10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for TenaciousBey

Hi, I need to create a visual basic program that does all the functions of the calculator program in windows. I need to be able to make the program display the keys pressed by the user on the keypad (only the numbers 0 - 9) and it should also still …

Member Avatar for Romil797
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi all, I'm trying to populate a datagrid as part of a search function for my application. I've tried running my code, which gets executed with no errors but the contents ain't showing up in the datagrid. Please fix this for me :) [CODE]Private Sub Search_Click() Dim dbuser As String, …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for adamsn

Good day all Is it possible to type an exponent in a textbox or a label using VB6? I am currenltly using two textboxes, one for the base and the other for the exponent, by using the tabkey to go from textbox 1 to textbox 2. thanx. N

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for abu taher

I want to do work with a machine(any). like: Id card punch(machine) or other. the software collect data form the machine. Here I want to how the software work with the machine? how a software give a command to the machine? I want to know details. plz help need.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

Need help for creating an diary alphabetically...some doubts 1. Do i need to create separate recordset for each alphabet (A-Z) ? 2. How do i get the 1st letter of the name entered into a textbox ? (hav heard that "VB Controls" help...but couldnt find a control to help me..) …

Member Avatar for akhileshbc
Member Avatar for peternrose

My QBASIC programs do not run under Windows XP. Specifically, LPRINT does nothing. I have spent a lot of time & effort over the past 15 years programming in QBASIC with lots of useful and profitable programs. I really do not want to start over with Visual Basic unless there …

Member Avatar for nokki
Member Avatar for deftones

Hey, I faced one tiny problem, but I can't figure it out. What I need is basically "label1 = format(now, "hh:mm:ss")", but I want start counting time from zero: "00:00:00".. Any help?

Member Avatar for akhileshbc
Member Avatar for blachogi

i have the ComClassSearchCustomers class and interface IComClassSearchCustomersat .net which used to create a tlb file. The class raise an event inside new. After that i have a vb6 form Form1 which catch the event , but it never see the event. Any ideas? Option Strict On Option Explicit On …

Member Avatar for drabsch

I need to get the icon from a drive and put it in a picbox. For example i have an icon on my usb/flash drive and i want to get the icon and put it in a picbox same for my c drive and DVD drive

Member Avatar for drabsch
Member Avatar for hanzi_ru

hi! i have created a form which contains two combo boxes. the first one can be used to select the location and the second to filter the floors belong to the selected location. i need to know the coding needed to filter the floors which only belongs to the selected …

Member Avatar for dzul73
Member Avatar for pytup

I've got that. that should be displayed after log on ( it can be rewrite with use IF statement) [CODE]Private Sub cmdLogon_Click() Dim age As Integer age = InputBox("please enter your age") Select Case age Case Is >= 18 MsgBox "you are" & " " & age & ", let's …

Member Avatar for akhileshbc
Member Avatar for Jaisonkv

Hi.... I am a student. When i tried to connect VB with Access, it is giving me this message "Run-time error 13, Type Mismatch" Below is the code [code=vb]Dim DBase As Database Dim RBase As Recordset Set DBase = OpenDatabase("DB Name") Set RBase = DBase.OpenRecordset("Table name") [/code] The funniest thing …

Member Avatar for akhileshbc
Member Avatar for Israelsimba

My subscription system is now running though with errors here and there.the error that concerns me a lot is a runtime error that says [QUOTE]multiple steps generated an error check value status[/QUOTE] and points to this code....[CODE]r.Fields("companyphone") = txtcphone.Text r.Fields("companywebsite") = txtcwebsite.Text[/CODE] and this code is in my save button. …

Member Avatar for akhileshbc
Member Avatar for imolorhe

hello. please i would want to know how i can communicate with the system and find the system's present status such as logging off, shutting down, etc. vb codes would be most appreciated. thaNKS

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

i have 2 forms..when i start my application..form1 loads...then i navigate to form2 and adds some data in database using controls on form2, which should also reflect on form1... My data is not getting reflected on form1, after i hide form2...before giving "form2.hide", i tried giving "form1.show" and "form1.refresh" but …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for venkatnams

