I am trying to get the current date in a tdbdate textbox and am having no luck. I am currently using:

TDBDate1.Text = Now()

But it is still only showing what is in the Properties Text box. Is their something within the properties menu that I need to change in order to get this to work? It has been a LONG time since I have had to do much with VB 6 and I am a little rusty.


your code is fine. so what you want to do.

Figure out why it is not working. :)

Currently I have something in the properties text field and that is what is showing up... It will not allow me to leave it blank... Is there anything else in the properties that would have to be set up in order for this to work? Currently I have tried to put that line of code in the FormOpen() and its own click() and it still does not change to what I need.

In a nutshell, I am wondering if I have overlooked anything you could think of.

Date you say?

TDBDate1.Text = Date
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