10,993 Topics
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I know that this topic, sending sms for MS Access, is very widely discussed and believe me for its very confusing. My question is the following. I use a MS Access Application and want to send sms messages directly from within MS Access to clients. I also use Outlook 2007 … | |
hello, can you help me how to put picture in my button..example i have cmdsavebutton..and i want to put beauty on my form i want my button to change to picture just like saving a document there is a square form then when you click that it will be saved...can … | |
I am doing an assignment that requires me to have 4 different radio button(earth, moon, jupiter and saturn) and two labels one showing the weight (on different planet) and one for the delivery price ( $5.00 for weights up to 1 kg; $10.00 for higher than 1 kg up to … | |
When you preview VB Output printed reports by going through BJ Preview, because report is quite wide the report comes out in Landscape but unfortunately shows on the screen straight down. To read the report you then need to turn your head 90 degrees, sideways, which is not the most … | |
hello i am Software engg student i occured some of the problem between the Data Report Connetion occured error in the code is "Run time Error '8574': the object "G1" was not Found " G1 is Taken label in Data Report On Error GoTo errhandler key = regdText2.Text Call dbConnect … | |
Hello, I am currently doing a VB project for a course, I have all the features working bar the datagrid, when i use the program without the datagrid it works perfectly, however if i put a datagrid in I can only add and delete, but I am unable to cancel … | |
hello all, i have the following VB code which is expected to activate a storred procedure from SQL DB. for some reason i recieve a msg that the procedure does not recieve the inpute parameters. the code: [code] Sub Validate_Data() 'check if data is there: If Cells(5, 6) = "" … | |
Hi Everyone, There are so many controls, properties, etc in VB 2008 .NET it's mind boggling. I'm amazed at how much this product can do. Does anyone know of a VB 2008 .NET book that describes in simple language and shows sample code for all of those controls, properties, etc? … | |
hi all I am creating a Visual basic gui which shows an databse which has been created by using the microsft access database feature within visual basic 6. here is the problem i am close to hanfing in my project when i try and use the .exe on another computer … | |
Hi everybody, Again, your help is highly appreciated. I have to develop a tool in Excel (VBA). I have three different worksheets. The first two are information about products, sorted by product number. In the third one, there should be a tool, which needs to calculate with information from the … | |
I'm doing some development at school and i have to create an app as follows: Create a Digits of a number app that accepts a two-digit number and displays the digits separately. The instructions give the #32 and the picture of the app separates 3 and 2 in 2 different … | |
I need help with some code for this. I've got the paddle working, but I can't figure out how to get the bricks to disappear. I've attemted to code it, but no matter how i try it it doesn't work. I'll give you my code so far. I reeealy hope … | |
I am trying to have a Macro save an Excel 2007 spreadsheet as a PDF (I have the Save as PDF or XPS installed.) How can I get the file name to save as 2 cells concatenated? I am working with the following code so far. Any help greatly appreciated. … | |
Hi All, I have 2 picturebox in vb6. Both of them has the same dimension and the slightly different picture. they are house plans, one for the ground floor and another one for the upper floor. I want to overlay them. But how can I do it? If I am … | |
Hello everyone! Please Give me some guidance if u have any idea. im doing a database using vb6 and access. im viewing my database data from access to vb using listview. each data in database have its own picture or image to display. in the form where i put the … | |
Hi There, i am using the shell function to execute a program that will zip 10 big data files. so my code is something like this: for n = 1 to 10 t=shell(zip data(n)) 'not the real code ' somewhere here, i need a code to test if the data(n) … | |
hello all, i am new to VB. i am trying to execute SQL Stored procedures from a macro in excel. but i fail to do so. i managed to write a code that imports a table, but not to execute a SP or a function. heres my code: [code] Sub … | |
hello- I have searched all over but haven't found anything too helpful. what i want to do is make a program that, on startup or a timer, retrevies an rss feed, and puts the text in a text box. i have looked into getting the xml text and parsing it … | |
I am using Data Reports throug Data Environment, and using Relational Database in MS Access.. I have prepared the query throuh SQL Builder(in data reports) and the query is running OK , but how can I pass parameter in this query to show the results on the data reports..... my … | |
Hi, i am using VB6 and in my project using List View Control. The checkboxes property is setted true. Now i want to implement a functionality so that to remove only those entries/items cheked by user from the list. Can anybody tell me how to implement this. ANY CODE | |
[B][/B] Good morning everyone, can anyone give me example of how to programatically copy an existing database to another location and rename the copied version - sort of a backup. I have a database name "DbProd" which is located on a server, and I want to copy this database to … | |
I would like to have VB code effect the same response as keying a sequence of keyboard keys. I.e., I want VB code to effect "ALT SHIFT 1" or a similar sequence. Is this possible? | |
hello, please help me on my updatebutton..can you please help me how to use the update statement...i want to save the changes that i made in my textfield...hoping for your positive responds...thanks in advance [CODE]Private Sub cmdupdate_Click() sql = "Update * from merchandise_table where mch_no = '" & m_mchno & … | |
Hi i use VB 6.0 i wantto write 2^4 in the textboxes or rich textboxes but not like that 2^4 i want like that picture i wantto write in textbox or richtextbox like that picture i wait your helps [url]http://akifaltundal.net/tur/images/stories/matematik_afisler/kucuk/matematik_afis_-2%5E4esitdegil(-2)%5E4_3508x2481_428kb.gif[/url] | |
i want to convert string into byte....this can be done in vb.net..can somebody help me in doing this in vb6.0..here the simple code.. Private Sub Form_Load() Dim str1 As String Dim i As Byte i = CByte(Val(str1)) Text1.Text = i End Sub but this code still not able to convert … | |
Hi, I have a very big vb6 project file with about 16 form modules, 3 class modules and 3 global modules. I want this to be converted into a exe file so that it could run in any system as a stand alone. I tried the make projectname.exe present in … | |
hi! gud day! Here is my problem. Can you help me on how to make a monthly report?? im doing a Payment System of a school here in our place. as our Project. and can you help me on how to hide columns and rows of a datagrid also how … | |
i need library system coding using vb[code]I need library sytem codings. can anyone help me out in this problem.[/code] | |
Is there any way to change a VB6 program so that it is NOT stopped from automatically starting by User Account Control in Windows 7? It works fine now IF UAC is shut down, but not at all if it is not. | |
Hi, I have a very big vb6 project file with about 16 form modules, 3 class modules and 3 global modules. I want this to be converted into a exe file so that it could run in any system as a stand alone. I tried the make projectname.exe present in … |
The End.