10,993 Topics
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HI I am trying to fetch the NATIVE resolution of the monitor through a VB 6.0 program. I know it can be done by using a WMI ( CIM_VideoControllerResolution ) Although i can use it in c/c++, i am new to VB 6.0 and so having problems in implementing it. … | |
Helloooo Firstly, ive done a bit of googling, and found a few articles relating to my problem. None seem to help though. I require a simple method of acquiring the "Page Number" of the selected cell. range1.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) Something like this, does not work. Even though i read that it does. … | |
Hi i have a vb project im getting a bit of trouble with. this is how it should work user input text in the textbox. the input text will be count as single character each one by one after been checked they will be writen to a text file but … | |
i am using mscomm1 for form one but now i also wnat to use same mscomm1 for form 3 so can i globelize the same mscomm1 for all forms??? if it is poss then how it cn be happen???? thnk you..!!!!.. best regards lucky.. | |
Hello there guys! I need your vb6 expertise. I have a feature of my program with the quantity. What i want is i need a warning message if the quantity is lesser than the minimum quantity for example the minimum of 5 quantity. In my code it will reach to … | |
heres what i ve done ~~~ vb Private Sub cmdtimein_Click() If txtempno.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please Input employee number!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Employee Record" Exit Sub Adotime.Recordset.MoveNext Else Adotime.Recordset.AddNew Adotime.Recordset.Fields("employeeno").Value = txtempno.Text Adotime.Recordset.Fields("timein").Value = Time Adotime.Recordset.Fields("timeout").Value = Time Adotime.Recordset.Fields("date").Value = Date Adotime.Recordset.Update MsgBox "You are time in!", vbInformation + … | |
Hello, Wondering if anyone has a "code" solution on how to distribute COM DLL's compiled with VB such that they can be licensed. Licensing COM objects appears to be VERY different from Licensing an ActiveX object. To clarify, some examples are (pretty much every COM/DLL reseller on the planet like … | |
Dear All, 1. How can i enter data in flex grid and then press save button to enter data in access db with out using text boxes? 2. How to bind record set with flex grid? Please give me sample code which should for add edit delete data from db … | |
Good Day I have some questions to ask, I made a point of sale system using vb6 my question is,. is it ok to combine dao and ado? Hoping for your quick replies thank you | |
Hi again, Does anyone know how to change file extension? Please help me. Thank You | |
Hi all, I need to list all files in directory. How i can do this. Thank you | |
Hi all, I want to clear all items of comboboxes in my form I can clear all textboxes using looping and check if control is textbox then clear textbox. But when i implement it to combobox it just clear the combobox text not all of items on combobox. Private Sub … | |
I have an SQL select statement that I cannot quite get working. Dim SelectStr As String = "SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE Doctor = '" & ComboBox1.Text & "' AND AptDate = #" & DateTimePicker1.Text & "#" This works perfect ... however I have 2 more WHERE possibilities ... I … | |
hi all, can any1 teach me how to add in the x (0-5V) and y axis (0-5SEC) to a picture in my form? below is a example of what i mean, x and y axis value. thanks! [url]http://www.datadynamics.com/forums/144176/PostAttachment.aspx[/url] | |
Firstly, im not sure if this is the correct location for a VBA question? Please move if necassary. This is my first major project using VBA - Ive previosuly used vb.net quite alot, and still adjusting to understand both, and the differences. My question is: I have a folder with … | |
I am struggling to do a project in Visual Basic 2010, I need to make a replication of the New Years Eve ball droping in New York City. The balls has to drop for 30 seconds and can be stoped at any time, it also must include a timer starting … | |
Hi All, How i can restrict the numbers of customer from database? I use adodb with access. I know how to retrieve customers from database but i don't know how to restrict it to spesific numbers. Best Regards. Sturdy | |
Hi Anybody who knows how to read the active tag id from a RFID reader connected via TCP/IP in vb6 please! Thank you | |
Hi, how can I change the HTML code via VB .Net code? For example, on .aspx file I have: <div class="Menu_On"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu1" runat="server">Menu 1</asp:LinkButton></div> <div class="Menu_Off"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu2" runat="server">Menu 2</asp:LinkButton></div> <div class="Menu_Off"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu3" runat="server">Menu 3</asp:LinkButton></div> Then, when I click the "**Menu 2**" link, the class which coping the link should change … | |
Run time error 3251 Current Recordset does not support updating, this may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected Locktype Friends, I have a VB application that is using Oracle backend database. My code is as below but returns the above error when I try to add … | |
I wanted to know how I can print reports using vb6 and crystal reports 11 and I am using the following code `Inline Code Example Here` Set Report = appln.OpenReport("C:\SBWBWIN\Report1.rpt") Report.Database.Tables(1).Location = App.Path & "\NewDatabase.mdb" CRViewer.ReportSource = Report CRViewer.ViewReport CRViewer.Zoom (100) Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault Report.PrintOut False, nocopies but the problem … | |
Hi..actually am stuck up at a place while converting my current projet from DAO to ADO. As there is no equivalent function for Tabledef in ADO..thus i cant figure it out, as to how to replace the following code with. The following code searches for the table with name "BlockTable". … | |
hi. would someone minf giving me a snippet of a code where a program searches for a specific character in a string? for example. if i have a label that contains a string "abcd" the program would check if the characters "b" and "d" exist in the string regardless of … | |
hi all pros, below is my vb6.0 code. the click command is to save my text and picture. there is no problem for my text. but, i have a problem after saving the picture. the picture can be saved but it is not availabe for preview. is there any fix … | |
I got this kind of error: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. Private Sub cmdPrint_Click() Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Set rptRecord.DataSource = rs rptRecord.Show 1 End Sub | |
I have made an application to add monthly usages of coffee to a listbox using an array. I have a button which opens up an InputBox to enter the monthly usages. I then click a button to display the usages in a listbox. Howerver, I only want users to be … | |
Hi..i want to **creat a autorun programme** to cd's which i am writing.so i want to creat that programme using **vb 6**. now i want to creat a command button when i click on it ***open a seperate window and browse the cd***..please help me to creat that.. | |
hey all, i wan't ask.. how make shortcut in form.., did i've to use keyup or keydown event ..??? i need some reference pliss... | |
hey..how can i add combo box in listview? it will be depending on the records that will be displayed when i ran a query from mysql. any sample codes??thanks in advance. | |
'''''*****ListView(VB 6) Selected or checked Data Entry & Display Solutions full code*****'''' Option Explicit Public CN As ADODB.Connection ''General Declaration in Modules part'' Public RS As ADODB.Recordset ''General Declaration in Modules part'' Public Sub DBConn() ''Sub Procedure for Database in Modules part''' Set CN = New ADODB.Connection With CN If … |
The End.