10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Right know i want when user click on requisition no from list box1.corresponding records product name,quantity,unit should come in another listbox of qform.frm. can anyone tell me.how should i do it .when user click on listbox1 other detail should come in listbox2.here is the code.but i additional want when user …

Member Avatar for antoine magdi

Hello everyone! i'm working on a project that takes the path of a playlist from a ms common dialog control then it have to give the name of each track and its duartion.... i succeeded to take the path... and i wrote a code that gives the name and the …

Member Avatar for limesight18

does any know where i can find a simple POS project? ive been googling it for hours.. and i cant find any. or if anyone can share some sample project? pls help me out on how i can start making it. im making a POS for a computer shop, thx …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for mizkhyz

hi there!:) I have this problem. Can someone help me? By the way i am using vb6.0, a web browser and a command button. My question is how will i click the button on the web page that i navigate to the web browser? What if the button has no …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me why i am getting duplicate value.when i try to make query.here is the sql statement.what i have written.Kindly find the screen shot also. [code] SELECT m.productname,m.unit,e.quantity FROM (MaterialRequisitionOrder AS p INNER JOIN MaterialRequisitionDetail AS e ON p.requisition_no = e.requisition_no) INNER JOIN Materials AS m ON e.item_code …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for SkyVValker

I am using crystal reports 8, and visual basic 6 I have a crystal report viewer, with its commands set up as a function. This way the different aspects of the program use the same viewer, so no two reports are viewed at the same time. But after i open …

Member Avatar for jimmurch

I am having trouble getting started with a judging application that I want to develop in VB 6.0. I want to retrieve numeric (integer) scored from USB port keypads and determine scores. I have Targus keypads but am having trouble reading input from them. Can I use the MS Comm …

Member Avatar for xXxWiredxXx

hi.. is it possible.. when i type a letter "S" all the records begins with "S" will be shown or highlighted? its like when you register in a website.. in choosing country section.. thanks

Member Avatar for xXxWiredxXx
Member Avatar for eman123

plz someone help me how do i add the current date programmaticaly to the database.my databse is oracle 10g and front end is in vb6.0.plz plz help me.its very urgent

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for xXxWiredxXx

is there a way to add the value of two rpttextbox to rptfunction (Sum)... is that possible? i need to get the sum of two rpttextbox and show it to rptlabel or rptfunction. or two rptfunction to a label or rptfunction(sum)

Member Avatar for xXxWiredxXx
Member Avatar for snta

i'm new programmer. can u help me , how to retrieve data from database(access) and display in combo box. the value in combo box will automatic display into text box example: dtbs=office.mdb table name= item field name=itemID,itemName itemID=M1; itemName=modem itemID=M2; itemName=repeater i want this combo box display all itemID in …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for danish_k12

Hi, I am in Urgent need. I want to develop a software in vb6[coz good in it] to split pdf files. There are few software available for that but my issue is i want to split pdf file according to the data. The files contain statements some are 1 pages, …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for yasirfarid

hello, i am using picture box, and coding on form load P1.Picture = "D:\My Document\My Pictures\Display Picture\ICE.BMP" why it gives "TYPE MISSMACH" Error. plz reply soon. Yasir

Member Avatar for mizkhyz
Member Avatar for mizkhyz

hi, am new here i need ur help. How to load an image from web browser control to an image in a visual basic form? i am using vb6.0, an imagebox, web browser object. i want to know to load the image from web to my vb form thank you …

Member Avatar for mizkhyz
Member Avatar for stevebush

Hi, I have finished making an App with VB6 on a XP computer and have transferred it onto a Windows Vista computer . I have also copied the three dependencies (Adodc, MSFlexGrid and DataGrid) files from System32 of XP to System32 of Windows Vista. However, the program now runs but …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Jetman

Hi, I just got MS Access connected with Visual Basics 2008, so i am able to view my database in visual basics. Now i would like to be able to use the buttons i have created on visual basics to add, edit and create data relating to MS access 2007. …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for limesight18

hi every one.. i have a problem of how i can change the caption of a label thats inside a [B]picture box[/B].. i want to load a field in a database to the the label the problem is i cant do it.. there's no command like this [CODE]lblStartTime[B].Caption[/B] = rsRecordSet.Fields("Unit").Value …

Member Avatar for limesight18
Member Avatar for J-KeRcA

[QUOTE] Hi everybody, I need some help with my project. I'm trying to retrieve some data from a combo box on which i used the "data bound item task" so I can select data from a table of my database. the problem I'm having is that when i try to …

