10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for BuilderSoft

Please help. I have array. Debit Site Credit Site Line Voucher ArrData(0) 306 335 2 33500024 ArrData(1) 320 335 1 33500024 ArrData(2) 809 335 3 33500025 ArrData(3) 809 555 3 55500010 ArrData(4) 809 555 3 55500011 ArrData(5) 810 335 1 33500025 ArrData(6) 810 555 1 55500011 ArrData(7) 810 555 1 …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for hogbonna1

Pls can any one help me out, I have an class project to use Vb6.0 to receive sms sent to my phone. I A̶̲̥̅♏ nwe in vb don't even know where to start. Please any help would be appriceted. Email to emmanuelh74@yahoo.co.uk thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Ewald Horn
Member Avatar for ponsy

hi why does this prompt a wrong pass? plss help. :( Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox1.Text = "Username" And TextBox2.Text = "Password Then" Then Me.Hide() Form2.Show() Else MsgBox("Wrong Username of Password.", vbExclamation, "Wrong") End If

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for muthuivs

Hi Guys/Gals, I am trying to print a tiff image using vb6, any Idea how to do this by using somekind of print function and calling the tiff file that needs to be printed. EG: I have 101.tiff saved in c:\Scans, and I need vb code to send this to …

Member Avatar for arronlee
Member Avatar for Vaggelis

Hello everybody, Ι want to make an application that does multiple mathematical actions such as solving second degree equations and indentities I've created all the forms I need for it work but I cant create the main form that the user will use to choose what action will be executed, …

Member Avatar for Vaggelis
Member Avatar for nguyenyen

Hi all, I'm using vb6. I'd like to get number of copies when user printing. It means that after I adjust all information in vslexgrid and print it by vslexgrid.printgrid "",true,10,20 after that print preview dialog appear and number of copies can be entered by users. I want to get …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for hapticz

i want to use a listview with pehaps 9 or 10 columns w header, checkbox's and then replicate the entire (or selected) lines into an identical listview. can this be done at runtime or must i prepare (header,font, etc) each subindexed listview object at design time?

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for suika

Hi, I am using VB6 and phpMyAdmin connected by WAMPServer for my system. I am new in this language. Here's the code in my that seems to be wrong: Private Sub cmdsubmit_Click() Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim strsql As String strsql = "insert into table1 ( surname, firstname, middlename, house, …

Member Avatar for hapticz
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi all, I am a naive programmer to VB and VB.Net, I have mostly used C# and now I am stuck at a simple point as follows :- CollectionView.CollectionChanged += Function(sender, e) RebuildSearchIndex() I don't have any idea how to replace "+=" as its showing some error. Requesting you all …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I am populating my frame from different pages and showing the output as a grid. Following is my xaml code :- <Frame x:Name="mainFrame" Grid.Row="1" JournalOwnership="UsesParentJournal" /> and xaml.cs :- mainFrame.Source = New Uri("Views/ProductsPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative); But I want to change the selected/unselected (focused/non-focused) row colors in this frame and …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for Encheiridion

hi, i need to past *.x 3d model file into vb6 script. can someone recomend some comprehensively teaching online redaction about? it will be good if there could possibly find way of puting multiple objects in. ex three to see the regle. thanks, i will publish the resultats, for next …

Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

hi every one , i have this Question and i hope if i find an answer about it , can i convert a pdf file to image using vb6 ??

Member Avatar for LozeeS
Member Avatar for mark.scutt.7

Hiya, please can you help: In my poker program I used to have loads of code for the 10 player slots, I used to ElseIf through each player in each player spot. Tonnes of code. Now I want to loop through so I have only one set of code. The …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hello I have a problem that is as follows. One list box with 30 perons in it and I have command(index) from a - z when I dblclick on a name it fill all the textboxes good but I will have it like when I dblclick on a name in …

Member Avatar for LeNenne
Member Avatar for Encheiridion

hi, i use wmp control to obtain sound. in normal (without dx) application runs fine. few months ago i made vb6 program with dx and everythin was ok with sound. now running this soft i hear buzzing, scratching noise. what could happen? (wpm control gives noise only in program with …

