10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for thabang.b.kekana

Create a class called SecretEngine in this project. Inside, create a single Shared function called Secretify that will accept either:  a single string parameter  a string and a Boolean value parameters Secretify will return a string based on the following – if Secretify is invoked with the following …

Member Avatar for Bile
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hello Everyone. I am making a tool in which I want a button to do the following job e.g; A=(1,2,3) Signature Guide B=(1,2,4) File Signature In short I am making an antivirus, every thing is done, except "clean" button. I want that the clean button should do the following job. …

Member Avatar for saseless
Member Avatar for drelix01

Hello guys, I made a simple program that Add, Saves, Edit & Retrieves Data from a MS Access DB... Dim arrImage() As Byte Dim strImage As String If Not IsNothing(Me.ImageBox.Image) Then Me.ImageBox.Image.Save(myMs, Me.ImageBox.Image.RawFormat) arrImage = myMs.GetBuffer strImage = "?" Else arrImage = Nothing strImage = "NULL" End If myqry = …

Member Avatar for Maligui
Member Avatar for amitash

Hi, I have created a label template in Word and written a macro to print all records (see code below printAllRecords() and attachments) from an Excel datasource. The problem is when I press F2 (defined function key to print all records in my macro), it prints the 1st page once …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Abwada

Can some one help me with the code for an event procedure to automate the billing system of a supermarket. Give the details of database tables, forms, controls and menu design (if any). Make assumptions, wherever necessary.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for yeeitsneo

hi. so i need help in understanding this program. its a hindu arabic - roman numeral converter. i got it from some site. i cant seem to understand how the whole process goes. Const sMatrix As String = "I~V~X~L~C~D~M" Private Function toroman(ByVal sDecNum As String) As String Text1.Text = sDecNum …

Member Avatar for yeeitsneo
Member Avatar for johncornelius23

this is my code for the login form using ms access would someone please help me? Everytime I run the program, it usually says connection cannot be used. If I would debug the program it will highlight "rspassword.Open "Select * from table1" I also used a module here Public rs …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for azilana

Hi! Anybody know how to interface a transmitter of RC helicopter with the parallel port? The transmitter has joysticks. I have to control it with my GUI in visual basic. I'm not good at it. Please help. Thanks!

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for achilleus1234

I currently found a piece of code on a website but i can't get it to work it always reports fail. Pls help. Private Function FindImage(Image1 As Bitmap, Image2 As Bitmap) As Point For y = 0 To Image1.Height - Image2.Height - 1 For x = 0 To Image1.Width - …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for yeeitsneo

soooo. i saw a working code for a hindu arabic - roman numeral converter. the thing is. i need to fully understand the code. so i need someone who could explain the code clearly to me. line by line as for me to fully understand the program. newbie here. you …

Member Avatar for yeeitsneo
Member Avatar for johncornelius23

whenever I try to run it I have a compile error in connecting my database this is my code Dim con As Adodb.Recordset Dim conn1 As Adodb.Connection Private Sub mygdb() Set con = New Adodb.Connection con.CursorLocation = adUseClient con.Open "PROVIDER = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source =" & App.Path & "\enrolment.mdb;" End Sub

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for el fahem

i'm at the begining of using vb6 , so i ask if some one send me a nice web site that contain training video vb6 and i want also a nice web site that teach vb code

Member Avatar for frnds2vivek
Member Avatar for frnds2vivek

Hi, Working on a project I found p2sodbc.dll file was missing from the test pc. I copied it from the devlopment pc to the system32 folder of the test pc. When I tried registering the dll using regsvr32, I came across this error : "**p2sodbc.dll was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer …

Member Avatar for minbor

Hello, Is there a way to create a user using Membership.CreateUser for another application? I have tho websites (A and B) and when I create a user for website A I need a user to be created B also. I can't link them to use the same database. Is there …

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Member Avatar for imshane

I have a thesis proposal which is an enrollment system for high school..my back end would be ms access and i'll use VB6.0 as my front, but the problem is im not very much knowledgable about data reports.the reports to be generated are:**report card(form138),permanent record(form137),form 18 or the promotion form** …

