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Member Avatar for Resentful

This thread was meant for the VB.Net section. If someone could move this, I would appreciate it. I know this may be the wrong section, but I couldn't decide which was best. I understand VB.Net quite well, but Actionscript throws me off most of the time. I am needing a …

Member Avatar for adamfhs

I am 16 and have been trying to learn VB for a few months. I am trying to make a text box the user of the program can type in and when the are done they can click a button and it will be sent to my email. Im having …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for whitejava

Question is: [B]How can I send two strings using SendData in different packets?[/B] Because when I try to send two strings one after another, winsock joins them in a single packet thus making one string received from client/server. For example: [CODE]Winsock1.SendData "String1" Winsock1.SendData "String2"[/CODE] The final received data will be: …

Member Avatar for whitejava
Member Avatar for adamfhs

Im 16 and have been working with Vb for a few months when i have time. I am trying to make a text box that when the user of the program types into it what they have typed will be sent to [B]my email [/B]with a push of a button...Im …

Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer
Member Avatar for Ryujin

Folks, I'm part of a team of advisors at a school. Students go to a central office to physically sign up to see us. The office is far from most of us, so we all need to make a once-daily trip over there to learn who's coming and when. The …

Member Avatar for tjaank
Member Avatar for Misbah khan

have two form in one form i salect some thing and click on done button a mesage box prompt me that u selcet this and this and on the other form a button result is place.. when i click on it a new form appears and the msg box text …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for AT--O

Using VB Express 2010 in windows XP Pro 64. A ListBox shows the project forms names. On ListBox_DoubleClick [CODE] For Each F As Form In xFormCollection If F.Name = ListBox.SelectedItem.ToString Then Try F.Show() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try End If Next [/CODE] Works fine the first time but …

Member Avatar for AT--O
Member Avatar for dwiniers

Hello there Good Day! Anybody can help me or teach me the code on how to lock the text box on my program. I have the navigation keys and add, edit, delete search command button. What i want is during the run time you cannot changed everything information in the …

Member Avatar for dwiniers
Member Avatar for haka007

Hello Members, Would anyone please take a look at my attached excel files which is a commodity exchange's end of the day data file. This is a free copy which anyone can download from their websites. Those are ([url]www.mcxindia.com[/url]) & ([url]www.ncdex.com[/url]). Now my query is in those two files there …

Member Avatar for haka007
Member Avatar for marcogr8

I am stuck doing this assignment given for monday ...i am at the do while coding (already did the interface ...) anw here it is : Candidates for employment by a security organization have to undergo a medical test in which sight, hearing and mobility are tested. In each of …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for wrx_2011

Hello ... I am finishing my college thesis and I need to do the FOLLOWING ... I need to read a PDF file from visual basic, the idea is to read the entire pdf and read data record in a database access, but I do not know how this work …

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Member Avatar for PM312
Member Avatar for PM312

Can the value of vertical scrollbar attached to Msflexgrid be made to maximum through vb code. thanks & regards

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Member Avatar for violette

I need to copy multiple sheets into the template accordingly. well, i manage to copy for the first sheet only. i've tried to modify the code to copy multiple sheets at one time and i couldnt get it right. here's the code for copying the first sheet into the template. …

Member Avatar for violette
Member Avatar for shelexelex

Hello all, Sorry for asking this newbie question again. But I need to get the server name and all database name on SQL Server. I want to make application, which can switch between server and database quickly. So user can choose server, then input username and password, then the list …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for abhishekkp

how do i delete all the data which is stored in the sql table???? i want to delete only the data present in one table without dropping the table when i click on the command button in vb6 plz help :(:(:(:( its really urgent

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for mitchney

help me pls...i want to display the total sales within the date in the two dtpicker and by the category specified...when i run the program using my code an error occurs the no value given for one or more required parameters..which i cannot understand..pls. help me..here is my initial code... …

Member Avatar for mitchney
Member Avatar for mitchney

hi..i got a problem regarding how could populate data from adodb recordset into textbox...when i type the first letter for example of the itemname then automatically the textbox will show different records from the database starting with the first letter i type until i type the next and so forth...pls …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for violette

Hi all :) I have two excel files for data(one is to retrieve data from outer source(file1) meanwhile the other one is for template(file2)) and 1 excel file for macro(file3). I would like to create a macro to copy data from the file1 to the template(file2) and save it as …

Member Avatar for violette
Member Avatar for mokong

hi guys, i have a problem regarding on how to view the image in the database when i select one information in my list view. and change it when i select another. Public Sub studentList() Me.ListView1.ListItems.clear Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset With rs .Open "select * from tblStudentProfile", db, 3, …

Member Avatar for mokong
Member Avatar for butler1233

Hi clever people, I need some help making a VB application which chooses a random line for a file, sets it as the value of a Label (word) and also adds it to a ListBox (list) when a Button (nextbut) is pressed. I also want it to keep going. Button; …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for dwiniers

Hello there i need your expertise in VB6 i make some program using the navigation key and add, edit, delete, search command button. The program is almost 99% working. By the way im using adodc and access in my db and combo box using with search fields. My problem now …

Member Avatar for dwiniers
Member Avatar for diamondw

Whats wrong with my code?I want a code that shifts a word to an amount (dog to fqi)and the input in an input box.The ouput in a 20 column by n row array.And z if shifted by 2 would be b.Thanks [CODE]Function ShiftCipher(text) shiftamount = InputBox("Input how many numbers to …

Member Avatar for diamondw
Member Avatar for violette

hi all. here's my problem;. I would like to have a macro to export data from an excel file into the database(SQL) for insert and update data purposes. but i'm not sure how to do this. can anyone suggest me or give some ideas on how to make it possible? …

Member Avatar for bantex07
Member Avatar for PH.Ric

Hello can someone teach me how to delete the selected item in data grid? please i really need it. thanks.

Member Avatar for mokong
Member Avatar for chemes12

can u help me put codes in the search button pls? here's my program tnx [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?21sprht484fb4qp[/url]

Member Avatar for mokong
Member Avatar for jillwimmersbloo

Hello, we have to create a football scoreboard in Visual Basic. Purpose: The application calculates the points scored during a football game by one team Requirements: 1. The user clicks the enter score button in an input box object to enter a score after the football team scores 2. Each …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Thanks for all help. My friend have a little problem with a text file. as follows Monday Thuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday He have it to load as folows Dim namneng As String, Fnumeng As Long, strLeneng As Long ' för England Dim iDag As String Fnumeng = FreeFile …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for keylord1013

It's some sort of a project at school . . i was required to make a basketball game clock. The clock will start from 10:00 (10 minutes) then counting downward. . so 10:00, 9:59, 9:58 and so on . .The clock must contain a START Button, RESET Button, PAUSE Button …

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The End.