10,987 Topics

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when I will make a report on vb6 using crystal report 8.5, the error message "Visual Basic has stopped working" what is causing the above?

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi I will from the database only copy some textboxes to excel to specifik place in the excel sheet Just those from the database surename,lastname,adress,zip,zipadress,prn only one at the time PS ! the excel sheet is an invoice one textbox to excel i4 = prn one textbox to excel f9 …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi All, I would like to ask one question about "ScrollX". After using this component, my whole porgram is closed automatically when I close the "Form". Does anyone have better ideal to solve it? Regards

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for fx.eko

how to create a report with data from duatabase on the same server or different servers, using SQL Server 2000, using the **crystal report 8.5** or **data report of VB6 ** For example I have table A and table B with the same table structure, table A is stored in …

Member Avatar for fx.eko
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi What have I done that is wrong the Excell sheet will not be visible I will have it visible when I press the command button Dim objXl As New excel.Application Dim objWb As excel.Workbook Dim xlTmp As excel.Application Set xlTmp = excel.Application xlTmp.Workbooks.open ("c:\kundreg\bokfaktura2.xls") '"bokfaktura2.xls" xlTmp.Workbooks.open ("app.path & \kundreg\bokfaktura2.xls") …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for raymund.climaco.7

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim dbName As String Dim rptName As String Dim Preview As Long Const acNormal = 0 Const acPreview = 2 dbName = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\SVSPTODA REGISTRATION SYSTEM\SVSPREGDB.mdb" rptName = "MyReportName" Preview = acPreview 'acNormal With objAccess .OpenCurrentDatabase filepath:=SVSPGEGDB If Preview = acPreview Then .Visible = True .DoCmd.OpenReport rptName, Preview …

Member Avatar for abelingaw

Was trying to save the contents of a listview column (2nd column) into a table in the dbase, 1 column of the table per content of the listview column, meaning only 1 row will be affected. Here's my code using while loop. Fcount = 2 Scount = 1 While Scount …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for caltech

I found a script on ExtendOffice.com that does this perfectly, except the BCC email address isn't displayed in the field. The value is there, but invisible (as it does indeed work). I want to alter the following code so that the auto-BCC email will be visible in the field when …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for stackOverflow

Hi, I have a problem. I have put up an image on a form of .jpeg format.(copy and pasted).. But when i save it... it works fine at home.. .when i copy it on a cd... it is not saving the background image. Rather ... when I try to open …

Member Avatar for sonunclejalil
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Earlier I raised a question in this forum regarding the sorting of database and Reverend Jim answered me as follows. It was Ok SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY fieldname But then I faced another problem As I mentioned in that I wanted to sort ORDER by 'Tdate' which is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for fourty

Hi Champs, Im using VBA for Excel. and Im trying to use the code below to move through records and increment their values by one since they meet a certain criteria Sub promotion() Dim x As Range Dim y As Integer Sheet2.Range("c2").Activate Do While y < 1002 y = ActiveCell.Row …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for abelingaw

I'm having trouble with the AND operator when I used it 3 times. If Text1.Text = "THIS" And Text2.Text = "THAT" and Text3.Text = "THOSE" then Call Display elseIf Text1.Text = "THIS" And Text2.Text = "THAT" and Text3.Text = "THOSE" then Call Display2 else MsgBox"Failed" End If It always ends …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for vishal anand.s

hi my name is vishal for past 5 days i have been nuts of how to combine data from multiple tables into single table using sql select query (join query) Given below i have tried solution but i get error message data not found. But in table i have datas …

Member Avatar for Gulzar_1

how can i know My Application is already running.I want to abort new application and pop up to user to close already running application.I am using App.PrevInstance object but its not working. I want to use mutex and windowform..how can i use it..Plzz help..

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Member Avatar for omogusu

Hi comrades. I am new to VB6 and I have a problem. I would like to develop a programme that generates a school timetable. The school is three steamed from form one to form four. Some subjects are optional. I am ashamed to repot that I have been thinking of …

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Member Avatar for ever-jolly

Hello everyone, Please can someone help me with a code to find two(2) fields at thesame time. As in with a msgbox "Enter Date" then after that "Enter Shift". Because there are two 'shifts' tied to a 'date' I will really appreciate this help.

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Member Avatar for fx.eko

when I create a program with VB6 and I do storage program that I have made the message "System error & H80004005 (-2147467259). Unspecified error". Can you all enlighten me? thank you for your help

Member Avatar for fx.eko
Member Avatar for fx.eko

when making a component (ocx file) of the combo box, and the wear components of the user control, then I compile it into ocx files. Once finished I include the components of it into the main program. then I do click and drag the combo box to the form, but …

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Member Avatar for benscomputers

I have visual basic 2010 windows application assignment in which I have to populate a one dimensional array from a text file stored in the projects debug folder. The text file is 6 five digit numbers on seperate lines. One number was typed then enter was pressed 6 times. The …

Member Avatar for jeremy.lawrence.7587
Member Avatar for vishal anand.s

hi my name is vishal. I am learning how to transfer vb6 to table in ms Word using adodb. I have done word template named DCS Clinical Report which contains table of 10 columns and 13 rows. I am able to export it as a template but i am unable …

Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends I met with a problem...Please help I have a table 'Tran' in Access Database which has several fields of which one is 'Date' I added several records through programm on different dates.Everything OK. All the records appeared in a chronological way ie.Earlier to Later order . Later I deleted …

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Member Avatar for sanitak

Hi all , Im starting to learn visual basic and I have a question if all dont mind to answer me , I need to know and identify each individual component for this vb commands ? This = That.theOther (something) Much appreciated

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Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hi every one,I have added a Shockwave Flash Control on My project but when I want to save My work I get the stated error... -->>"System Error &H80004005(-2147467259).Unspecified error" can any one help Me to fix it please?... -->>Bile.

Member Avatar for sayiina.bazar

[](http://www.)how does a datagrid for example when you enter a data and it automatically update/enter at the datagrid when you click the next textbox? please i need a clear explanation tnx XD

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends...A small problem I have a combobox in which I want to add list from a field from a ACCESS databas Table.It works well My code is here ACRS.Open "SELECT * FROM Salary1", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic Sfm = ACRS!Month Do Until ACRS.EOF CmbSfm.AddItem ACRS!Month ACRS.MoveNext Loop My problem is , …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for sonunclejalil

my problem is i want to show the picture from folder to image box but it need to find what picture depends on text box, If Right(filStudent.Path, 1) = "\Picture\" Then imgS = filStudent.Path + txtFind Else imgS = filStudent.Path + "\Picture\" + txtFind End If imgStudent.Picture = LoadPicture(imgS) but …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for Jeffrey_1

I copied a list into Excel and some of the list formatted into the neihgboring columns instead of lining up in the list. I need to get the items floating out in the columns back into the proper place in the list. I assume I need to somehow run a …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for Abdul_22

Sir i want to know what is the complete and correct code of daily report of an inventory control system in vb6

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for habenero

If someone was to try and build a pathname (in a source.doc) property, what would be the syntax ? All I'm looking for is: some phantom string variable declarations and how to build that pathname to a file Thanks again and Happy NY to all T

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The End.