10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anyone tell me why i am getting error object invalid or no longer set.here is the code what i have written.any help would be greately appreciated. [code] Private Sub FillVendorList() Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset, sqlQuery As String, i As Integer sqlQuery = "Select Suppliers.sup_id,Suppliers.Sup_name from Suppliers order by …

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for jackVB

Hello, Can anyone please give me the coding to caculate BODMAS of the data shown in the FlexGrid or a database. The calculation is not to be saved in the database back. It is for the use of the client. Thanks

Member Avatar for yuvi_mis

Dear Experts, I have developed the one vb project in my machine.It's Working fine. my problem is My form(alert) has been disaplayed when i run the exe but it was showing in background so i couldn't see in my form(alert) in foreground bcoz i have working another application at the …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for mafaisal

Hello Experts When the system user Log off the system , shutdown and so on How to know that in vbcode Bcoz When user Log on i have vb application that automatically work, but when user logg off , shut down i have write code in application Please Help me …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for dongtrien

In VB6.0 I want to find function get path windows fonts directory because i run many difference operation system on many difference patition, example for: C:\ windows 98, D:\windows XP,... if i do assign = C:\windows\fonts, my program will not correct if i run windows XP,... can you help me …

Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all, I'm trying to develop a "LOCK FOLDER" program. But don't know how to go about it in VB. Can anybody help?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all, I'm trying to develop a "LOCK FOLDER" program. But don't know how to go about it in VB. Can anybody help?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for olabaz

I am trying to connect to a database but I have no clue how to do it or if it's even possible. The server address is: sql306.byethost5.com How would I connect to this server if the username is usn and password is pwd?

Member Avatar for olabaz
Member Avatar for denniskhor

[URL="http://rapidshare.com/files/222099783/PAS.zip.html"]http://rapidshare.com/files/222099783/PAS.zip.html[/URL] Can somebody help me check y the system stated overflow when i process...

Member Avatar for denniskhor
Member Avatar for maliha

hi .,...this is maliha here guys i need ur help m doing my final year project realtedto machine vision m doing image processing of ball n using vb6 for image processing m stucked at hough transform to detect the circular shapre of ball plz help me n guide me in …

Member Avatar for stevebush

I have just made a small application in VB6 and would like to implement data validation for a few fields. Like the user can only enter a number in the Telephone number field. How can this be implemented ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for mizkhyz

hi to all :) I want to know the difference between webbrowser_DownloadComplete and webbrowser_NavigateComplete2. I was completely confused about this. Can you help me? Thank you in advance :)

Member Avatar for maliha

guys plz help me i need a vb6 code for circle detection using hough transform plz help me

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for limesight18

i have a webpage that is stored in a folder.. and i need to load it in my form, ive been googling around and topics i found says it need to use a inet control.. can anybody help me pls with the usage of it? pls give a sample code …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for arvin2006

good day everyone! how can i distribute the exe application w/o using package and deployment wizard? i just made it executable. the problem is the the database path changes because i did not use the App.Path. I know how to use App.Path using ADODB, but with ADO Data Control, you …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Scott Marchione

Hello all, I was wondering if someone knew the syntax for getting the next record in a table for Access? I want to write an event procedure that will allow the users to get the next record, either up or down. I know where to put the code ( I …

Member Avatar for stevepep
Member Avatar for stevebush

I have made an application with access database using Adodc and it works fine. However, I have set the ConnectionString and RecordSource in the Properties window in VB6. But now I want to write it in the Code. I need some help. I have written the code and need someone …

Member Avatar for stevebush
Member Avatar for larpar

I am in a beginners programming class for visual basic and i have to build a game, a simple hangman game... but the only problem is i don't know how too... My teacher hasn't taught us anything, he simply gives us the book and says go.. so i don't know …

Member Avatar for crazyhorse09
Member Avatar for ryan311

hi to all my fellow programmers, i'm creating now an attendance system. how to create a count down timer that will minus in the system time? it is possible and how? i have a 3 textbox 1 is for the hour, minutes and seconds. and 3 label for the count …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Hayley1234

I really need alot of help with an advanced higher computing project due in TOMORROW! I started to code a pacman game which was easy at first but then i got onto the movement part! If anyone has any ideas on how i can get pacman and the ghosts to …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, I would like to install SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition in my PC having Vista OS. Pl explain me the step by step process to install SQL as both Server & Client. (K. S)

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for limesight18

a i have a existing project here, it's a Cafe management for computer shops.. my problem is with the connection.. when is try to send a packet to the client.. the client wont react... i dont know if the client side just cant receive the packets the server send.. or …

Member Avatar for limesight18
Member Avatar for mizkhyz

hi there:wave: I need some help. I am using vb6.0, a mshflexgrid. I am displaying data to mshflexgrid that is from sql data base. What i need to know is that "how will i move automatically (by row) to the mshflexgrid". I am thinking to use a timer but I …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for RahulV

Hi, Consider there are 3 tables as following: Table1 ============================================================================================= | SerialNum | Date | B | C | D | Table2Number | Table2_Amount | Table3Number | Table3_Amount| ============================================================================================= | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for jasmine16f

Im trying to zoom the picture after the option buttons have been clicked according to the corresponding crime and the circle function is called to map a circle at the a particular coordinate stored in the database.however, after zooming the circles get disappeared as the coordinates have now changed.im trying …

Member Avatar for Ortal

So Ive been working really hard to get a working ASP captcha to incorporate into my form (note, classic ASP not .net). I FINALLY got it working in a test area, the form looks like this: [CODE] <form action="<%=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" method="post"> <table border="0" width="570" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="right" valign="center"><%=font4%><font …

Member Avatar for navertech
Member Avatar for astroboy_x4

hello guys, just want to ask if you have a module for adding/deleting of registry key easily, I have tried reading some articles and they have given some of their examples.. but its not working... i'm working now on adding this registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Folder\shell\Use Zip Help\command ValueName = (Default) …

Member Avatar for ROYALPINTO
Member Avatar for nexocentric

Before I state my problem, which is in bold text, I need to give you a little bit of background. I'm working with 3 binary log files of about 35mb each. Each one holds approximately 65000 records. Each record, which is about 400 bytes, holds information containing the date, transmission …

Member Avatar for khanayub_chand

I am using VB6 and Oracle in my project.When I open an .exe one session gets created. If the application is doing some insert or Update to my Datatbase then, I want a Session to be created and after completing that transaction(DML Statement) ,I want that sesssion to be destroyed …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Uday2009

I am trying to create a stock management system. I have created a table with the following fields ProductID, Date,Product name, opening stock, Production, desptches, closing stock. Now my problem is how do I make the closing stock of the previous day or record be automatically transfered as the opening …

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The End.