10,993 Topics
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Respedted Seniors, I have a form to input a product model detail. When i run the project and choose to click the menu 'Model Master', an error as below occurred. [B]Run-time error '3709': The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. it is either closed or invalid in this … | |
Hi to all, is there any place i can download MSDN Library for VB 6.0? I really need it! with regards! | |
I am trying to develop a subroutine that will send an IM to a user. The idea being if the user is online, the code sends an IM to the user via communicator. If the user is offline, it sends an email. The code does work, in that it does … | |
Good Day Guys, I am trying to develop a system that will connect my webcam into a my vb 6 application system.. I searched through the internet and found some code.. Although i made my system run, i can't fully understand those codes i have copied from the net... Here's … | |
i recieving error on rs.open up to conn on private sub cmdlogin [CODE]Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim sql As String Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Dim button As String Private Sub ConnectToDB() Set conn = New ADODB.Connection conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" & App.Path _ … | |
Hi all im doing a project on bed ordering system. There i'm using some text boxes to display the selected bed item's description ( like manufacturer, size of bed & price of bed). When the user input the value for the quantity text box & click on the add button; … | |
Hey guys ... I'm using VB6 and I need some help I have 3 forms the first form contains "listbox" and "add" button and "edit" button the second one contains a bunch of textboxes and "save" button the third one contains labels now when I click add button it goes … | |
how to save a selected radio button in visual basic so that as you visit the form..its still selected???please help.. | |
I am in the middle of a project where I use four different folders containing all .wav files. Depending on the results of a sign on (ID) I want to use one of the four files. I am using the results of that sign in a "if..then" comparison to determine … | |
Hi All I have some image file. and i want to make my own OCR (Optical Charactor Recognised) Software. Please tell me which control i use. Sorry For My Bad English Thanks In Advance | |
when a datareport show, there has a button to print the page manually. I want when I click the button (to show the data report,it will not show), the page print directly. I don't want to show data report and don't click that button (print) in this page. | |
some data entry in some field. like: ID name amount 01 taher 100 02 kamal 200 01 taher 500 I don't know what data entry in field. in my vb project i have some textbox. I want one textbox show the Id: 01 and other text box show the (total … | |
in my project man can entry their income or expenses. like: paper sale, pencil sale etc. they entry it like: paper $200.00, pencil $100.00. they also made a group or category. here they entry paper and pencil under 'sales' group. so every thing depend on user. here I want the … | |
when i want to link a child command with parent command (in data environment) then show this massage. but i make a relation with same field. then why show this massage. nb: i write sql in command. | |
[CODE]Option Explicit Dim RsSearch As New Recordset Dim inv As ListItem Public Function SearchFucn(SQLString As String, combovalue As String) Set RsSearch = Nothing If DataEnvironment1.Connection1.State = adStateClosed Then DataEnvironment1.Connection1.Open If RsSearch.State <> adStateClosed Then RsSearch.Close With RsSearch .ActiveConnection = DataEnvironment1.Connection1 .Open SQLString End With If RsSearch.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox … | |
Hello Friends, I am converting VB 6 code to VB.Net in VS 2010, Framework 4. I am unable to find equivalent code in VB.Net for ListBox1.Items.Add(New VB6.ListBoxItem("Sam",0)) Error Message: "'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.ListBoxItem' is obsolete". I tried "ListBox1.Items.Add(New ListItem("Sam",0))" but it is not working though I added "Imports System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem". and VB6.Format() Error Message: … | |
Hello, me again. No VB experience and very little SQL experience. I am trying to upgrade a web site, that connects to a SQL DB to track requests. The SQL DB was originally built in SQL 2000 and I did not create the DB or the web pages. The new … | |
I am having problems installing VB 6.0 (Enterprise Edition) in my laptop(Vista) it says "compatibility issues". Can I install VB 6.0 in vista? | |
Hi All, I have a few dos commands that I would like to run / hardcode into my vb6 application my .bat file starts like this @echo off set drive=e:\Backup\ set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y I am setting the drive location using set drive=e:\Backup\ the … | |
Greetings, I have been cracking my skull all weekend trying to find a solution to this, and I have no idea how to search as I'm not sure what to search for (I have performed a search, but it didn't show what I was looking for, hence, the post). I … | |
Hi, I am trying to read the subject line on all of my emails within: Personal Folders|Inbox\TEST I need to do this on the fly (using late binding) and once read delete the email. I am using VBA within MS Access and to say that I have got stuck is … | |
hello, I am novice in the field of visual basic. In my project i want to store and retrieve image from the oracle database from the FORM in run time. i don't know how to do. i read several articles on web. i hadn't got much idea and clear view. … | |
I am making a new program (obviously). And I need some help. In this program, I have up to 23 text boxes. They are meant to edit a file. Not any type of file, just a file, with no extensions. There is text inside the file though. I have tried … | |
damath is look like DAMA but with a twist that contains BASIC MATHEMATICAL OPERATION... hu can give me links that can help to create an AI and also to create a BOARD i dont have any idea in making a game ... this is our thesis proposal pls help me … | |
Hi, can anyone help me with the code for a print button in vb.net. I tried researching on the code but could not find it, can anyone help me out. PLease and Thanks... | |
Hi all, I am designing a program to calculate accrued interest on a loan. the way to go about this is first, u generate a full repayment schedule of the loan using the principle and the duration. then u calculate the interest per month using interest reducing balance method (e.g. … | |
Hello all, How can the sound card be Enabled/Disabled with Vb Code? Is this possible through API call? or maybe registry edit? My app. needs to disable sound card while running then enable afterward. This app will be running on a dedicated system. Using "black box" object. The object's method … | |
I'm having trouble with adding multiple records to a table in access. The fields are number (data type) and I can't change them due to the relationships needed for a query used to calulate amounts. Here is the cade I have currently maybe someone could help me out with this … | |
Hi...This is Chetana!!! My mini-project topic for T.E.I.T is 'Inventory Control System'. I need help for forms to be made for it in vb6.:confused::?: Please help me exactly what forms to be included in my project.:S Please help... | |
Hi, Im new to VB, but and pretty famliar with python. I have some code I need to change from python to VB, to run in an access database. Problem I am running into is I can't slice up my string as I need to. [code=vba] someString = '12ABC1234512345' numberString … |
The End.