10,993 Topics

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**How to Table Create in SQL Server 2000 Edition by OS: Windows 7** ============================================================ (1) Run Enterprise Manager as administrator preveliage. (2) Navigate (select) to a DataBase that you are working on. (3) Right click on any table in right side that already created in the system by default (Not …

Member Avatar for belber

Hey all.. i wan't make project with vb6 and database using mysql. did i've use mysql odbc connector ..??? i need some refrences.. Help me plizzz...

Member Avatar for belber
Member Avatar for MnMmatz

can you help me now i need sales and inventory system using data control and msflexgrid only..

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for Darkone

I am having a problem and that is I have buttons to read text to speech like play pause and stop I have created 4 buttons Play,Pause,Stop,Resume but now I dont want the Resume button, instead when I click on the pause button it should pause the speech and later …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for StephNicolaou

All, Is it at all possible to have a 'multiple items' form based on a query, plus have a combo box added to it, with the control source of a field already on the form. Issues: 1. When the combo box is given the control source of a field already …

Member Avatar for eman31

hey source pal out there i need your help guys. im currently working on a project called Computerized Examination System and i dont know how can i get question from database and display it in a form randomly and generate a result in terms of the ff: - no. of …

Member Avatar for flywheeljack
Member Avatar for CriticalError
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Will you please add a button to quickly copy code inside code tags to clipboard? I find it really annoying and inconvenient to use the mouse to highlight all the code inside code tags, it was a lot easier in the vBulletin version.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for mb01a

Have you ever needed to open a file with your VB program? Here's a way to easily do it. (code copied from an original program written by Mike B) If the program that uses the file is installed on your workstation, the file will be opened in that application. I …

Member Avatar for deades
Member Avatar for Evesy

I'm making a standard form calculator (e.g. 7 x 10^5) and I need help thinking of the best method to use. I basically need the program to take the number/input (say 70000) and then see what multiple of 10 it divides by to give a number between 1 and 9. …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for William77

Hello, I'm a real beginner and try to learn Visual Basic. I have to code a marking assistant as illustrated in the attached picture. I chose to use a listView to display the information typed by the user. I succeeded to display the information in three first columns, but I …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for sathya_s

can anybody help me.i got an error while searching a rec from table error @ 2nd line after connecting with access [code] Dim src As Integer src = Val(InputBox("enter rno:", "rno")) Data1.Recordset.FindFirst "rno=" & src [/code]

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anyone tell me how should i delete listview checked data using delete button. right now i got error object variable or with block variable not set. [code] Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Dim x As Integer For x = ListView1.ListItems.Count To 1 …

Member Avatar for MH Moni
Member Avatar for alapeh

hello. currently i am doing a project and i am stuck with this compile error, can any1 help me with this? is there any cure for this compile error ? [URL="http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/304749_10150467265314408_808639407_11280088_80875314_n.jpg"]http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/304749_10150467265314408_808639407_11280088_80875314_n.jpg[/URL] thanks :)

Member Avatar for alapeh
Member Avatar for alapeh

hello guys, can any1 help with this error? i searh through all the website and i still cannot find a cure to it. i have a picture and this is a form_load of it [CODE]Private Sub Form_Load() Picture1.FillColor = Form1.BackColor Picture1.FillStyle = 0 prevX = 0 End Sub[/CODE] and a …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for C0ding

Hi everyone, I would like to merge few text documents into one, For example, i have 12 text documents in a folder, then needed to merge their text into one. 12 = 1. any help will be very appreciate, thanks in advance. if is not much to ask, if i …

Member Avatar for C0ding
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

ok what i am trying to do is i have two textboxs which have figues in them and need the 3rd textbox to display the figure the code i am using doesnt seem to be doing anything could anyone spot it and tell me why it is not working for …

Member Avatar for Farhan_B
Member Avatar for jps447

Hi, I'm planning to create a login window where I can enter a username and password in visual basic 6. In this window, there are also options to create and change password. Can you help on how to do this? And also, how will the passwords be protected from other …

Member Avatar for billyakaeaster
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

Currently i am working and using a filter function for my search however i not sure how to do it using a query the sql statement is [CODE]cmd.CommandText = select * from tblcustomer where customerName like "'& textbox1.text &'"[/CODE] I no there is some bits missing but i am not …

Member Avatar for Farhan_B
Member Avatar for dwiniers

Hello there guys! Need you expertise run time error: '91': Object Variable or with block variable not set. I got the syntax in Do while not .EOF statement. Thanks in advance! [CODE]Private Sub Form_Load() With adVideos.Recordset cmbCategory.Clear Dim i As Integer Dim st As String Dim b As Boolean cmbCategory.AddItem …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for C0ding

Hello guys, Have anybody seen a program with a small button (Like us on Facebook)? well i would like to accomplish something like that on one of my projects. to be honest i haven't click on any program with that little like button.. So i was wondering if they just …

Member Avatar for C0ding
Member Avatar for LFCDay123

I am trying to make an array so I can store monthly coffee usages. I have used the code below which puts the monthly usages into a listbox and enables me to store new usages by entering them into a textbox and clicking a button. However, I want the values …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for dwiniers

Hello there need your expertise i got the run time error invalid use of null in line number 19. Thanks in advance [CODE]Private Sub Form_Load() Dim oRS As New classRecordset Set rsLibrary = oRS.CurrentRS(Books) Set rsTrans = oRS.CurrentRS(Reserved) With rsLibrary Combo1.Clear Dim i As Integer Dim st As String Dim …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for karthiknv

Hi, I'm developing an application which needs information from an word document. Currently, i'm opening it in editable for getting information. But, Sometimes when the Document is already opened an unexpected window with a message--Doument is already opened for editing.do you want to open it in read-only mode-- is getting …

Member Avatar for kaktuz
Member Avatar for dwiniers

Hello there VB6 masters, I need you help guy for this compile error: End with without with. I got the syntax in line no.33 Thanks in advance! [CODE]Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim sql As String With rsLibrary If Trim(Combo1.Text) <> "" Then If Combo1.Text = "All" Then txtTitle = "" txtDirector …

Member Avatar for dwiniers
Member Avatar for Alison1

i added a login form in the end of my vb 2008 gymnassium project ie i created it last the form coding is right but when i execute the project,the list button(the coach,member,supply lists) doesnt work when i change the startup of the project to login_form it works when the …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for IgniteTCS

I am working on a project where I need to open a .pps file using Visual Basic 6 (which I have done already). I need to change the slide transition according to input obtained from a serial port that will keep changing during the execution of the VB project. Please …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for I Love Coding

Hey guys i'm new to VB ,just want to make a little game for my friends ,basically i want to set a default number and you type in a textbox a random number it should tell you whether it's high or low ,and when you typed in the right nmber …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for adarsh_wolf

Hi all, i am using vb 6.0 and oracle sql*plus ...........i need the code for ....when the car name is selected in the combo box it's corresponding purchase cost should be displayed in the text box..........and i have connected this to the database through ADODC connection pls help me ASAP …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello! i have shifted my application from mssql server 2000 to mssql server 2005 , now the prob is the command object is not returning the recordset if command text is stored procedure , here is my code please check it and guide me through errors . [ICODE] dim cmdsp …

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The End.