10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

Hi, I have an app working with webbrowser com component. There is an events handler for beforenavigate which modify URL if necessary and it I works fine except for computers where is installed ICQ. ICQ captures beforenavigate and "smartly" redirect to ICQ search engine, my handler is bypassed and nothing …

Member Avatar for locsin

Greetings! I am using find command in vb6 using to conditional statement. Call dbconek With ar .Open "Select *From numgroup", strconek, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic .Find "numero = '" + bet + "' And "draw_date = " & DateValue(vdrawdate.Text) & "", 0, adSearchForward If Not .EOF Then msgbox "record is existing" Else …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for TheBrenda

Have 2 Projects in my Properties Window. How do you 1) Have a Subroutine from Project1 Call a Subroutine in Project2. I get an "Object required" error message. Do not really have a need for this, just wonder if it can be accomplished. 2) Code in Project1 instantiates an object …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for sony112

iv just done a cricket scoring system but the output is to a txt file - i want to put some of the details to a database , meaning remove the txt file and have a db instead. the programm is fully functional but needs a database - can any1 …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for amccaul1976

Hey all, I am having an issue opening .tar.gz files inside of access. I am using VB code. My goal is to unzip this file which has multiple excel files inside of it. I will be pulling numbers off of multiple Excel files inside not just one. These Excel files …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Can anybody please help me with the code to read file names inside a zip file using VB6. I am able to open(not extract) the zip file.

Member Avatar for amccaul1976
Member Avatar for TheBrenda

VB6 - Form1.Show, it is a method? Show is not on the Form Properties nor the Form Event Code. What is SHOW? Can I add code to it? Thanks

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for Ravi Kant

Private Sub Check1_Click() If Check2.Value = 1 Then Check2.Value = 0 If Check3.Value = 1 Then Check3.Value = 0 If Check4.Value = 1 Then Check4.Value = 0 If Check5.Value = 1 Then Check5.Value = 0 If Check1.Value = 1 Then Text1.Text = Check1.Caption If Check1.Value = 0 Then Text1.Text = …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Ravi Kant

Hi Friends ! I want to create DSN automatically with common dialog to choose database. I don't want user have to go to control pannel \ Administrative tools \ ODBC Manager for create DSN. I am using MS Access as My Database. How can i do it ? Plz help …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for locsin

Greetings! i am using date in my program. My databasefield <draw_date> declared as shortdate in msaccess. when i use in the programs .Open "Select *From numgroup Where Draw_date = '" & DateValue(vdrawdate.Text) & "'", strconek, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic I received error message.. Data Type mismatch in the criteria and sometimes Error …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for austhistikated

Hi to all! First I wanna say thanks for taking time to read my thread. I just wanna ask something about the flexgrid in vb6. Cuz I have a form that have a textbox wherein I'll input the employee id. And then I have a button wherein when clicked, it …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for adamsn

Greetings Please help. I developed a programme in vb6. It refuses to open on Vista. I do not experience any problems with XP. Thank you

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Teropod

Hi all! I have one problem when i try to open exe with shell function it works fine but how can i open XY file using program who is designed to open that file. For example i have picture in mad in corel draw and i want tu open that …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for sofian786

hey I am trying to make a program on visual basic 6 to determine weather a word or phrase is a palindrome or not. I need my program to be able to tell if the word or phrase is a palindrome and it not being case sensitive. The code below …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

hi there! basicly i want to make a program that will detect when windows email recives a new message. so... thats basicly it. thanks

Member Avatar for crackerjacker
Member Avatar for locsin

Greetings! Anybody have idea how the determine the same numbers in 100 records. For example there are 100 inputted numbers in the database file. These numbers, some numbers have the same value. Anyone know to determine these numbers and display like this. input 100 numbers inputted in the database file …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for pinkyguru

I am using a Server and client application.. My server used to send lot of data .. i used to get even 1000 data at a time.. I am trying to split the data and keep in a variable.. I am missing data at that time.. so now i need …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for arvin2006

hi there, i am new to excel VBA. can anyone help me how to copy all the data in excel to another excel sheet by means of visual basic. for example excel1 and excel2.. after i locate excel1, then when i click copy button, it will copy all the data …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for adeelghani

hello to every body im new in the vb language plz kindly help me can anyone tell me how to get the data from comm port by using the vb2005 thanks for replying me thanks

Member Avatar for martonx
Member Avatar for pinkyguru

hi, I am having a prob in collection object...My prob is Server sends a data and i have to save the data in flexgrid.I am using this data as a key and for the reference i am saving flexgrid row number with key. If another data comes.i just want to …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for suzz

Hi i am new to vb6, i am trying to generate reports in word application, that all works, but my problem is i have one database containing 6 fields, i used ADODC to connect to db and i can save records, my fields are 1. Report number 2. Name 3. …

Member Avatar for Katie G

Newbie to QB - I have an assignment to create a grade sheet for one student. Must list name, instructor, class, test grades 1 through 5, average, low grade, high grade and new average with lowest grade dropped. I am so confused about arrays. I am using examples from class …

Member Avatar for tucson-az
Member Avatar for inctrl

I have a copy of VB 4.0 that I had on my old computer. I hadn't done much with it, but was just starting to play around with it a bit when my old computer died. When I attempted to install the program on my replacement computer, I get a …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for stephiesue02

My name is Stephanie and I have no idea what I am doing. Here is what I need help with: Modify the code in the btnGuessW_Click event procedure. Add the code to implement the following logic after the existing code: • Test the value in strWordGuessed against the value in …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Dextergaisie

Hello everyone, please am writing a database app. basically a church management and i want to be able to filter items such as birthdays or gender onto a report, For example; i want the report to be able to sort out from the tables into this manner. [U]Name Gender[/U] Mr …

Member Avatar for jossc

hi im using visual basic 6 to create a text based game i have started and have only just started learning programming via visual basic and have learned a fair part of it. just need a a little help with the user form where the user enters there name age …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for naveen sharma

sir, I have a problem that I have a list box ,in which i have the nemes e.g.ajay,abhay,abhinav,bani,coma,naveen etc. and have a text box for searching the name in the text box.When i press the a,it will show ajay,abhay and the abhinav.Which is good.when i add ab in text box,it …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for naveen sharma

sir, I have a problem that I am using a flexi grid,in which I have the data as, Data_name Data_value Data_no S_no S_type etc company1 company2 company3 company4 Company5 company6 company7 etc Now this col.is fixed and when user click on the company1,3,5,7 and press the ok button,the new form …

Member Avatar for LindseyV

I need to find the values for two columns in my table. The first one is a number and I able to find that one alone. I added the second column and it does not seem to work. It is a check box and all I need the function to …

Member Avatar for sudeep123
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guys... im using flexgrid for viewing and encoding of data for my project. i wanted,to have a automatic computation for the column i have for example : once i input number in col1 and col2 the sum will show up automatically in col3. col1[ col2 col3 5 3 (automatic …


The End.