10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tupp128

Can someone help me develope this program Design, document and implement a Visual Basic conversion application that will permit the following : • Enter a value • The user should be able to select one of the following options : o Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius (temperature) o Convert from …

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Member Avatar for sudhir kannan

Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("Select A8,A9 from A_A WHERE A3='" & Trim(RSB.Fields(0)) & "' AND A1='" & Month("01") & "' ORDER BY A1")

Member Avatar for nareshkumar131
Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Zooker

The error occured in this program after I changed to option explicit and got rid of all the dollar signs and percent signs and switched to 10 or 12 character variables as showed in MSB Exaples!! Public Sub CreateDir() Drv = App.Path ChDir Drv Select Case intRegg Case 1 Message …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Israelsimba

i have been using adodc for searching for a client's details using the client number, but it would give me inexpected errors and bomb out of my programme. i have then resorted to searching using sql. the following code gives me this error::: [I][U]no value given for one or more …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for AhmedAltigani

Please if any one knows how to change the default printer on control pannel-printer and fax permenantly, means when I go out from My VB6 program the default printer I set still as default one. Thanks and best regards

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for JLynn

Hello, I am having a strange error when I try to delete my old charts in my excel workbook. Below is the code I am using to try to get the Workbooks property to work: [CODE] Sub Selecting_Charts() Workbooks("Op 70.xls").Activate Sheets("Charts").Select Workbooks("Op 70.xls").Charts.Select 'Error here! End Sub [/CODE] I keep …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for Quath217

I have an Add-In for Excel 2007 (can't post the code here unfortunately) and in some instances, when the user makes a certain change within the Add-In then closes Excel 2007, they are prompted to enter the password for the VB code within the Add-In. The password prompt dialog can …

Member Avatar for 4ukh

dear experts, how to compare two different columns to check that whether the values in the cell are same or different using excel 2007... thanks in advance, 4ukh

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Member Avatar for bk_yogeshvaidya

I am using railway reservation project. I am using for passenger Reservation Train_No,Boogie_no,Seat_No. I have problem with While Selecting Same Train_No,Boogie_no,Seat_No from two Pc's. It gives error duplicate values. What I will do When Two user selecting same values simultaneously. Please Suggest me Idea for this Project. I am Using …

Member Avatar for ramulal
Member Avatar for OldQBasicer

I want tu use more than one form in my project and be able to code a button or something that will do that. I tried this on Form1 and it worked. [CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'Goes from this …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for mimi8469

hello every1, am doin my final yr dissertation on cd database ( audio cd and mp3 cd). I'm to develop something similar to media player. My software should be able to copy cds and save on computer. user should b able to search 4 a specific song and play it. …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for BeeS

VB6 main app that starts multiple copies of one activex exe. using createobject and thread per object. need to communicate with the activex exe from the main app to start and to monitor progress. very low communications rate so communications speed is NOT a problem. need withevents to Dim it. …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for tomafik

I want to write a program that mainly use voice commands but I don't know how can I get vb6 voice commands. would you help me?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for abu taher

after complete all process when I press finish then show a msg: "unexpected error number 70 has occured: permission dinied." what I need to do.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for OldQBasicer

New to VB and using Visual Studio 2008. Trying to declare variables and arrays that can be used outside a specific procedure. I want to make the variable universally available within the program. I think I know how to do the declaration, I just can't find where in the code …

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for Samuel Yiau

HI All, I am new to VBA and I got a very simple question: I have a column of data and some of them are useless, I only need the data of cell 1,3,6,9,12 and so on....and the rest of cell need to be deleted and shifted up so that …

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Member Avatar for kcasmir

Hi, I want to generate an unpredictable random integer number but i dont know how. Below is my function to generate between (1 to 8)which keeps returning '6' on first run which is predicted and also, i dont want the numbers to repeat itself. Private Function RandomIt(Hv As long, Lv …

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Member Avatar for ipodkilla

hey im a freshmen in hightschool and i need to learn to code, i was hoping some one could tell me the the [COLOR="Green"]visuial basic [/COLOR]version of this [COLOR="Red"].NET [/COLOR]codeing and i know i made a few mestakes Dim Name As String Console.WriteLine("your name here" {} ) Dim Name As …

Member Avatar for ipodkilla
Member Avatar for dawn10

Hi all, I have the following macro to open an email template and edit the recepients. So far i could only open the email template from a .oft file stored on my local drive. Could you advise how to open it directly from a web link? I tried to replace …

Member Avatar for rhenerlau

This code is to split a Microsoft Access database and re-connect it on launch so that you can use Access on a multi user network...After Splitting the database manually, place the following code in the form that launches when the database is launched...

Member Avatar for azadohy
Member Avatar for ravikatare

Hi, I am new user of VB & Excel Programming, so i need some study material & site reference for getting materrial Please Help Me [email]ravialwayssmile@gmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for coollife

In my combo box i have kannada words like karnataka kerala mandya mysore kannada something like this , On key press event of combo box if ka (kannada alphabet is pressed) it should list the karnataka or whichever matches the word how to do this

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart

Hi guys, good day, just want to ask if there's a function that determines the number of days in a month, In a Roman Calendar, the days in a month are either 30 or 31, but if it's a leap year(every 4 years) the month of February is 29 instead …

Member Avatar for elkhartlynn
Member Avatar for Ghost34

im just wondering if anyone cold send me an example of how to put upload and browse picture in vb 6.0 with database access 97

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Israelsimba

Hello All. i have just finished coding a small subscriptions project for a magazine. My main challenge now is the package is supposed to send emails to subscribers notifying them if their days are due. email notifications are supposed to be sent to clients telling them of the status of …

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Member Avatar for Afi83

Hi there I have an application in VB6 I want to use Crystal report (8.5) for reporting. In my application I have a ability to archive part of my database. Then I want to change my database location based on my database name. In my report I have subreport then …

Member Avatar for kcasmir

I want to populate my msflexgrid with lots of data from a database and it takes seconds for the process to complete. In that case, i need to include a progress bar that shows the progress of the process above and i do not know the code that will simultaneously …

Member Avatar for ImMoRtAl-
Member Avatar for abu taher

if I write 500 in a textbox then a label.caption show "Profit". If I write -500 the the label.caption show Loss. I write code[CODE]If Format(Text1, "0000000") Then Label1.Caption = "Profit"[/CODE] but for -500 what I need to write?

Member Avatar for Vineeth K

The End.