does any of u know how to make a app in vb 2005 send a e-mail with text and/or attachments ?

yes definetely this can be done?
If you want i can write the app for you. let me know.

Let me know what do you want to implement. We can even Zip and FTP also using VS 2005.

implement ??????

means, what exactlydo you want to do?

make a app where u can send messages either through internet or LAN

well, when you say messages do you mean regular email or chat messages?

pls ineed to know how to write this application too bcos i am interested OK pls sent the code that will do taht to the forum!!!

please visit this site and login to see the free download. click here
Iam working on the code to share it on this site.


yes definetely this can be done?
If you want i can write the app for you. let me know.

Dear Mr. Daniel

I am new to VB programming. I have developed an purchase enquiry programme in which the user has all the data of the items required by him and list of all the suppliers. Whenever he has any enquiry he is sending them e-mail using outlook express.
He would like to have an auto e-mail system developed using my progamme and outlook express so that sending the mail to all the listed and marked supplier is automatic. In the suppliers database he has information about the email addresses of the suppliers.
My front end is in VB-6 and database is Oracle- 9i
If you can guide me or provide me with the code I will be much obliged. if any consultation cost is involved please let me know before hand.
If you need more information do write to me at my email addresss
Looking forward to your valued feedback
Turab Dedanwala

If you are ready to pay then its fine with me. But i can surely help you integrate Outlook with VB. Give me a rough spec and i will see what i can do.

Dear Mr. Daniel
Thanks for the reply
Please let me know what specific details you want from me. I have already indicated my problem and requirements.
1. i have a programe made in VB + Oracle where in the user enters the data of his products which is mostly chemicals.
2. There is a table for the record of all his suppliers with their addresses - emails etc.
3. there is a table for the record of all the enquiries he sents to various suppliers. In the record he also enters a follow up date.
4. He wants to have Auto Reminder facility for reminding the suppliers to whom he has sent the enquires. There should be an automatic pop-up reminder in the outlook express for all the unreplied enquires. he should be able to select the suppliers to whom he wants to send the reminders.
This is the basic requirement defined by him.
What further information you wish to have you can write to me.
Regarding the cost, i dont mind paying if it is reasonable and within my capacity.

I would suggest the popup reminder to be part of VB6 app and not within Outlook. So when the user gets the reminder he can select from the list and click the send button and it will trigger the email process even without opening Outlook Express. Is that what you want. As i wouldn't open Outlook Express and rather do it sliently behind the scenes.

let me know.

Also let me know if you can take care of the popup reminders.

I checked with the user and as they are conversant with Oulook express they feel comfortable with it. They would not like to use Yahoo or Gamil or hotmail for their activity. If you can give details they are willing to look at it.
Pop up will alos will have to be provided or guided by you for me to do it as i have never done it before.

He doesn't have to worry about any other public email. Iam talking about smtp email option which will send emails without even opening outlook. And for the Reminder there are 2 ways to approach this. Either create a timer on the start of the application in which the application has to be open. Second option is to create a windows reminder service which will constantly poll for any elapsed dates and will show the reminder.

can i have this application to but just vb6

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