10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Israelsimba

i have created a database for subscriptions in MS Access 2007. I want to link it with my forms using the code below but its saying unrecognised database format. [B]Dim conn As Connection Set conn = New Connection conn.Open "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Data Source=C:\subscriptions2.mdb".......[/B] Now i have converted it to Access 2000 format …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for 1pal4u

Just starting to program, 1st assignment was to create lottery interface for randomize numbers 1- 54. displays 6 lottery numbers separate label control, Print button printing w/o command buttons showing, and an exit button. So far this is what I've done for coding what am I missing or doing wrong? …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for VINOD_2553

Hi i am working on a sotre inventry project. I just want to fill grid from my ms accsess data base but i can not understand what i can do please help me in deeply it is very urgent

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for icedece

Hi guys i'm working on some code whereby the user inputs a distance and time they took spent running for days 1 to 6 and it works fine however I can't get it to display a message box if the user inputs letters instead of numbers. I've had a go …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Salman Attari

I have one combo box “cboitemname” and one text box “itemcode” in vb6 form,I have a table “stock” in sql server 2000 database where data about item name and its code is present, in rutime I want to disply item code of item that I select from combolist, how should …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Salman Attari

I have one combo box “cboitemname” and one text box “txtitemcode” in vb6 form,I have a table “stock” where data about item name and its code is present, in rutime I want to disply item code of item that I select from combolist, how should I do this?

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for samira1993
Member Avatar for JLynn

Hello, I am having trouble figuring out the correct syntax for a small portion of my code. I am trying to have my code search through a column and for each entry in that column copy and paste only the rows that have the following characteristics: the first character = …

Member Avatar for JLynn
Member Avatar for bcohenllc

Alright.. i figured out mostly everything but my math is still screwing me up. I need to accumulate running totals for number of checks and number of deposits ;and total value of checks and total value of deposits. Im supposed to do this by looping through my arrays and this …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

hi all, i am trying to run a batch file in vb6 and failing dreadfully, can anyone give any pointers as to how this can be acheived, the batch file is as follows @echo off cd\ ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /registerdns exit

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for samira1993

9. Create an application that will predict the approximate size of a population organisms. The user should select or enter the starting number of organisms in a combo box, enter the average daily population increase (as a percentage) in a text box and select or enter the number of days …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for AndreRet

Let you choose between all printers available on your pc or network. Download zip and enjoy. Royal free.

Member Avatar for r_k46211

Hi, I have a computer that has Win-2003 and SQL Server 2005 Installed. I checked my client and server both are giving the response to each other using ping their address. I created a string as: ---------------------------------------------------- Public conn As New ADODB.Connection Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset Sub main() Set …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for adamsn

hi all i am using VB6 and is writing a code for a maths project. learners have to enter an answer into a textbox and press enter to mark the given answer. i am currently using a command button to mark the answer, but it is time consuming. the idea …

Member Avatar for adamsn
Member Avatar for samira1993

Create an application that will predict the approximate size of a population organisms. The user should select or enter the starting number of organisms in a combo box, enter the average daily population increase (as a percentage) in a text box and select or enter the number of days the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for ivankenny

Call List3.AddItem(txtname & vbTab & txtamount & vbTab & txtqan & _vbTab & Format$(ans, "Currency")) need help need to align the text the keep displaying like this: toy car 1 $3.00 $3.00 card board box1 $0.50 $0.50 remote control car 1 $3.00 $3.00 cart 1 1 $1.00 $1.00 this is …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Vineeth K

Hello friends i made a small program like a scanner it will scan an image file to a Rich Text Box. My friend helped me in providing the code to access the pixels of an image.Hope you will like the code. Try it .... This need : Reference files : …

Member Avatar for Riju Thomas
Member Avatar for samira1993

Create an application that will predict the approximate size of a population organisms. The user should select or enter the starting number of organisms in a combo box, enter the average daily population increase (as a percentage) in a text box and select or enter the number of days the …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for abu taher

I select a month from a combobox and type the year in maskeditbox then press a button to show the report. 1st the report show. when I select another month to show again the report then show a error msg: [CODE]run-time error 3705 operation is not allowed when the object …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for jusmas

Hi all, I need a VB6 program which will be kept resident in windows and monitoring the PrintScreen key. Please let me know how can I do this. I appreciate if you can provide any code samples if you have any. The idea is that to track the prtSc key …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Jx_Man

This is code for Encrypt and Decrypt. this a simple logic of encryption. Please leave comment or feedback if this code helps you. Thanks. Jery. :) the encrypt function place in a module. This Code needed : 1 Module 1 combo box (For input before encryption) text1 in this program …

Member Avatar for MATRIX123456
Member Avatar for Lida_pink

How can I get the sum of the numbers of only one textbox? For example text1.text= 1367 How to get the sum of this 4 digit number? I appreciate your assistance in advance. Lida

Member Avatar for Lida_pink
Member Avatar for eppitis1

hello,i have a database.mdb and i want all the fields of the database to be showed in the datagrid.i have an adodb connection and i do not want to use a flexgrid.how can i do this?[CODE] Private Sub Form_Load() Dim sDate As Date Dim eDate As Date sDate = #6/15/2009 …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for fej04cool
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Domus BRASIL

Hello, I represent a company developing software in Brazil. I wonder why my program (VB6) reading a number stored in the notepad, it reads the decimal number. for example if the value is stored 30.5 will display the value in textbox 305 how to make it understand the point. Thanks

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for stoymigo

Hi , i there is VB 6 app that our client has which must be converted to VB.NET/C# . The application is a database application and application logic is stored in VB6 code and about 8 stored procedures. There is a Test environment and there is a Production environment which …

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Member Avatar for mistersam

Hi everyone, im working on my final year project which is Internet Remote Control using microcontroller and an embedded ethernet board to control home devices for example... The idea is to build a web application which will allow the owner of the house to log in and use the web …

Member Avatar for jomanlk
Member Avatar for Lida_pink

How can I check whether the first and last letter of a string are same or not? And if yes, a message should be shown using MsgBox. Thanks in advance, Lida

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for manisha_v

hey all... i m in 5th sem engg ....currently i hve undertaken a project under indian army which is like creating a database software for them.....frontend is vb6 and sql....i need ur hlp in the search and view option..... for the search option i need codes to search from the …

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Member Avatar for duliprb

I am asterisk expert. but I have a problem. one of my customer requested to get an incoming call extension to notepad text document. as far as I didn't use Visual Basic .net as visual basic 6.0 and I dont have a budjet to go for a big solution. because …


The End.