10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Manu Krrish

XML,Excel Macros Hi I am working on some stuff where i need to Import the data present in XML file to excel sheet. i wrote below code for it Sub ImportXMLtoList() Dim strTargetFile As String Application.DisplayAlerts = False strTargetFile = "C:\BookData.xml" Workbooks.OpenXML Filename:=strTargetFile, LoadOption:=xlXmlLoadImportToList Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub But …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for umesh.sahni.35

i have record saved in access database. with few fields, like item,rate,qty,total, p_date. i need to generate report of system date record only. suggest me that this sql statement will work or not, select*from table1 where p_date=date$;

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for johncornelius23

hello, I'm making an enrollment and billing system and I'm just going to ask how do I connect a database in visual basic? I'm using vb 6 and ms access

Member Avatar for Justinvzepeda
Member Avatar for alokshri67

Hi All, I want to enter special character like signs of alpha beta gamma theta and store same in ms access database . How can it is possible. It is possible with MS Word because we can change fonts in single line. Thanks Alok Shrivastava

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for JCSAYRE

Does anyone know of a way to invoke the DOS "ROUTE" command(s). I have written a .bat program that adds routes, but I want to take a particular interface from my ROUTE PRINT output and then ROUTE ADD the routes to that interface. Since that interface is dynamic due to …

Member Avatar for azam575
Member Avatar for jpunkins

Here's thought I had while working on a project for a Visual Basic class. First off, we were required to create an application that shuffled and dealt a poker hand of 5 cards out of a 52 card deck. The code we are using to generate the seed for the …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Bile

Hi,everyone I am trying to develop a simple program that will register Users with the following requirements as reflected with the fields on the interface: imgPassport.Picture ‘This is the Image for accepting Passport Size provided by the user lblPicture_Name.Caption = "User's Passport Size" ‘This is the Label to display the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for angelopride

hi i'm angelo from manila can anyone helps me on how can i start my contract system using visual basic 6.0 example: i have a documents like contract then the company wants to print my documents to check because there are times that we have a typographical error when rushing …

Member Avatar for trystan4861
Member Avatar for vanessa.difranco

I am trying to add a logo into cells A1:J1 (they have already been merged). I have the logo set as the background of 2 different userforms. I can't figure out how to get the image from the background and into the merged cells on the worksheet. PLEASE HELP!!!

Member Avatar for trystan4861
Member Avatar for cuddle

Hi, I am replying to a senders email through vb6.I need to add the body of the senders email with the reply.How Can i do that. SendEmailToSender item.SenderEmailAddress, "Subject", "Bodytext", "c:/Attachment" So instead of hardcoding the body text I need to copy the body from senders email and sent it …

Member Avatar for trystan4861
Member Avatar for yosia.tama

I want to build an application to compute operations research with linear programming simplex method using Visual Basic 6.0 I need anybody help to finish my project. sample program will be helpfull. thanks verry much I say to anybody who want to help me.

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for nagatron

Hello to all vb programmers. I need a little help on how to run a dos command line using visual basic. I have this dos command line: C:\Documents and Settings\nagatron> echo Main-Class: ProgressBarStep >manifest.txt where it create a manifest.txt file inside the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\nagatron". How can I execute …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Manu Krrish

Hi , I am new to Dani Web after browsing so many sites i have found this site as usefull. Saw replied to all queries that posted here.In the same Hope i am posting my Query here. I want to automate a webpage using excel macros.The issues i am facing …

Member Avatar for Manu Krrish
Member Avatar for vikitech

I am looking for a freelance software developer who can develop a software for CCD camera using the companys SDK. Persons with experience in VB6 preferred. Other with VC++ can also mail me. mail me as soon as possible for more details. mail: **vikitech@yahoo.com**

Member Avatar for niall_heavey

Hi all, I'm currently trying to use an inherited excel macro. I did not write it (and would not have the skills to write VB either) But i've been getting a number of errors while running this code. I've got through a lot of them but now can't figure this …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ruudycruise

Please i dont know how to bubble sort using the command buttons to swap textboxes from 1- 5.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for johncornelius23

please help me I'm having error in rs.Open "SELECT * FROM [tbladmin] WHERE [username]= '" & txtUsername.Text & "'", con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic I think my code is right I dunno where I went wrong. Dim strUserName As String, strPassword As String Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for jarrodoliver1

Hey guys, Im making a program that will be used by graffiti collectors. There will need to be an import picture button l which will import a picture from your selected drive, and there will also be a take picture button, which i am having trouble with. Any help would …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

God day! Any body has ha clear and good example on how to use Let and Get function? Thank you!

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jarrodoliver1

Hey guys, Im quite new to vb and i've got a school project. Im making a game somewhat similar to the 'idiot test' series. I'm trying to make a counter that will count the number of clicks, which will also be displayed. I'll obviously display it with a label and …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! I just want to ask on what is the best ADO connection string to connect to MS Access fast? and what is the fastest way to create it? And also, where in the project to best put it so that all forms in the project will use it …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Steelchords

This may not be the best location for this thread, but it's 5 am, I've been working on this for almost a day and a half straight, and I'm pure stumped. For a custom MS Access .mdb program, the database properties are locked out. In order to fix the database …

Member Avatar for jaguararo
Member Avatar for fabrizio19

Dear forummembers, Well I am a total noob in visual basic programming, but I want to make a program that opens an ascii file that i choose and reads the file line per line. The ascii file excist as follow 0.0000 Start of measurement time id rx dlc b0 b1 …

Member Avatar for frnds2vivek

When I tried registering the system32 dll using regsvr32, I came across this error : "**p2sodbc.dll was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found. This file can not be registered.**" Help out guyz...

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for stillmarooned

Hi all I hope some one copld help me with this. I have a datareport works fine as it is I have a report textbox txtsex I have 2 labels Pregnancy and Children If txtsex is Male the 2 labels captions should be "" My present code below gives me …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for samrudhi_12
Member Avatar for imarc

Hello all! I have hit a small bump in my development of a program I am working on. Basically what I need to happen is this; for each item in the listview it executes a SQL query to input values into a database. In this case it pulls the quantity …

Member Avatar for imarc
Member Avatar for Blank808
Member Avatar for code_dude

Hi, i'm a newbie in visual basic. my teacher asked me to create a 3 page questionaire (1 question per page) which has a timer counting down. when the time expires, it dispalys "time is out" and saves the questions in a text file. please help me.

Member Avatar for code_dude
Member Avatar for bantex07

Any body Know how to Connect ListView to DataReport?? for Printing Please i nid help

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.