10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for sirving

:sad: I have written a number of macros which work successfully, but 1 is giving me some trouble. At the start of the macro, I open another excel worksheet and copy data from sheet using [Range("A1", "G30").Copy], then paste using [Range("A2").Select], [ActiveCell.PasteSpecial] on current workbook. This pastes the data correct …

Member Avatar for geraldscm
Member Avatar for NickBomb

Hello there! Recently, I tried deleting some symbolic links in VB, but it turns out their targets were wiped out as well. More specifically, I'm looking for a way to purge an entire directory from all the files/symlinks it contains, without doing anything to the targets. Any help is much …

Member Avatar for NickBomb
Member Avatar for neosonic

I got a textbox within the picturebox. I want to be able to rotate it. So all the writings inside it can be rotated as well. what is the best way to do it? thanks

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for pluckon

I have tried a number of things. If I am copying from one folder to another on my computer it works fine. It is only when I try to put in a path to the web that it doesn't. I must need a different object to do this with but …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use Visual Basic 8.0 Zebra GX430t TT label printer ZebraDesigner which I use defined the barcode label ,called [COLOR="Green"]barcodelabel.lbl[/COLOR] SDK for Zebra I have a simple question. Can I use the same code as shown below to print defined Zebra label ([COLOR="green"]barcodelabel.lbl[/COLOR]) to a Zebra printer? [COLOR="Red"]What should I …

Member Avatar for dipankar_pr

Hi,All, I am try to develop a project where the back en database is MS access, front end is vb6 and connectivity establish by odbc. the database content multiple table. Frost table [COLOR="Green"]student[/COLOR] contain [COLOR="green"]roll, name[/COLOR] second table [COLOR="green"]marks[/COLOR] contain [COLOR="green"]roll, math, English[/COLOR] there is four text box namely txtRoll, …

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Member Avatar for KSS

Hi guys, Here is my problem.. I have two computers with Win XP pro. The one has static IP and i want it to be used as a web server. I want to create a database such as Mysql and put it on the web server and using the application …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for subhaoviya

how this err.raise is working, when we are writing like Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.source, Err.Description what happends here? where the errors are get captured?, where to find the err num,source and description? thanks subha

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for subhaoviya

Am referring one project for development, In that the class is sxposed as dll.. they implement one interface init. thet call interface function and creating 3 private functions in this classand make it get called from that interface function. is it possible to test this class alone? - help to …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for makybe

Conversion Problem Formatting QBASIC to VB6 I am having real problems converting PRINT Using statements in Quickbasic to Printer.print statements in VB6. Is there a good book which outlines the method of formatting numbers and/or text in VB6 as I am on a merry goround trying to decipher M/S explanations …

Member Avatar for makybe
Member Avatar for neosonic

Hi All, I have big picture file (3508 x 4925) to be loaded into the picturebox. That picture is very detail, with the small writings all over it. I want to rescale into a A3 size which is around (1123 x 1590 pixel) to fit into my picturebox. I used …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for jackl007

Hi! I have a program that use a data base for save information about store products, all is OK, but the problem starts when i protect the DB with a password. I put the password in this way: [CODE]Usar una contraseña para cifrar una base de datos de Office Access …

Member Avatar for jackl007
Member Avatar for KSS

Hi.. i'm using a winsock control to transfer files between two computers which are in the same network..(LAN) and it works fine. Is there a way to transfer a file to another computer that it is not in my network? For example from my computer to a friend's computer.. Any …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for zero_sequence

Hi to all, i am trying to set the logon data for crystal reports that i have created. in crystal report builder i manage to connect to mysql by the jdbc driver downloaded from the official site of mysql. [link=http://www.eakes.org/80/connecting-to-mysql-with-crystal-reports-xi/][/link] but i want to change the ip of the mysql …

Member Avatar for big_ch98

I keep getting that error when I open my form in which I have control that are dynamically created. ERROR 340: Control array element 0 doesn't exist

Member Avatar for billmaster
Member Avatar for jamesweeks

How can a Visual Basic 6 program fit the screen. Is there a command for this and will it work for XP, Vista, and Windows 7

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sowmyraj

Hii I am desigining one VB project like dis.. VB application to change the font of the textbox... use the controls list box for the fontname, check box for Effects , combo box for sixe, combo box for color, and option button for font style.... I have written the code …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for abu taher

please check the attach file. here I don't understand the .mhf file. how it make or any alternative way to do this project. please any body help me.

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for quicka_29

hello! is there any body to help me. i want to know the codes of converting number to words... pls help me to do it.

Member Avatar for dreemebird
Member Avatar for omkarwarekar
Member Avatar for prabooh

i want to connect an vb6 form with oracle9i so that i can insert update n delete ,what are all the ways i can connect to db , anyone help me with code , form one has four fields student name , id dept, year n college, if i click …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for joefaries

If I am trying to select an item from listbox1 and an item from listbox2 that need to be converted to integers what do I do? I am having trouble understanding the selectItems.property

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for jakariaal

Hi, plz help me.... I'm working in VB 6.0 with Access I have got a problem, Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from marks where roll = 710028" 'It's working.... but Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from marks where roll = troll.text" 'It's not working.... plz help me....

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for JCDenton

Okay, guys, I've been at this for hours and what is surely a simply answer has eluded me! :P Here's my situation: It's a list of computer systems, basically, that the user can purchase. I need to read this file, line-by-line, into an array. Let's call this array csvline(). The …

Member Avatar for Chris147
Member Avatar for timtalk

[B]Please help[/B]! I'm trying to write a visual basic program that makes selections on a webpage where I work. The problem that I'm having is that the webpage has several drop down selection boxes that the values in the second and third dropdowns change once the first dropdown is selected. …

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Member Avatar for robblot

Hello All, At this time I am using VBScript to drive files thru a printer driver. Each file has to be ran at all the different preferences the drivers can offer. (papersize, dpi, simplex/duplex, etc.). I am developing a VB application and I want to drive the files with the …

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Member Avatar for billmaster

Complicated question with simple answer I hope? I have an executable compiled using vb5. When installed on user's machine, I get an error when first form is displayed. The error is due to MSVBVM50.dll no being present or registered. In order to prevent this error being raised, can I perform …

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Member Avatar for nishanttiwari

Dear all, I had created visual basic Package with ms access connectevity, when i am trying to install the package on a fresh system it gives " system upgrade confirmation message after clicking proceed to upgrade it restarts system and after that again when i trying to install the same …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, I want to draw a word/sentence over form by coding as like as pencil is drawing in Paint Programe. But in Paint Programe Pencil is handle by user, here i want it to draw automatically. (like somebody is writing his name by Pen/Pencil) Please guide me.

Member Avatar for billmaster
Member Avatar for tbth

I'm taking an intro VB class and am having trouble writing code for hangman game. I need help w/ creating textbox or label for the words. can anyone help? thanks

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The End.