox1110
Member Avatar for tasmotors
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for noselbond

I am trying to convert access2.0 database to access2010. 2 days trying to recode this to run in access 2010 but no success. Global Const CONNECT_SQL = "ODBC;DSN=PCGINV;DATABASE=pcginv;UID=;PWD=" Global gqdfTemp As QueryDef Global grecSQL As Recordset Sub GetSQL(strSQL As String) On Error GoTo Err_GetSQL Dim db As Database Set db …

Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hello, I need to create password protected PDF file in VB6.0. How can i do this? any reference link, suggestion or source code? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Sajjad_1

hi I want to make a query that first find the sum of two columns of different table then subtract it Example it is a visual basic program Dim large_tbl As String Dim sell_large As String large_tbl = "SELECT Sum(No_Of_Bottle) FROM add_cotton where Cateogry='Large'" sell_large = "SELECT Sum(Quantity) FROM Sell_Detail …

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Member Avatar for alina.nazchowdhury

Every single time I try to use a control from components on vb6, I put the code, I run the program, then when I try to open the same program in another day, its not working, its giving me the error : Line 13: Class MSAdodcLib.Adodc of control Adodc1 was …

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Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends again problem with date function In my form there is a text field -txtDod- of Date type formated like "dd-MMM-yyyy" My input is also formated like "dd-MMM-yyyy" Now see my code Private Sub TxtDod_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Select Case KeyAscii Case vbKeyReturn If Not IsDate(TxtDod) Then LblMsg = "Enter Date …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for noselbond

Need Help.. I have two tables tblRecieve and tblReleased tblReceived --ID-RcvdPcs --1 5 tblReleased --ID-RlsdPCS --1- 2 as you can see i have received 5pcs and i already released 2pcs in same id so the remaining pcs is 3. how do i code this to prevent user to released more …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for vishal anand.s

hi my name is vishal for past 10 days i have been going nuts on how to combine selected datas from 3 or more tables into single sql select query in vb6. i have 4 tables named table1 name: Inward column Name DataType mfr_ref_number text no_of_bundle integer supplier_id integer DC_date …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for methuselah90

I have 2 spreadsheets - uat.xlsx and main.xlsx - both in the same directory. main.xlsx [[Click Here](null)](http://www.excelforum.com/attachments/excel-programming-vba-macros/297600d1392477870-merging-two-spreadsheets-using-vba-based-on-a-number-of-conditions-r1hrn.png) uat.xlsx [Click Here](http://www.excelforum.com/attachments/excel-programming-vba-macros/297601d1392477913-merging-two-spreadsheets-using-vba-based-on-a-number-of-conditions-evdad.png) I am trying to copy across information from uat.xlsx to main.xlsx, by accomplishing the following in VBA (the VBA code will be stored on main.xlsx and launched by button click): …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello, can anyone provide me with some sample code? VBA access. I need an insert into statement where form.control.value = some_column and another.form.control.combobox.value = some_column can anyone help? thanks

Member Avatar for noselbond

I have an old access 2.0 database, i converted it in access 2007 but the old code doesn't work.. i heard that it is about DAO and ADO anyone can help me to convert this DAO code to ADO coding.. thank you so much in advance.. Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Dim …

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Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hope all is well?,I 've been trying to create an ActiveX DLL and Active X EXE but the thing is when I'm finished with My... -->>document and need to see the resulting Interface a problem arises! When I run My file affter having all the settings... -->>in a debugging window …

Member Avatar for Sajjad_1

i have a program relate to account which subtract value of a Customer but problem is when the user amount is same mean ================ ============ Customer Name Amount ================ ============== John 200 Max 100 John 200 if i input 100 the result will be ================ ============ Customer Name Amount ================ …

Member Avatar for ever-jolly

Hello All, When I click a record on the grid it does not display on the form, please help me out. here is my code below: Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_Click() Dim cur As Single cur = 1 MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 11 MSHFlexGrid1.Cols = 11 Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst Do Until Adodc1.Recordset.EOF If MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 1 …

Member Avatar for mehboobss

i have a problem in watermarking code , implementing in vb6.0 someone known Vb6.0 coding contact me... mehboobfraz85@gmail.com

Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1

I am having an impossible time finding a solution for this. I need to combine cell contents in an unusual way (see below), based on if there is an "x" in column A. See below for the exact representation of what I need to do in a worksheet with 200,000 …

Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Just wanna ask if it is possible to add 1 or more DETAIL sections in a VB6 Report. If it is, any link to such or steps on how to do it. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Andrew_10

Hi people, I am doing some unpaid work for a friend on an Access/VB application they have. Everything worked for 5 years and then suddenly one day they got the following error: Run-time error '91': Object varialbe or With block variable not set. When I click on debug it shows …

Member Avatar for Andrew_10
Member Avatar for Nischal_1
Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1

I have a 31,000 line spreadsheet, that will become a printed book. Based on the current column width (which has to stay the same for printing purposes) there are many lines that are only one line of text, and others that wrap to multiple lines. For some reason, for lines …

Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1
Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1

I am trying to combine cells depending on the contents of other cells. If Column A has an "X", I want to combine all cells below it, values seperated with a space, until the next line where an "X" appears. There is also data in Column C, which I don't …


The End.