10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for goggem

I'm battling with an Excel VBA problem. I'm working in a spreadsheet in a folder called "Master". On the spreadsheet, I have, amongst other data:- Cell c5 the SalesRep Cell c6 the Customer cell c7 the QuoteNo. I then run a macro to do some calculations. After the calculations, I …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, What can I do to open or bring up an already open child form inside a parent MDI form, (that are already visible in the window's menu but beneath other child forms) when their respective menu buttons are clicked once again? Is there any collection or array to access …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Masterace
Member Avatar for devz2k

hey there, i am creating a program, and i have text fields such as Customer Name, address, postcode, telephone email etc. and i also have a button 'add record' what do i have to code in add record to actualy save the records.. will i have to make a file …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for devz2k

hey there, i have a main menu on my program which has the option of registering. I have enter name and password .. and a button Confirm i want to be able to store the added username and pasword to the login form so that it will work... what must …

Member Avatar for devz2k
Member Avatar for twoshoes

Hi New to this forum. Looking for advice. I'm a doctor working in a hospital and know little if anything about programming. Out of necessity I learned just what I had to to write a VB program for some specialized monthly notes that are otherwise very time consuming to write. …

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for MSARFI

Dear Sir, I am facing with login form coding I am first time try to working with oracle database. I am not able to connect through the login form Here is a screen short for you And code is here mention [code] Option Explicit Dim db As Database Dim rs …

Member Avatar for DogDee

Hi all new to this forum, I have a headache of code here I do hope someone can help me out a little with it. Within my program I have a scoring system using a counter determined by an answer i.e. if a combobox value = yes then add one …

Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on how to make my vb6 program to executable files...hoping for your positive responds

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Geek_Cyborg

Hi, Can anyone tell me how can i get specific Mid text from a textbox for eg, Text1.Text = "asdf1234zxcv" i want text "sdf" to "zxc" Please Help Thanks

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for richosr

Hi, Please can anyone tell me how to extract the audio track in an mpg or mpeg to an mp3 in vb6? thanks Steve [I][QUOTE]do unto others as you would have them do to you, but they probably won't![/QUOTE][/I]

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Manswab

i need VB6 & visual studio 2008 software...Any one please give me the link to download this softwares....

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Member Avatar for nik1991
Member Avatar for KSS
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this i don't know what is the meaning of this movenext,movefirst, ,adoptimistic,aduserclient....please help me on this and how to use on this and the meaning of this...hoping for your positive responds..thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for bpl1960

Hi! I'm writing a statistical analysis program where I don't know, in advance, how many variables will be involved. I'm having the user enter data for each variable in a datagrid. First I ask for the number of variables. Based on that, I add as many new columns as needed. …

Member Avatar for bpl1960
Member Avatar for trytrytry

i have to make a program with only COMBO BOX and FORM and BUTTON. the form should have 1-combo box (having many options) and 1-Button when user selects one option from combo box and presses button the form assign to that option should execute. for eg. a combo box (options …

Member Avatar for trytrytry
Member Avatar for betabasic

Hi! Is there a way I can run and close firefox using vb6? I want to create my own proxy switcher program.. But it requires Firefox to restart after changing the proxy settings.. It is not cool if I manually restart firefox.. Help please. :?:

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for venkatnams

[CODE]Private Sub Form_Load() s = InputBox("please enter staff id") t = InputBox("please enter your password") Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\my new prj\prj1.mdb") Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("staffper", dbOpenDynaset) Set ro = db.OpenRecordset("timetable", dbOpenDynaset) Set rm = db.OpenRecordset("staffattend", dbOpenDynaset) Set rt = db.OpenRecordset("staffmsg", dbOpenDynaset) Set rp = db.OpenRecordset("staffpass", dbOpenDynaset) 'rs.MoveLast …

Member Avatar for 54uydf

Hey everyone, I'm trying to import a table using xml file into my access project. First I exported the table the easy way and saved it on my desktop, and now I'm trying to write a vb code for a button on a form that will import it. I have …

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Member Avatar for imolorhe

Hello there, I am working on a little project and have a problem about finding the IP addresses of all the remote computers connected to a LAN network. I will greatly appreciate it if I get the answer to what I need. Thanks.

Member Avatar for irungu
Member Avatar for yash narwal

[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread148211-2.html[/url][/b] hi can u send me the table related to vb project using ms-access as backend so that i see the relationship between tables.

Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, I am working with ListView. How can a ListView have multiple columns and also have CheckBox at the same time? (preferably in its View property set as "Report")

Member Avatar for vipin saxena
Member Avatar for betabasic

Im a total newbie here.. :) I have a file in [B]C:\Program Files beta.txt[/B] inside the file [B]beta.txt[/B]: ------------------------------- Line1 LineUser=12345 LinePass=1234 Line4 Line5 -------------------------------- I have two textbox.. Text1 is for LineUser input (fixed to 5 characters) Text2 is for LinePass input (fixed to 4 charaxters) Example: LineUser: [ …

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Member Avatar for vmanojkumar
Member Avatar for remo1120

How to calculate time and charges in atomaticaly Example: Per hours 10.00, Name : Mano Starting Time : 14:00 Finishing time : 16:45 Total Hrs : 2:45 Charges : 28 please help me if have any formula Thank you Remo

Member Avatar for hadeeqa
Member Avatar for bobnoby

Hi, I am trying to make an autotyper using this code: [CODE]Sendkeys "Text"[/CODE] This code causes an error that says "permission denied" My OS is Windows Vista and I use vb6. Any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for devz2k

hey guys, so i have been asked to create a booking program for a coach hire. i need help with quite a few things. i have two DateTimePicker's. both are formated to time. what i want to do is calculate the differnence between both times. so how can i take …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kikilala

can you help me on this code.. Private Sub cmdRead_Click() Dim target As String lstName.Clear target = txtIdTag.Text If target = "" Then MsgBox "You must enter a tag number" txtIdTag.SetFocus Exit Sub End If target = "id tag=" & target datStudent.Recordset.FindFirst target If datStudent.Recordset.NoMatch = True Then MsgBox "No …

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Member Avatar for Kinfe

The End.