10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Masterace
Member Avatar for neosonic

hi all, I'm using wmf file for my picturebox. I want to make 30 * 30 pixel picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\17.wmf", 0, 0, 30, 30) In picture 1, I have put scalemode in pixel and autosize to true But I cannot resize the image. picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\17.wmf", …

Member Avatar for neosonic
Member Avatar for Niiagbah

I have 2 fields in my database namely username and password.i also created a login form with 2 textbox and 2 command buttom.textbox1 is for username and textbox2 for password.i have link the form to the database already.now how can i get data in the textbox to correspond to data …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for tejubjp

Reading ProjectList text file(contains name of the projects) n display those lines into combobox my above code ....it is reading only first line of text file help......[code]Private Sub Form_Load() Open "c:\ProjectList.txt" For Random As #1 Len = Len(ReadData(1)) For intLoopIndex = 1 To LOF(1) / Len(ReadData(1)) Get #1, , ReadData(intLoopIndex) …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for avirooge

I would like to connect web cam in vb6.0. My aim is to connect a web cam thr' vb6.0 code, take a phtograph and save it to the access database. plz. help

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Masterace

Hi there need help on how to make the splash screen fade in transparently then afterwards start the progress bar that will lead in opening the 1st form

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this ahm i want my picture to be bmp file so that i can place in my gui ..hoping for your positive responds

Member Avatar for codefixer
Member Avatar for Masterace
Member Avatar for avirooge
Member Avatar for bdrkb

How can i convert amount like 400 as Four Hundred dollar only , any one can help me pls

Member Avatar for avirooge
Member Avatar for lawal2000

I need help on how a function created on Form1 can be called from Form2. E,g, Public Function RemoteCalled() A=X"2+2 End Function 'Then from Form 2, Call RemoteCalled I use VB6. Thanks for your quick response

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for lardshow

Hi all need a little help please. i'm using VB (but very very rusty) and i need to write a simple macro to cut and paste in excel. the macro so far is: [CODE]Sub populate() ' ' populate Macro ' Macro recorded 09/02/2010 by ' ' 'select correct cell Range("D6").Select …

Member Avatar for lardshow
Member Avatar for bluefish601

hye...currently i am developing stego application for my final project.. and i will using vb6.. what i need to know is the code for manipulating the bit because as u all knows that LSB insertion plays with all the bits stuff.. sorry ..my english are too bad..hope u all can …

Member Avatar for pramod.T.C
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

Hi, i am developing a program which will store live data (data read from some device every second) into MSAccess database...now i want that data to be available over LAN... i.e. my main computer will be connected to device and i want other computers to read data from the database …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for tgifgemini

Hello everyone, I have an exce spreadsheet called "ProjectStatus.xls" in my local folder "C:\ProjectStatus.xls". I need to send it as an attachment to someone and I am using these codes: [code] Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutlookMail = OutlookApp.CreateItem(Outlookmailitem) OutlookMail.To = "giftxtian@yahoo.com" OutlookMail.Subject = "Project Status" OutlookMail.Body = "This is …

Member Avatar for suba_wen
Member Avatar for loulule

I need visual basic code for inputing name and address to 2 separate text box then display in address label....

Member Avatar for abhi.navale
Member Avatar for neosonic

Hi All, I have a picturebox with dragover, mouseup, mousedown, and mousemove functions. If I set picture DragMode = automatic, I can use dragover, but I cannot use mouseup, mousedown, and mousemove. If I set picture DragMode = manual, but I can use mouseup, mousedown, and mousemove. But I cannot …

Member Avatar for harini.graceful

There are two sheridan grids of same size.(in VB6.0) First grid has horizontal scrollbar to scroll the columns. Second grid has no scroll bar. Now the problem is that when i scroll the scroll bar of first grid ,i want the columns of the second grid also to scroll simultaneously.

Member Avatar for purplegerbil

Hi, When using the following SQL query I get back just over 12,000 records. SELECT JobNumber FROM myTABLE; There are alot of duplicates within the records. I am wanting to only get back one of each JobNumber. If I use SELECT JobNumber FROM myTABLE GROUP BY JobNumber the number of …

Member Avatar for supriya_priti
Member Avatar for lilianw

Hi All, I need help in passing data from a datagridview control to textboxes control. When the user select the data from datagridview and then click the command button control in form1, I want the record to be displayed in the texboxes of form2. How do I go about coding …

Member Avatar for hasinarshad
Member Avatar for DeanM

Hi everyone! this is my first post here! hope to learn a few things!! i read the thread about students looking for easy answers to assignments! i understand the point. i am not like that. i am a member of other forums too and contribute what i can! on one …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for ssegarane

A VB6 application has been developed on Windows XP platform and installation package is being prepared by using the Pachage and Deployment Wizard shipped with VB6. What are the additional files/DLLs reuired to be added so that the application can be installed under Windows Vista and Windows 7 ? Can …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for kevin04
Member Avatar for swapna7999

hi i dont know how to install ijl11.dll i have a exe version of it and how could i incorporate this dll to my application

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for jlego

i have no background with arrays, so please treat me like an idiot. what i am doing: i have a task management system that can share a task between 1-50 different users. whenever a user adds a note or takes themselves off the task, i would like for each user …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for tracy80

I'm banging my head against the wall on this one- it's a doozy! My worksheet has data that gets updated each week to have that current week's information appended to a list to get a trend of results w/ past information. It's basically a pivot-table that gets pasted in each …

Member Avatar for adhi

[COLOR=#000000]hi[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]i am a student. i am using vb6 to get an agv running. using mscomm to speak to a main micro which then addresses motor boards. at present i am just testing 2 motors to see if the program will work. in my foward command button the …

Member Avatar for MikeStump
Member Avatar for dahljam

I have a little VB6 program that I wrote a few years ago. I use it for drag and drop dialing through my external modem( or in some cases my speaker). Recently, my modem died and I bought a new external one, but the new one goes through the USB …

Member Avatar for MikeStump
Member Avatar for ballistic

hi all this is my first post here. i have a small question and though i believe its a very simple one, however i cudnt figure it out until now. i have written a vb 6 code to get data from rs232 port using mscomm control. i am getting the …

Member Avatar for MikeStump
Member Avatar for SCBWV

A friend asked me to write a program that dials a telephone number and checks for the presence of a 1000 Hz tone. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for MikeStump
Member Avatar for Geek_Cyborg

Can anyone tell me how can i remove all unwanted characters from a string.. Characters like, ......

Member Avatar for sidnei

The End.