Member Avatar for razamughal67

hello everyone i want to fill description box below the link in vb6 when we press a command botton we use already many types of commands to fill this page form fields. everything is ok but description text box not fill. please give me a source code . what can …

Member Avatar for teepu.ahmad

** # 1. ## Dar-Ul-Sadar sharqi RabwahBold Text Here ## 1. Item One My books 2. Item Two My bed**Rehman Abad ** 3. Item Three TV # **

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for alina.nazchowdhury

How to save a text information with the formatting italic, bold, underline, small, medium, large? I have a menu, from where I can Save the text as a file, Open a file in my text editor, Exit from my program, but I don't know the coding for Saving and Opening …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for Mushtaque

Dear users. i am making user choice database programe. how can i make relationship between multi combo box. IN FORM1 for example. Table 1 customer name city name area name NY FL TO ETC tabel 2 INVOICE combox1 area(NY) thyen display specify area customers IN COMBO BOX 2 combox2 customers …

Member Avatar for GhostWolf
Member Avatar for hawkz86

Hi I am a fresher to VB and now stuck with a code for my project. Project Description : I have a .xlsx Excel File which has two Coulmns "Key" and "Summary", I have populated combobox on the form using DataSet as shown below : Dim dt As New System.Data.DataTable() …

Member Avatar for hawkz86
Member Avatar for sonunclejalil

i got a problem where i want to show a picture that i've save in access and want to show the picture in vb, If rs.EOF = True Or rs.BOF = True Then MsgBox "Your Name Is Not In Data" Else txtname = rs.Fields("NAME") txtreg = rs.Fields("MATRIX NO") txtic = …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for nel gomez

Good day, Just want to ask some help, Please! I always encounter "Cannot find Table 0" when i call Stored Procedure in DB2 using VB .Net with Ole DBConnection Provider. Here is my code: Private Sub cmdPost_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdPost.Click rsSearch = clsDAOMngr.getConfigParam(2) For …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

please help me with my code. When I enter the exact filename in the text1.text it will find the filename.dat in my folder. but it seems the code cant find it even i type the exact filename even the case. strBackSlash = IIf(Right$(App.Path, 1) = "\", "", "\") strEmpFileName = …

Member Avatar for GhostWolf
Member Avatar for archangel1177

Hello, I have a question about a sheet that we have been working with here for several months and it is now displaying some odd behavior. What we are doing is using a sheet to collect hourly performance data for the machinery that was have running in our areas. It …

Member Avatar for GhostWolf
Member Avatar for sonunclejalil

i got a problem where i want use 2 form which form 1 is to find info in database and form 2 for show the data but when i use call form 2, the pop up appear as invalid below is my coding Private Sub cmdFind_Click() con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Fairus\Documents\docklet\my …

Member Avatar for GhostWolf
Member Avatar for muhammad_46

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim FromModem$ On Error Resume Next For i% = 1 To 6 MSComm1.CommPort = i% If MSComm1.PortOpen = False Then MSComm1.PortOpen = True MSComm1.InBufferCount = 0 Label8.Caption = " PORT " & i% pb1.Value = pb1.Value + 10 List2.AddItem i% Text1.Text = "Searching Modem Port" & i% …

Member Avatar for micca.jhai

Can someone help me I'm having some problem with this. I am supposed to make a sytem that will alert if the medicine was expired. here is my code. Private Sub DataGrid1_Click() On Error Resume Next Command2.Enabled = True With frmmed1 .Combo1 = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("MedicineName") .Text3.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("StockQuantity") .Combo2 = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("Expmonth") …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for bantex07

I was thinking if someone could help me to connect the Bar code scanner with Visual Basic 6.0? Help me please.!

Member Avatar for tahir zafar
Member Avatar for lotop12

Hi, I'm very new to VB and, I would like to see an example of how to create a menu with an input field and action that when you hit return, an output is displayed, for example, the input may be a number and the output a corresponding string. Thanks

Member Avatar for taebak3
Member Avatar for bratinela

hi.please help me how to program a command search in simple way.because all sight here so hard and i'm just a beginner in vb6.with adodc codes,thanks :)))

Member Avatar for ImZick

The End.