[B]hello everybody, im venkat doing my b.e 3rd year... Im currently working on my project of college administration system using vb6. I need help on how to save an image in the access database...i have got the code on how to browse an image. but i'm not able to find …

Member Avatar for RobCr
Member Avatar for Afi83

I want to calculate average of grades of each student with SQL command but I encounter problem with this code. I have 3 tables related to each other and want to calculate average of student grades. This is my SQL string but it dose not work. What is the problem …

Member Avatar for coolguy_krkr
Member Avatar for wilder1926

Hello everybody, I have an issue with a code. I'm don't know how to start this. Here is my problem: Column 2 of my MSFlexgrid = store number. Ex: 1009,1010 etc. In column 20 of my MSFlexgrid = Delivery day. Ex: Sun, Mon, Tue......, Now if store 8009 have multiple …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

how can i create an database dynamically i.e. my code creating database while running taking an user input?? i have seen code like below working Dim db As Database Dim ReS As Recordset Set db = OpenDatabase(App.Path + "\Data\" + Userinput + "\Memo.dat") Set ReS = db.OpenRecordset("Memo") ReS.AddNew ReS("Title") = …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for XStrong

Here is the code I'm working on. The user should be able to type in a number and then after clicking the button, list (in a listbox) of all the prime numbers leading up to the number (including the number if it's prime) MY ERROR/PROBLEM: When i input a number …

Member Avatar for XStrong
Member Avatar for drabsch

I am using a MDI Form and several documents can be opened using "CommonDialog1.ShowOpen" If i open a file then go back to open another file but click cancel or the "x" then it will open the last file. so i need to know how to clear the "#1" my …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for 4ukh

dear all, what is the sql command for ms access 2007 to get the tables name of the database? and also how to put these names into a list box? thanks in advanced. 4ukh

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Member Avatar for srikanth48

Type BITMAPFILEHEADER bfType As Integer bfsize As Long bfReserved1 As Integer bfReserved2 As Integer bfoffbits As Long End Type Type BMPInfoHeader biSize As Long biwidth As Long biheight As Long biPlanes As Integer bibitcount As Integer biCompression As Long bisizeimage As Long biXPelsPerMeter As Long biYPelsPerMeter As Long biClrUsed As …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for MichaelSammels

I have the following code: [code] For lngPosition = LBound(strNames) To UBound(strNames) mainForm.NameDisplay.Caption = strNames(lngPosition) mainForm.StockDisplay.Caption = intLevels(lngPosition) Next lngPosition [/code] This code, in my opinion, should print everything in array in a label. However, it only prints the last element of the array. Anyone got any ideas on how …

Member Avatar for MichaelSammels
Member Avatar for deftones

Hi, Let's say I have a form full of objects and want to make all of them (or half of them, whatever) invisible. Is there a short way to do that without a need of setting visible to false individually to each object?

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Member Avatar for deftones
Member Avatar for deftones
Member Avatar for Israelsimba

i am trying to make sure that one record is not entered twice into the same database but the code i am using is giving me an error [CODE]Set ri = deSub.conn.Execute("SELECT* FROM individualsubs WHERE firstname = '" & txtfname.Text & "' AND surname = '" & txtsurname.Text & "'") …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for brendajean

I am trying to create an If Then statement to use in an excel spreadsheet using data from 2 or 3 columns. Column AB has text. Column AA has a date in it. I need the statement to say if column AB says RFEP or TRFE and Column AA is …

Member Avatar for Gangstafier

I am currently trying to create a Web Design program, freeware, for use to help with the aid of web design. I want it to be sorta like... "Web-Design-Toy" by ACME, only with more features. To where when you type in the textbox, it comes out in a live view …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Israelsimba

I have a subscription system that i have developed. the system is supposed to automatically subtract the number of copies given to a client every monthend as per request they made of the copies required upon joining. my problem is i cant make my code run through my database so …

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The End.