10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for Trebron

Hi I hope someone can shed some light on the problem I am having at the momment with an Excel 2010 Sheet, the workbook has 13 sheets with formulas and I rotate the 2 values using vba there are other things going on like a link to SQL server that …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ashvyas

Am having this piece of COde, but whenever am trying to execute this , Dim tsf As TestSetFactory - > error user not defined appears. pls help Dim tdc As TDConnection Sub UpdateStats() 'create QC connection QCconnect_silent "URL", "DOMAIN", "PROJECT", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD" 'process tests getMetrics 'disconnect QCdisconnect End Sub Private …

Member Avatar for amitash

Hi, I want to change the numeric value in a cell to a string with 1000 Separator(,), e.g. numeric 1000 will to string "1,000" and 123456789 will change to string "123,456,789". How to do that in VBA? Thanks

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for amitash

Hi, in Excel I want to use a marco to automate a process so that for all the cells in a Range, if any cell is null, it changes to value 0. How can I achieve that? Thanks!

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for miramiey

Hi, I try to open vb6 file to visual basic 2008 but have a problem during a converting. here's the error that appear, ![26-7-2012_11-44-11_AM](/attachments/large/3/26-7-2012_11-44-11_AM.jpg "26-7-2012_11-44-11_AM") Can anyone please help me to fix this error. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Israelsimba

Im running an accounting package using crystal reports. all my fields are coming from the table except the totals. the problem is i have a running total where the **total income**-**the total expenditure = net income** for each month. the problem is that the opening balance is supposed to be …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for innocentpaul

Can there be a way of connecting a vb 6.0 application to SQL server, how possible is that if am using ADODB?

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Estella

i want to extract icon from exe file. does anyone know how to do this?? thank you very much Regards Estella

Member Avatar for palvani
Member Avatar for katie1988

I'm creating a program where the user can search items in an access database and results are displayed in a listview. When I click search all items are displayed but when I enter an item in the textbox then search nothing is displayed. This is my code Private Sub cmdProdSearch_Click() …

Member Avatar for Bile
Member Avatar for klars247

any1 here can help me how to backup and restore the datbase that im using by just clicking cmdbutton or something like that.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for klars247

**In this code you must type the complete word in the textbox that stored in ur table to shows up in the listview. any1 can help me with this?? it should be base by letters not word.** Private Sub ListView1_click() Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim selected As String If …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for heels

Hi All, I am tasked to generate report templates in excel and I am new to excel, VBA and still learning. A little more information on my task, the information for the report will be extracted from different sheets in the workbook which contains a whole list of calculation and …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for TTTHXC

i have a function in a module that requries integer values. these values are set by the user typing in two textboxes on the form. the texboxes contain Hexadecimal data in string form. function: Friend Function addNewCode(ByVal Location As Integer, ByVal Opcode As Integer) As Boolean If (Not LocStack.Count < …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mavtcr

**Dear All,** I am a new entrant in the **DANIWEB**.I am a beginner in Visual Basics.Self studying through browsing the net.I want to make a small programme to be used by 5 or 6 users.in a stand alone computer.How this user management system can be coded.The following operations are required. …

Member Avatar for mavtcr
Member Avatar for sheick21
Member Avatar for alexander1s

Hello, I would like some advices with my program, i having issues I have a program in visual basic that is linked to access database using the connection wizard. in access i set the number field to autonumber but in visual basic i putting as a text because it would …

Member Avatar for Bile
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hi all out there... -->>I developed my application in windows 7 lately but my OS crashed suddenly so I decided to install XP SVC-Pack3 -->>I installed back my VB 6.0 but when I run my Application the Codes that were fine in V=Windows 7 are now Mulfunctioning... -->>Now Iam going …

Member Avatar for Bile
Member Avatar for teppuus

Hello, I am working on debugging a program at my job. My coworker who wrote the program passed away last year, so it fell to me to try and update some changes we needed. I am a novice at programming and VB6 but was able to make the changes. Unfortunately, …

Member Avatar for teppuus
Member Avatar for fafa70

hi. i have a panel in a form and a button. iwant to write a program that when i push the button,a circle be drawn in panel but problem is here. because the handler in button is eventArgs but the panel is paintEventArgs. can someone give me a suggestion for …

Member Avatar for Pride
Member Avatar for BadVinegar

I'm fairly new to visual basic. I was trying to make a program that generates code for you, based on whatever the user inputs. But whenever I click generate, I get this error "Invalid CastException was unhandled. Conversion from string "//Generated using MAYAN. Minecr" to type 'Double' is not valid." …

Member Avatar for BadVinegar
Member Avatar for Nitro40

I would like to silently print PDF files from the hard drive to a named printer, which may or may not be the default printer. In the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/showthread.php?t=17156"]this thread[/URL], it shows how to silently print the PDF but it always goes to the default printer. Is there a command line …

Member Avatar for dan7
Member Avatar for nquadr

Hi, I wanted to find out if there was a way to design a macro that takes information from a column in Excel to a text box on a webpage. I have over 600 records that I can input 15 at a time. I would like to run a macro …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for JoThousand

Hi, I'm creating a bookmarks system for my web browser. I'm learning how to use XML files with VB.Net, so my bookmarks are stored in an XML file. When I want to add a new bookmark, the code below works, but it only allows for one bookmark. How can I …

Member Avatar for JoThousand
Member Avatar for GregDen

Hi all, Can someone please help me. I'm writing a VB5 app that connects to an Access 97 database using a data access control with the following parameters: Connect = "Access" DefaultType = 2 'UseODBC Exclusive = 0 'False Options = 0 ReadOnly = 0 'False RecordsetType = 1 'Dynaset …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Medearns

hello all, please help me in Finding the pixel values of an image using visual basic ...pls attend, i need it urgently..! tnx

Member Avatar for SudoWin
Member Avatar for me_coolvibes

Hi, I am trying to call some MATLAB functions from my Visual Basic App. I have referred to the mathworks documentation, but havent been able to find much information. Also, I need an ocx/activex component to be able to display the results of some matlab plots that I'll access through …

Member Avatar for GregDen

I am writing a VB app that provides the user with a menu of reports written in Crystal Reports 4.6. When the user selects a report, it is shown in the Crystal Reports preview window from where it can be printed to the selected printer. My problem is that the …

Member Avatar for GregDen
Member Avatar for tjamesp

Hi, I am trying to write a macro in Excel 2003 that will sort some data and delete the unwanted rows. Basically, starting on line 3, in columns C to L, if the charater strings "N" or "NI" DO NOT appear, I want to delete the row. The number of …

Member Avatar for hectop
Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for abathurst

So I'm uploading multiple images to a folder and inserting the images information to a database. The upload and insert is working great but the loop is running twice for each file and adding the information into the databse twice. I am unsure as to why this is happening. Please …

Member Avatar for chunkbar

The End.