10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for neosonic

I have a large picturebox of house plan, with several textboxes for the notices (need to be edited by the user in run time). after everything is done, I want to save that picturebox with the textbox inside it into .jpg file. My question is: how can I do it? …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for glenndr_15
Member Avatar for abu taher

I type 2009 in mask edit box and select August from a combo box. then I press report button for report. then show this msg: "run time error 713 Application - defined or object defined error" another thing when I run the exe of this project in another pc then …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for Renzokouken_22

[CODE] Private Sub Form_Load() With db .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" .Mode = adModeReadWrite .Open (App.Path & "\DBAddress.mdb") End With End Sub[/CODE] Guys that's my code and I think that code contains no error. What's happening is that when I'm starting to execute the code. It shows a Run Time Error: Could …

Member Avatar for opspl_programme
Member Avatar for neosonic

I would like to create a drawing tool similar to visio, with the linking to the database But i have another half of my .exe project done with visual basic.\ we want to sell it. is it wise to use visio and built macros links to it? is it easy …

Member Avatar for neosonic
Member Avatar for ashakoyande

i want to read sms in pc with the help of visual basic, i m using a nokia mobile.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for betabasic

How to Save Web Pages in WebBrowser1 using VB6? It's not about saving the source code to text file.. It's the same as clicking [B]File > Save Page As...[/B] in Firefox. :)

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for psyvanz

is there any possibilities that you can make a vb6 code, that can search backwards from last to first? first, i just want to apologize for disturbing you..x) i mean, from an access 03 database i inputed in the fieldname: studentnumber then, i entered below, five(5) records of studentnumber(fieldname) with …

Member Avatar for psyvanz
Member Avatar for jemz

hi please help me on this... Can someone help me, what is the essence or the use of this...hoping for your positive responds... adOpenDynamic adOpenForwardOnly adOpenKeyset adOpenStatic adLockBatchOptimistic adLockOptimistic adLockPessimistic adLockReadOnly

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jemz

hello can you help me how to use the code tags so that i can post all my code and not to be banned.. [CODE][/CODE] where i put my code inside this bracket or in the middle of this two bracket? i have 3 points more to go..hoping for your …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for kks123

guys new in vb and have a project to be made in vb for music player. have to make my own music player and that to sweet and simple. music player should also include features like pop,jazz,loud and so on and has to as simple as possible. thank you.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ChrisBuchanan

I have inherited the following query, which works: [code=text] SELECT [CM Database].[Age Range], Count([CM Database].[Age Range]) AS [Count], Format([Date Contacted],"yyyy") AS [Year] FROM [CM Database] GROUP BY [CM Database].[Age Range], Format([Date Contacted],"yyyy") HAVING ((([CM Database].[Age Range]) Is Not Null) AND ((Format([Date Contacted],"yyyy"))=[Year])); [/code] My client has asked for a Financial …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

Hello!... Can anyone help me on this project? I already have created a simple program called Website manager and ive already release it on my website [URL="http://www.silentproject.tk"]http://www.silentproject.tk[/URL] i want to improve it by adding an Auto login feature for websites like yahoo mail..etc.. does anyone of you know how to …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this how to get total in the flexgrid...example i input the item_no k0001 when i press enter key it will display on the grid the the item_name the item price etc.... and when i input on the txtorder_qty.text 5 it will display to grid the …

Member Avatar for annbarcelon
Member Avatar for wapakelz
Member Avatar for msvasu

Please send sane code for a complicated report using Data report Designer Using VB6. without using Data Environment. how to increate the height of the rpt shape in detail section of the data report.

Member Avatar for dageci
Member Avatar for S.N.Mazumder

Textbox (text1) is connected to MS Access where the lottery Number is shown. I want to find a number entering in textbox (text2). I wrote code against command1 (ENTER NUMBER FOR SEARCH). But it’s not woking. Please anyone help me. Code are below: Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error Resume Next …

Member Avatar for xirosen

here is the example content of my file: line1 line2 line3 line 4 line5 line6 i need only to replace "line 4" into "line4" and here the code to view this line by line: Set myObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Filestr = "c:\config2.ini" Set myFile = myObj.OpenTextFile(Filestr) Do Until myFile.AtEndOfstream strLine = …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for betabasic

Help! :D in firefox .. we use right click then a menu will come out ( like Back, Reload, This Frame .. etc ) in vb6 .. i want to do it the same using a command button .. the command1_click is equivalent to rightclick in webbrowser1 .. help me …

Member Avatar for navaidstech

OK...guys... I'm about to have a cow here. It sounds real simple but I just can't seem to get it. Here is the deal: I have a normalized database made up of four tables (Primary Key in bold) Player ([B]PlayerID[/B], PlayerName) NHLTeam ([B]NHLTeamID[/B], PoolTeamName) PoolTeam ([B]PoolTeamID[/B], PoolTeamName) PlayerStats (PlayerID, NHLTeamID, …

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Member Avatar for shahji

Hello all, I am trying to write a code. I need the code to do the following: An input box asks for a number, Then the below code divides values in a given column and paste them in the next available empty column. Then the 2nd formula runs and it …

Member Avatar for shahji
Member Avatar for AndreRet

:icon_confused:I have made the change from access to mysql. I am using vb6 to connect. The connection seems to be fine, it was some code sample that I have downloaded from the net. The app is reading the databases, but as soon as I select a database, i get an …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for aadebayo

Hello I am currently doing a project and I have added a new table to an access database linked to the vb project. I re-linked the access database, but the new table does not appear in the drop down list of the form recordsource. Please can someone tell me what …

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Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for karanshah

[B]hi friends this is karan here and i m a beginner in visual basics and i m studying Visual Basics 6.0 i have a project in it for Music Cutter and Music Converter and i seriously dont know what to do in it..So guys please help me in it.. Music …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for mark johnson
Member Avatar for bdrkb

Any can Help me for this problem my problem is I want to show form caption in status bar when user click a form from menu

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for orion_nsk

Hello Everyone, Can anyone tell me how to Register .Ocx / .Dll files on Vista Ultimate, for vb6?????? Thanks in Advance SS

Member Avatar for frubicel
Member Avatar for glenndr_15
Member Avatar for praveenvkumar

is it possible to write a program for selected files copying to CD using VB6

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr

The End.