10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for ascians
Member Avatar for sidnei
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on the sql statement on how to display in descending order example select*from my_table......please help whats the next of it i want to display in descending order....also please give me what are the sql statement so that i can be familiar of it ..hoping for your …

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for trytrytry

I am new to this forum & programming world.....sorry if i post it in worng section.. I am writing a vb program. program working a given below 1-- when the program starts there should be a window with a button (the button is directed to a web link eg. [url]www.facebook.com[/url]) …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for kinwang2009

Hi All, I am currently programming Bill and Money Receipt Printing program. It is almost finished but struck with one problem. My problem goes here: I have created One MDI Form with 3 mdi Child forms namely, frmBillHeader, frmBillMain and frmBillFooter. BillHeader contains Company Name with Address and Contact No. …

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Member Avatar for shahji

Dear all, I have the following macro and have tried a few things to make it run quicker but it still takes too long. the below code only runs on one column but i have 40 such columns. so all in all macro takes about 30 mins to run. Any …

Member Avatar for shahji
Member Avatar for glenndr_15
Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for BadlyNeeded

guys help me to connect access to VB.. the user name in access to be inputted in VB must be correct..only registered ID in access can go

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for roxxy_boiz14

please help me..where can i download it..can u please upload it for me if you have one..or just tell me where can i possible download it..tnx a lot..god bless

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for AMacg

I have a vb6 (sp2) program that uses several ActiveX controls and components. It runs fine on XP and win 2K but after installing on Win 2003 server, 2 parts of the programme (responding to click events) cause the error "Run time erro 429 - ActiveX components can't creat error". …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for chuckjessup

This is for a project i am writing and i found some awesome code that works beautiful, however since i have two forms i have either to create a dll with the function in it or to only use the one function bit not have anything touch the function otherwise... …

Member Avatar for chuckjessup
Member Avatar for Vish_All

[B]hi all, [/B] [B] I have create a database application in vb 6.0[/B] [B] i need to retrive some reports using data report (not Crystal) such as date wise report or customer wise report.[/B] [B] The steps i fallowed are: [/B] [B]1. retrived text boxes in data report[/B] [B]2. for …

Member Avatar for rathisamal
Member Avatar for pmiller.2008
Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for roachae

Call it my lack of experience with VB6, but I can't understand why my code (sample below) is giving me a Type Mismatch error when I use the Fields argument in my call to write things to a debug log. Can anyone help or explain? [code] Public Sub Update(ByRef myChain …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for sacabin
Member Avatar for Gowsi

Hi friends.... anybody help me how to convert total vb.net project into .exe file to install client side. plz help need.....

Member Avatar for ABShaman
Member Avatar for necky
Member Avatar for xirosen

Is it possible to have a combo box with a listview view drop down list? Help pls.. I have an attachment and i want to know how it is possible.

Member Avatar for xirosen
Member Avatar for tanvir0066

I have create a date table in access and visual basic 6 in textbox but when i try to add record there is error message shown. plz help me.[code][/code]

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for karimsb
Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for smcd

I want to upgrade a program written in Visual Basic 5 on a number of clients machines. I had no difficulty creating the distribution disk from instructions in the programmers manual, but I can't see any reference to creating an upgrade disk. I can write a dos batch file to …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kellyandtopher

When I load Visual Basics, which has VB, C++ and so on, I have problems with the internet. Errors come up on web sites and not allow me to use there sites, ie... ebay. I need to know what the heck I can do to stop the errors so I …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ABShaman

How to connect ODBC data base with password in SQL / Crystal Report wise VB6 Code sample CR.WindowState = crptMaximized CR.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Report\Reorder Report-All.rpt" CR.SelectionFormula = "{STOCK.QT}<=" & Val(QIS.Text) & "" CR.RetrieveDataFiles CR [COLOR="Red"] …………………………….. I Can’t write this lile[/COLOR]CR.Action = 1

Member Avatar for Shilpa Jain

Hi All, I am creating and saving the excel sheet at runtime(it is a copy of report generated in flexgrid). I need to add some of the column names in the excel sheet name while saving. e.g. Excel sheet should be saved as Report_Nid_Status_RBAC_Status_Today'sDate. Nid_Status and RBAC_Status are column names …

Member Avatar for pr12345
Member Avatar for AlexandraK

There might have been a question like this but I cannot find. I use option buttons in the form but in the report I want to see text instead of numbers. How shall I do it?

Member Avatar for AlexandraK
Member Avatar for cebubismac

I have a Samsung Ellix 20 Thermal Parallel Printer. Can you please send me some programming sample commands using VB6? Please help me. Thank you.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on this how to make the first letter of each word in uppercase.hoping for your positive responds...thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for shrikant.s.k

how to write service. i have a vb application and i want to run as a service but i dont know how to write serviec can you help me...

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.!! I just want to ask a better way to manage time in vb6. Like when that user presses the button, it will get the current system time then after 1 hour the program will be terminated. If he clicked on the button @ 11:45:06am the program will terminated …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for neosonic

Hi, I have got the complete vb6 application for doing graphic and costing estimation. I am currently using microsoft access database. The problem is: my client is currently using a quickbook application for their accounting package (for paying employees, suppliers and making an invoice for the customer). As far as …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kenth21v

please help me, give me a step by step procedure how to connect VB 6.0 and sql anywhere9..

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The End.