10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for ThrasherK

I am new to programming but when I took my class on Visual Basic it seemed so easy and I learned it so fast. It seemed like a giant puzzle. Now I am taking a introduction course to C++ and I cannot seem to grasp the material at all. When …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for sophie_kiu

NEED HELP !! Is it possible to run a DTS package( which has been saved as VB file) on a remote computer which does not have the SQL server installed? If yes, could u pls tell me in detail? I have searched a lot of inofrmation on internet like registering …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for leverin4

Is it possible to rewrite the following VB.NET code in VB6? [CODE]Dim Names(,) As String = New String(,) {{"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, …

Member Avatar for leverin4
Member Avatar for coalminer17

I am updating an Access 97 DB w/ VBA code to Access 2007. The VBA code uses DAO objects that Access 2007 references when I converted the db files (first from 97 to 2002, then to 2007). My problem specifically is with the two references: "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" …

Member Avatar for java_programmer

Hi, I am writing a program in Excel Macro, where I need to create an array and then have to check wheather an element exists or not in that array. I have created the array as follows - Dim tmpArr(1 to 10) as Integer tmpArr = Array(2,4,6,8,10) Now, i can't …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for jenmhack

hi can you please help me with my project??? it is all about on making a map of the realty houses...and i dont have an idea to do it.. my teacher said..the concept is when you search the person his/her house will zoom in..please help me...

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin

is there a way to take data from msflexgrid and put it into a ready made excel file(meaning some boxes in excel is already filled)? And it is put into some specific place in the Excel template. Data from MSFlexGrid-->Excel Template. Thank you.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for asweta

Hiiiiii. this is asweta here . can you suggest me topic for my project on VB . i am 3rd sem IT engg student

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for TeBone

at a current project I was ask to provide a native access using Visual Basic and the Btrieve API. Since there isnt any actual sample at the website availabel ([url]www.pervasive.com[/url]) I thought posting it might help some of you. You can find sample code but almost all of them using …

Member Avatar for aparnesh

I am using a Data Environment to create a data report. The code is working fine in one app, but after I copy-pasted it to another app, it's giving problem. Both apps are similar and have same references and in same sequence This works fine (in App # 1) [code] …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for tarungulati

Hi I am Tarun Gulati. I have lunch a new SMS Social Networking Site.I need some help every people.so please guide me.How can improve in my site feature.Please give me your suggestion. Thanks Tarun Gulati

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for revieperizh

You can found Source code, tips and trick vb6, tutorial vb6, control activex, library. Please visit to [url]http://vb6stuff.blogspot.com/[/url]

Member Avatar for Rexan
Member Avatar for toomuchtodo

So, I've been getting some help from the community on some issues (mainly G_Waddle, thanks again!). I'm a VB6 rookie, and it's been a while since I even did coding with that. So, basically here is my VB6 snippet. It's very straight forward and easy to code in VB6, but …

Member Avatar for toomuchtodo
Member Avatar for vampiro999

I'm trying to convert a simple program fron vb6. IT's only draggin several pictures with the mouse and drop them into anothet picture (trashbin). If the object picture dropped is a match then the trashbin.image changes to another image But: First, I don't know how to allow drag controls!!!

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for beginner_am

Hello, I need help in VB6 : Here is the requirements: a) Browse for new images. Minimum of JPG, BMP and GIF image files shall be supported b) Select images for a new group c) Assign name to a group and save a group in a file or database d) …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin

Help me! I just can't seem to get this right. I'm trying to open an Excel file(Template) and put data from msflexgrid into a specific place in the excel file but i just can't seem to get it right. Can anyone help me with this coding? Much appreciated. Thank you …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mustang12

If I hard code search criteria i.e. adodc1.recordset.find "car Like 'corvete'" will work. But if i try to use an entered sting in text box on a form and assign it to a string variable with wildcards in the "find" it does not work. WORKS: Dim test As String test …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin

Anyone know how to implement a timer code? What do i have to do in order to implement a timer? And the timer is one minute and then the vb program continues. thank you so much.

Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin
Member Avatar for realheaven

Hi all, i have a trouble convert Text (have form of Hex already e.g 05 07 3F 04. ..) to Hex then i can calculate those number to draw graph with them. many thanks for any help or instructions!

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for gurupts

How can i change my vb exe file in to a installable file. That contain the ms access database as back end. Anyone can help me.. Thank you for any help

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ChocoCrisp
Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for PM312

hi I am trying to add numeric text with [B]thousand seperater format [/B]in three textboxes. Problem is amount after thousand seperate get ignored i.e if text1.text is 1,250.00 text2.text is 3,500.00 and text3.text is 2,100.00 the result in text4.text is 6.00 instead of 6,850.00 Text4.Text = Text1.Text + Text2.Text + …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ChroNoS

I am using the following function to convert ascii to hex, but it is not working properly. [CODE]Private Function HexString(EvalString As String) As String Dim intStrLen As Integer Dim intLoop As Integer Dim strHex As String EvalString = Trim(EvalString) intStrLen = Len(EvalString) For intLoop = 1 To intStrLen strHex = …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin

Hi, I'm a student from Malaysia and I am trying to do a program where the program will run and then when it reaches a certain part, it will show a message and pauses the program until the user clicks done/continue/yes button at the message. Flow: Programme running-->Message-->"Please close all …

Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin
Member Avatar for amass

Can u pls help me solve this problem iam using vb6.0 and sql 2000. when i insert the currnt date (as Now()) in the dbase with a colunm datatype date/time, it inserts the date 01/01/1900. In MSAccess it works by putting a # b4 and after the date e.g. #25/06/2010# …

Member Avatar for Ionelul
Member Avatar for WildBamaBoy

How do I get the same result from this Python script in Visual Basic? [CODE=Python] import os username = os.getenv("USERNAME") desktop = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\Desktop\\" % username print desktop #Result = C:\Documents and Settings\<MY USERNAME>\Desktop\ [/CODE] I already have this, [CODE] Public Shared username As String = My.User.Name 'Gives computer …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Geek_Cyborg

Hello, i need function to Convert Hex numbers to Decimal.. My string is in this form 10,11 and i want to convert it in this 1A,1B.. Thanks

Member Avatar for eng.jawad
Member Avatar for revpree

Hi, Can anyone please help me in this. i want to retrieve a view in VB.i was able to do with the below script when using tables,but not with view [code] Dim strSQL_revenue As String Set rs_revenue = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL_revenue = " select * from dbo.PLAN_PNL_INTERUNIT_REV" With rs_revenue .Source …

Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin

Can anyone teach me how to calculate a mouse click? I need to do a data insertion into MSFlexGrid. The flow is like this: 1:the data will read a text file and input all the data into column 0 2: when user wants to input again, it will be put …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for rrush

Simple little exercise using the MonthView Date Picker. I'm trying to loop through print all dates from dateclicked to end of month. I'm getting stuck on the comparison value to define the end of the month. Keep getting the "argument not optional error" or and infinite loop. [code] Private Sub …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.