10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for zukumikah

i would like to get help regarding my program. all that's left to do is the printing, but i dont know how to do it. my professor also wanted to see sorting in my sales report and delivery report.. anybody know the codes?? THANK YOU -jex

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bdrkb
Member Avatar for csuchita57

Show me the coding of how to create the Scrollbar & display the position of scrollbar in respecive text box

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for abbajee

There are alot of things which doesn't need to type alot of junk code while our task can be completed without declaring useless variables, constants, etc plus they use alot of resources when we run our executable so i decided to put some simple codes here which can achive our …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for drabsch

i need to play a system sound like in a chat program i am using [CODE]Interaction.Beep[/CODE] at the moment but would like to use a different sound. any thing i could not find any thing on the net

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for neha_raheja

hi I am working on Vb6.0 I want to create a PDF file with multi lines text and with proper formatting. After reserach i got some code snippet on this site [URL="http://www.vb6.us/tutorials/visual-basic-tutorial-pdf"]http://www.vb6.us/tutorials/visual-basic-tutorial-pdf[/URL] but using this i am only able to write single line, how could i write multiple lines. Thanks …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for preethi_ga2005

hei friends can anyone tell me how to upload excel file to access in vb.....if u give code it will be very much helpfull to me, thankx.

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, I've a really huge recordset having lacks of records. For some reasons I've to take all the records into an array (using loop) to do some processing and then put it into a grid. Now since the recordset is huge the memory is not able to handle the array …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for iamnamja

Hi, I'm trying to connect to a web service using excel. I have currently no issues logging into the web service and also fetching data using one of the methods. But the two other methods, I get the error that states that it had run into an error restoring data. …

Member Avatar for bpmccall

I am new to the whole concept of "data binding". What I am trying to do seems very simple, but I don't know where to start. I have a database with an ODBC System DSN and I can connect to it with an ADODB.Connection object. I can also create an …

Member Avatar for tumadre0
Member Avatar for Shefali

hello all i m new to this topic, though I have some experience of using VB to control excel. I have an access database which has some records. The columns(fields) are first name, lastname, year of birth, city, county, district, state, tel ph number and email id. Now I want …

Member Avatar for Quick-T
Member Avatar for barathy

Can u pls post some of the links helpful to create front end design using visual basic and few code examples for a single base station with many number of receivers

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this project form3 ..everytime i always add data it always already exist please help me to solve my problem..heres my code [code] Option Explicit Public con As ADODB.Connection Public cmd As ADODB.Command Public mch_rs As ADODB.Recordset, index As Integer, m_mchno As String Public sql As …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for zigpy_siva

I have created small application(a part of payrole process), for my personal use in VB 6.0, which takes in the employees details, their salary details, employeers details, ect. and computes some othre values. the purpose of this application is to print some forms(4 monthly, 2 half yearly and an anual …

Member Avatar for SANJAY.DESHMUKH
Member Avatar for koolsamjust4u

Hi Friends .. need a small help can anyone help me in showing how to call a stored procedure which returns a recordset .. yea i need to pass one parameter also for getting that required data .. thanks in advance.. Sameer

Member Avatar for SANJAY.DESHMUKH
Member Avatar for SANJAY.DESHMUKH

subreport[code]Dear friend pl help me how to call crystal subreport in vb6 backend sql !) I created two report report1 & report 2 both r working fine with below code. 2)I linked two reports by subreport concept of crystal but how to make coding in visual basic 6. Rep_form.CR1.Reset Rep_form.CR1.LogonInfo(0) …

Member Avatar for ewangari
Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this...i have txt1.text that can input only pcs and ream ..my problem that if the user will use the uppercase PCS it will not accept because my trapping is.. if Trim(txt1.text) <> "pcs" and Trim(txt1.text) <> "ream" then msgbox "please input pcs and ream" exit …

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for marzzz21

can anyone post a tutorial or a link to tutorial where it would help me understand ado codes for connecting to my database . . . i'm really a newbie about ado codes. . . i haven't even tried to code using it yet . . . i just heard …

Member Avatar for marzzz21
Member Avatar for Masterace

need a code to display date & time on the form so that when form is print i get to see the day & time events took place

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for rahulmpatki
Member Avatar for horseygal

Hi everyone, I am working on a window that will calculate an average grade from 3 grades typed in by user then display it's appropriate grade letter. This is what I have so far and well it isn't working. Can anyone point me into the right direction as to what …

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for tubamantom

I have perceived that I can get a significant performance boost when reviewing all items of an Outlook contacts list by using "Restrict". (I am looking at over 13,000 contacts). In spite of a lot of digging and reading I am having difficultly in getting my mind around what this …

Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this i want to use ascii but all i want i will not use keypress only my cmdadd...is this possible without using keypress?..hoping for your positive responds.... sample public function keytrap(keyascii as integer) if keyascii >=48 and keyascii<=57 then msgbox "invalid input" exit function end …

Member Avatar for zigpy_siva
Member Avatar for tejubjp

Actuaally i wan to read first column of "ProjectList" text file that contains...... Name of project Allocation Time in hrs Members for projects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro1 15 abc pro2 20 xyz And i wan to display name of projects only into combo box...... (how to use Random Access File Concept....) Please …

Member Avatar for marzzz21

hello i need some help with something i have done making the Add Update Edit Refresh and here are my codes: DataEnvironment1.rsSubject.AddNew DataEnvironment1.rsSubject.Update DataEnvironment1.rsSubject.Edit DataEnvironment1.rsSubject.Requery But my problem is i have this form which has a data grid on it to display the records and i want to put a …

Member Avatar for dmotah

hi, tkx to welcome me in here! i have wrttien a program in vb6 that uses ms access. the program is a attendance monitoring system, that uses the time to calculates hrs late and early of employees. im having problem i dnt know how to make validations in vb6 ex: …

Member Avatar for daniel2829
Member Avatar for sidwelle

Can I set the value that MS word will use in the 'Save' dialog ? Usually when a word document is saved, Word will select the first few words of the document in an attempt to auto-create a document name. But I have a textbox near the top of the …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for jemz

hello can i delete my thread so that it can't be found in the google?because all my thread can be search in google..hoping for your positive responds

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for sidhu51

Hi, i amworking with a code in VB6 that uses winSOCK connection. The problem is that when we compile the code, the first time the app gets connected, and the next time and further the app is not getting connected as the GetData method returns an Error which cannot be …


The End.