Member Avatar for newbie26

hi.how can i filter dates from the database in crystal report syntax? i tried {tblname.datetimefield} >= format(text1,"yyyy-mm-dd") and (tblname.datetimefield} <= format(text2,"yyyy-mm-dd"). but this gives me error, "a date is required here". my database field is in datetime data type.with format 0000-00-00 i also tried Date({tblname.datetimefield} )>= format(text1,"yyyy-mm-dd") and Date({tblname.datetimefield} <= …

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Member Avatar for pclarkeo

Hi there, I have been working in a company for the last 4 years that develop a large vb6 app. For 3 of those years, we have been expierencing "Out of Memory" issues. This manifests itself as an Out of Memory error when compiling. As I said it is a …

Member Avatar for WickyVb
Member Avatar for frnds2vivek

Hi, The code is executing perfectly on the dev pc. When after completing the setup, the exe file is executed on test console, I am getting this error : "**Run-time error '20532' cannot find database DLL**" I believe this is a general crystal report error as it comes when I …

Member Avatar for frnds2vivek
Member Avatar for Divinedar

I am trying to do the following in excel 2010: For instance: If I have a directory file name "Brazilian Navy Ku" and then I have another directory file folder name " Brazilian Aeronautical VSAT Spares"; then it will go through the first directory file folder name, search for excel …

Member Avatar for Divinedar
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends I am new to asp.net, i want to display menu title from database using VB in asp.net, the display should be done in list format while href tag, i am expecting the display as below menu1 menu2 menu3 Please can any one help me to solve this issue.

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for MaxRevenge

i made a couple of buttons in photoshop. then i animated them in flash cs3. as in when u click them they look pressed and look normal otherwise. then i played them in vb6 form using the shockwave flash control. thats all pretty and good. but thing is when i …

Member Avatar for amitash

Hi, in Excel I can use below code to call a function via a shortcut, how can I do exactly in Word? Thanks! Application.OnKey "{F1}", "functionToCall"

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hope Its Cull to all,Iam having this proble of MDI form...I have a Child form with a cute interface but what discourage me is when I maxmise or recise MDI form the Interface of the child form becomes some what Ugly as all the controlls seems to align from Top …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vonnoy

helo, im a junior programer need help with sample codes in student registration and acccounts. i really dont have any idea how to create this program. thanks and more power to all. please reply....God Bless.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Trebron

Hi I hope someone can shed some light on the problem I am having at the momment with an Excel 2010 Sheet, the workbook has 13 sheets with formulas and I rotate the 2 values using vba there are other things going on like a link to SQL server that …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ashvyas

Am having this piece of COde, but whenever am trying to execute this , Dim tsf As TestSetFactory - > error user not defined appears. pls help Dim tdc As TDConnection Sub UpdateStats() 'create QC connection QCconnect_silent "URL", "DOMAIN", "PROJECT", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD" 'process tests getMetrics 'disconnect QCdisconnect End Sub Private …

Member Avatar for amitash

Hi, I want to change the numeric value in a cell to a string with 1000 Separator(,), e.g. numeric 1000 will to string "1,000" and 123456789 will change to string "123,456,789". How to do that in VBA? Thanks

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for amitash

Hi, in Excel I want to use a marco to automate a process so that for all the cells in a Range, if any cell is null, it changes to value 0. How can I achieve that? Thanks!

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for miramiey

Hi, I try to open vb6 file to visual basic 2008 but have a problem during a converting. here's the error that appear, ![26-7-2012_11-44-11_AM](/attachments/large/3/26-7-2012_11-44-11_AM.jpg "26-7-2012_11-44-11_AM") Can anyone please help me to fix this error. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Israelsimba

Im running an accounting package using crystal reports. all my fields are coming from the table except the totals. the problem is i have a running total where the **total income**-**the total expenditure = net income** for each month. the problem is that the opening balance is supposed to be …

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The End.