10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for xZombeast

Ok, well I am new to VB, but have a general idea of it, and im trying to make a program that does the following (and it fairly simple) button 1 = Open button 2 = search and replace textbox = text to search for replace = a given, non …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, i'm developing a project on employees. I have added a list box and now i need help to display the data about my employees in the list box. How am i supposed to do that, do we have to put in codes or need to use that small arrow …

Member Avatar for Naushad Malik
Member Avatar for foxyuva

hi all, any one can help me that when i tried to connect .dbf foxpro3.0 database file to DAO control it throws an error like this "'F:\database\accno.dbf' isn't a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Bob Jacobs
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jjemphoung

hey dear experts is there a way to shutdown computer after downloading a file from the internet in vb6? i already know an effective forcefull shutdown code in vb6. i just want to execute that code after i finished downloading a file from the internet. how can i do it? …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Panicbutton

So I am having trouble with visual basic. I've scoured several forums (although someone might link me to another thread on this one) and have not been able to find a solution to my problem. I need to stop the code from running for an amount of time that varies …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for cptspock

I have the strangest problem. First let me state that I am by no means an expert on either Web Applications or SQL. I have however, been delegated this project and have made some progress. First, all the servers for a small office I work in were upgraded to 64 …

Member Avatar for cptspock
Member Avatar for CarlMartin10

I have a program in which a user enters a sentence in English into a text box, then the sentence is translated into French and German based on words in an array of structures that gets its values from a text file. I have almost all of the program written, …

Member Avatar for jleonardo
Member Avatar for athan20

Hi, Please help me, this is my activity the Rock, Paper and Scissors Game, I need codes for this game. Like the game the program should determine the winner. In my output (please see attached), the Player1 and Player 2 should choose each a hand gestures in commands buttons: rock, …

Member Avatar for athan20
Member Avatar for curiousstudent

I need to run a batch file batch file which is stored in my C folder. When I run this file, I get the following on the cmd. 1 APs were seen MAC Address SSID RSSI 00:27:0d:b6:df:10 IBM -93 Press any key to continue . . . Now, I need …

Member Avatar for jonniebl

I am writing a program that sends an email with attachments. I need to send it as HTML but I can not find any reference as to how to do this. My code follows: [ Private Sub sendMail(ByRef Message) Dim Attach As Attachment Attach = New Attachment("c:\Project\Articles1\Article.txt") 'create the mail …

Member Avatar for jonniebl
Member Avatar for Tank1970

Hi all I was working on a program and really need some help with my coding. Here is code I'm working on thanks for your advice in advance. 'this program will Display Year of age and days on earth assumming the current date is 12/31/2006, the user types 1980 into …

Member Avatar for Tank1970
Member Avatar for Talguy

I am getting runtime error 424 when I try to access my global dictionary's count. It works fine when in the sub routine that initializes the dictionary and right after the sub routine was called inside the form_open event. Why would I be getting this error when I click a …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for samivel

please guide me how to insert a picture to a particular cell in excel sheet? I used the following code, but it inserts the picture in the excel file not in the cell I specified. Dim xApp As Object Dim xWb As Object Dim xWs As Object Dim img as …

Member Avatar for Pilgrim-Last
Member Avatar for xReD

hi there,i have problem with insert image into mysql.... is there any function that can be use ??? please help me :?:

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for Talguy

Why is it that when I call recordCount on a rescordset it returns 1 even when I know that there is two different records in it and able to access those two records in the set.

Member Avatar for Talguy
Member Avatar for fourty

Hi pipo, I have a MSACCESS db linked with my project. The db has related tables but when i delete fields from one table, related fields in other tables dont go Plz help

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for nandhini.m

hi i am nandhini i hv a mini proj based on any lang like vb or sql with a database.... i am new 2 dis type of proj so plz help me out plz....................

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for fourty

I created a form to calculate sign in time, sign out time, and the elapsed duration. Below is my code. CAn anyone please tell me where i dont get it. Sign in time is OK,Sign out time OK but the worked hrs is not.. Any Help??? Option Explicit Dim signin …

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Member Avatar for fourty
Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for insane708

Hi all, I've a Microsoft Access query problem that need help. I'm accessing the database via Visual Basic 6 Jet engine let's say the string value in the field as following:- 1111 1010 1234 I wanted to write a query to return any records that have the value of "1" …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for leesysmuthu
Member Avatar for 3d0army

Hi all. I'm brand new here, been on the site for about 1 minute, and I have a question. Not sure if I'm in the right thread, but the question is for VB6. This may sound basic, but I am making a program, that will open WAV music files by …

Member Avatar for 3d0army
Member Avatar for kanbear11

Hi so i need to pull info from a web page and i want to rotate through a list of stock codes. sheet 1 contains a list of companies stock codes starting at cell "a9" including rloc, dis, wmt. Basically I'm going to have a macro that pulls the web …

Member Avatar for gurupts

how to fix a search function in vb 6.0 to search in ms access database. i have installed vb & ms access only.and i want to generate a report of search result in the form. thanks for any help...

Member Avatar for fourty
Member Avatar for lucky29

Private WithEvents i_Toolbar As Toolbar <== ERROR HERE WITH "Object does not source automation events" How Can i solve this error ?? Please help me

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for santosh5471
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for neosonic

hi, I have got a polybezier curve which is constructed by 4 points: (xa,ya), (xb,yb), (xc,yc), (xd,yd). I draw it in the large picture box. I want to calculate the length of that curve as close as possible. and I came across this site: [url]http://www.angusj.com/delphitips/beziertext.php[/url] which tells me that I …

Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Am working on a project using vb.net and i have connected a database to it. I have an employee table within that and now i want to create a search box in vb.net where by if i type the employee-number of the employee i can get access to his or …

Member Avatar for Jollyyy100
Member Avatar for shawarmah

When i click "showcontents" it should display something like this in the label IF the file is non-text. The problem is it would not show some non-text files.. or it would only display a few characters like "MZ" Another is the copy button doesnt work. It should copy a file …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr

The End.