10,991 Topics
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I want to put the path and name of a spreadsheet, the page and number of pages and the date and time into the footer(s) and display it in Times New Roman 6 pts. I made the following macro: Range("A1").Select ActiveWindow.View = xlPageLayoutView` Application.PrintCommunication = False With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .LeftFooter = … | |
Hi All, I have just completed my project in VB 2008 express edition. Now I want the project to be converted to .EXE so that I can deploy it on other computer / laptop. Could any one please help.... Regards, Ashwin | |
When I format the date so that a field gets the value as year-month-day-hour-minute-second, I omly see the date-portion, the rest is filled with zeros. I use: strDT = Format(Date, "yyyymmddhhmmss") I get '20140226000000' What goes wrong, or how can I get the desired result? | |
How do you pass the data in a field on one form to a field in another form? | |
i want to run this Query with **ADODC control** and show result in **Datagird View** Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Sell_tbl, Stock_Bottle, res As String Sell_tbl = "SELECT Sum((Quantity)*12) FROM Sell_Detail Where Cateogry='Large'" Stock_Bottle = "Select Sum(No_Of_Bottle) FROM Add_Bottle Where Cateogry='Large'" res = ((Sell_tbl) - (Stock_Bottle)) Adodc1.RecordSource = Sell_tbl Adodc1.Refresh Adodc1.Caption … | |
Hello, how to get id of selected row or clicked cell row in datagrid in vb6.0? Thanks | |
for save I write this........ With rs .Open "Select * from Dad", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic .AddNew !SrNo = cmbbillno '!SrNo = GetNewNo("Dad") !DadItems = cmbIName !DadSize = cmbISize !Dad = txtDadIQty !Dadby = cmbOrTkBy.Text !DadDate = DadDate !deliverydate = deldate !partyname = cmbPartyName !amount = txtamount.Text !due = txtdue.Text !Receive … | |
I am working on a homework assignment and have been hashing it out for days. Hopefully my novice status with this wears off soon. I am supposed to create an ISP calculator with checked radio buttons and the user enters the hours. Package A = $9.95 for 10 hours each … | |
Hello all, I am having an issue learning some things in visual studio 2013 asp.net using vb. I am following a fellows instruction on doing a report with a parameter. In this part of the code: Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As … | |
I need to search the content from one list (List A, Column A) for the mention of items from another list (List B, Column A), and if any matches are found, I need to publish in Column B of List A the data from Column B of the associated matching … | |
how to search data from 2 different table using dtpicker?? it is connected to mysql wampserver . please help | |
Hi in my project for printing faxes they connected server remotely now i want to change the servere lo local.Please suggest me on this. | |
how to make registration system only inserting image i need to know please help to my thesis | |
I am very new to visual basic 2010 and am really struggling with it. My assignment is a fat gram calculator and the example is there are 200 calories in the food and there are 8 grams of fat in the food. The calculator gives the percentage of calories that … | |
function fact(n) if n=0 and n=1 then fact=1 else fact=fact*fact(n-1) end fuction | |
I am trying to convert access2.0 database to access2010. 2 days trying to recode this to run in access 2010 but no success. Global Const CONNECT_SQL = "ODBC;DSN=PCGINV;DATABASE=pcginv;UID=;PWD=" Global gqdfTemp As QueryDef Global grecSQL As Recordset Sub GetSQL(strSQL As String) On Error GoTo Err_GetSQL Dim db As Database Set db … | |
Hello, I need to create password protected PDF file in VB6.0. How can i do this? any reference link, suggestion or source code? Thanks. | |
hi I want to make a query that first find the sum of two columns of different table then subtract it Example it is a visual basic program Dim large_tbl As String Dim sell_large As String large_tbl = "SELECT Sum(No_Of_Bottle) FROM add_cotton where Cateogry='Large'" sell_large = "SELECT Sum(Quantity) FROM Sell_Detail … | |
Every single time I try to use a control from components on vb6, I put the code, I run the program, then when I try to open the same program in another day, its not working, its giving me the error : Line 13: Class MSAdodcLib.Adodc of control Adodc1 was … | |
Friends again problem with date function In my form there is a text field -txtDod- of Date type formated like "dd-MMM-yyyy" My input is also formated like "dd-MMM-yyyy" Now see my code Private Sub TxtDod_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Select Case KeyAscii Case vbKeyReturn If Not IsDate(TxtDod) Then LblMsg = "Enter Date … | |
Need Help.. I have two tables tblRecieve and tblReleased tblReceived --ID-RcvdPcs --1 5 tblReleased --ID-RlsdPCS --1- 2 as you can see i have received 5pcs and i already released 2pcs in same id so the remaining pcs is 3. how do i code this to prevent user to released more … | |
hi my name is vishal for past 10 days i have been going nuts on how to combine selected datas from 3 or more tables into single sql select query in vb6. i have 4 tables named table1 name: Inward column Name DataType mfr_ref_number text no_of_bundle integer supplier_id integer DC_date … | |
I have 2 spreadsheets - uat.xlsx and main.xlsx - both in the same directory. main.xlsx [[Click Here](null)](http://www.excelforum.com/attachments/excel-programming-vba-macros/297600d1392477870-merging-two-spreadsheets-using-vba-based-on-a-number-of-conditions-r1hrn.png) uat.xlsx [Click Here](http://www.excelforum.com/attachments/excel-programming-vba-macros/297601d1392477913-merging-two-spreadsheets-using-vba-based-on-a-number-of-conditions-evdad.png) I am trying to copy across information from uat.xlsx to main.xlsx, by accomplishing the following in VBA (the VBA code will be stored on main.xlsx and launched by button click): … | |
Hello, can anyone provide me with some sample code? VBA access. I need an insert into statement where form.control.value = some_column and another.form.control.combobox.value = some_column can anyone help? thanks | |
I have an old access 2.0 database, i converted it in access 2007 but the old code doesn't work.. i heard that it is about DAO and ADO anyone can help me to convert this DAO code to ADO coding.. thank you so much in advance.. Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Dim … | |
-->>Hope all is well?,I 've been trying to create an ActiveX DLL and Active X EXE but the thing is when I'm finished with My... -->>document and need to see the resulting Interface a problem arises! When I run My file affter having all the settings... -->>in a debugging window … | |
i have a program relate to account which subtract value of a Customer but problem is when the user amount is same mean ================ ============ Customer Name Amount ================ ============== John 200 Max 100 John 200 if i input 100 the result will be ================ ============ Customer Name Amount ================ … | |
Hello All, When I click a record on the grid it does not display on the form, please help me out. here is my code below: Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_Click() Dim cur As Single cur = 1 MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 11 MSHFlexGrid1.Cols = 11 Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst Do Until Adodc1.Recordset.EOF If MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 1 … | |
i have a problem in watermarking code , implementing in vb6.0 someone known Vb6.0 coding contact me... mehboobfraz85@gmail.com | |
I am having an impossible time finding a solution for this. I need to combine cell contents in an unusual way (see below), based on if there is an "x" in column A. See below for the exact representation of what I need to do in a worksheet with 200,000 … |
The End.