hello can you help me, i make exe file on my project but the problem is that when i separate the exe file in my folder where my project is stored. it will not run..but i want only my exe file and put it to my flashdrive without the folder of my project..can you help me with this..thank you in advance hoping for your positive responds.

hello can you help me how to secure database password..hoping for your positive responds...thank you in advance...

hello can you help me, i make exe file on my project but the problem is that when i separate the exe file in my folder where my project is stored. it will not run..but i want only my exe file and put it to my flashdrive without the folder of my project..can you help me with this..thank you in advance hoping for your positive responds.

is this a database project and confirm the database file with it in the same folder. what kind of problem you face? if you not use pdw then some .dll file or some .ocx file what u use in your project are need with exe.

hello can you help me how to secure database password..hoping for your positive responds...thank you in advance...

did you mean to set password in ms access ?

Has your exe file being compiled correctly? If you say you want to copy it over to your flashdrive, where is the error occuring. In the copying or when you try and open it. Please give us some more info, and I am sure we can help.

thank you for the reply sir, yes sir, password for the ms access...help me please sir..hoping for your positive responds..

thank you for the reply sir..okey i will write again for the error...thank you in advance sir...

sir here's the error...

Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)':

Could not find file 'C:\Documents and settings\admin\Desktop\project.mdb'.

help me sir hoping for your positive responds..

sir here's the error.

Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)':
Could not find file 'C:\Documents and settings\admin\Desktop\project.mdb'.

I cut the exefile from where it resides in the folder and i put in the desktop .and that i what i got an error..but if i put again in the folder it works..but how can i separate my exefile from the folder ..please help me sir hoping for your positive responds...thank you in advance

it can not find the database file. so properly locate the database file.

thank you for the reply...sir if i will not put this my exe file on my desktop..if i will put my exefile in my folder where it resides together with the database it will work properly i have no problem in this..but when i am going to cut and paste the exefile in the desktop it will occur an error..so i want this my exefile to run without the folder where this is resides...hoping for your positve responds.

but without database how you do it? cause the project can't find the database then how it will run?

thank you for the reply sir,

what is the best thing to do sir? enable to run my exefile.?hoping for your positive responds.

how you connect it? it easy to solve, if you connect it by ODBC.

hello sir thank for the reply,..can you give me the steps sir to connect ODBC?hoping for your positive responds..

try this. I think it can help you.

sir thank you for this...i will write again if i have some doubt..more power to you...

hello sir,

you mean the connection string?i already make the connection string
but i want my exe file separated to the folder where it resides....how can i do this sir?...

after do this, what problem occurred if you separate the exe?

You either need to get your connection string to


to connect to your database. When you just copy the exe to say youe desktop, your desktop is your path to the database. If you have not copied the database to the same path as well, you will receive an error. This is why the app runs fine when the path and exe is in your folder...

Copy your exe and Database in one folder
change the database path in your code and use;
App.Path & "\project.mdb"

hello sir thank you for the reply..i got it sir i also copied my database to the desktop,without this database i can get an error...thank you again sir.
by the way sir how can i change my icon of my exe file?..hoping for your positive responds...

hello sir thank you for the reply..i got it sir i also copied my database to the desktop,without this database i can get an error...thank you again sir.
by the way sir how can i change my icon of my exe file?..hoping for your positive responds...

Changing an application can be done by doing this:

if you haven't change the Icon of you FORM then do this

Click your form.
Then look for Icon in Properties window.
Click [...] button and browse your icon file.

Now to change your Exe Icon.

In Menu, Click Project > Project Properties
Click the Make Tab
Just select your Form Icon that you want to use.

I Hope this will help you.
See picture attachment.

hello sir thank you for helping me...more power to you...

hello sir thank you for helping me...more power to you...

Your welcome!.. you can mark this thread now as Solve.

hello sir thank you i got it.. but i have some problem regarding in my icon..what is the best resolution to use.?...hoping for your positive responds.thank you in advance...

hello sir thank you i got it.. but i have some problem regarding in my icon..what is the best resolution to use.?...hoping for your positive responds.thank you in advance...

I know you will have this problem (But if you are using .NET version of VB, you will not have this problem)

You must have an icon editing tool, like this one (I use this always to edit my icons)..


Then. use it to edit your icon with "True Color" Format
(Windows XP icon format) (256 - 32 bit color) (16,8M - 32).

Thats it.

Actually, VB6.0 does not support a lot of icon formats that .NET does, like *.png or more than 256 colors or a size larger than 32x32. See the help files for more information or search the web for more accurate information.

Good Luck

.exe file must be compiled correctly to run it correctly.please compile it once again

thank you sir..more power to you...thanks for helping me

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