Member Avatar for J-KeRcA
Member Avatar for ziopulcher

Hi to everyone, i disperately need some help. i need to read a binary encoded file using Visual Bawsic 6. First of all I know that this file has a "text" header of 3200 bytes (40 rows x 80 columns. How can I read it and translate in ASCII code. …

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for Jetman

Hi, I was having this problem with connecting my visual basics software to MS access. I wanted to connect the softwares so that the programe i am bulding on visual basics can use the tables i have created on MS access. Tables like customer details, account details, product details, etc... …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ziopulcher

Hi, I would like to read the a file in a binary code called SEGY, but I don't know how. The file has a text header 40 rows x 80 columns (bytes 1-3200) When I read the text header 40x80 using the "get" instruction this is what I obtain: Ãðñ@ÃÓÉÅÕã@z@ÇÄÆ@@@@@@@@@åÅââÅÓz@äÕÉåÅÙâÉãÁãÉâ@@@@@@@@@âÖäÙÃÅ@âÁõ÷Á@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãðó@ÄÁãÅ@@z@òððù@@@@@ÁÙÅÁz@ãÙÉãÖÕ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãðô@ÆÖÙÔÁã@z@âÅÇÄ@ÃÖÕåÅÙãÅÄ@ÉÕ@ÆÓÖÁãÉÕÇ@ãÈ@ðKõ@ÇäÕ@ÄÅÓÅ@ÙÁãÅ@z@ðKñòõ@ÔÃðö@âãÙÅÁÔÅÙ@z@ÕÅÁÙ@ÖÆÆâÅãz@ñõKõ@Ô@ÕÖK@ÃÈÁÕÕÅÓâ@z@òô@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãð÷@ÇÙÖä@ÉÕãÅÙåÁÓ@z@ñKõöòõ@Ô@@@âÙÖÃÅââÅÄ@Âè@ÆäÇÙÖ@ÖÃÅÁÕâÉâÔÉÃÁk@ÙÖÔÅk@ÉãÁÓè@@@@ÄÁãÅz@ÔÁÙÃÈ@òððù@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãðù@ÓÅ@ÙÁãÅz@ðKñòõ@Ôâ@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãñð@\\\\\@âãÁÃÒÅÄ@âÅÃãÉÖÕk@ÔÉÕÉÔäÔ@Ó@k@âÅÇ@âãÁÕÄÁÙÄ@ÅÕâÁãÉÖÕ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãñò@ÂäããÅÙæK@éÅÙÖ@ÆÉÓãÅÙ@õððÈézñøÄÂaâ@óòððÈézõóÄÂaâ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãñó@ÉÕâãÙäÔÅÕãÁÓ@âãÁãÉÃ@ÃÖÔÅÕâÁãÉÖÕ@ðKöööööÃñô@ÆÒ@ÆÉÓãÅÙ@zÙÅÄÉÃãÉåÅ@ÄÅÃÖÕ@z@ò@ãÉÔÅ@æÉÕÄÖæz@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãñö@æÉÕ@ñzãÙKñzñðð`ñòð@Ôâ^ãÙKòôzñóð`ñ÷ð@Ôâ^ÖÅÙzõÔâ^ÓÁÇzñKð@Ôâ^@ÁÓÉÃKzñóð`óððÔÃñø@ÙÅÁÓè@ÖÆ@Â@ÇÁãÈÅÙ@ñò@ÆÖÓÄ@ÁÕÄ@ÕÁåÉÇÁãÉÖÕ@ÔÅÙÇÅÄ@æÉãÈ@ÃÄÖâÉãÉÖÕ@ÅÕâÁãÉÖÕ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãòô@K@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãòõ@ÆÒ@ÆÉÓãÅÙ@z@ÂÁÕÄ@ÅÙzõ@Ôâ^@ÓÁÇzñKððð@Ôâ^@ÁÓÉÃKzøð`ñðõ@Ôâ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãòø@æÉÕñ@ñðõ`ñòð@Ôâ@ÖÅÙzò@Ôâ^@ÓÁÇzðKñòõ@Ôâ^@ÁÓÉÃzñõð`ÅÕÄ@Ôâ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãóð@Æç@ÆÉÓãÅÙ@ÂÁÕÄ@Å@ÓÃzöÄÂaÖÃã@ÈÃzòôÄÂaÖÃã]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãóò@ð`ñðð@Ôâ~@õðð@`@òððð@Èé@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãóó@ñðð`ñóð@Ôâ~@öðð@`@ñöðð@Èé@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãóô@ñóð`ñöð@Ôâ~@ö÷ð@`@ñôðð@Èé@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãóõ@ñöð`ÅÕÄ@Ôâ~@÷õð@`@ñòðð@Èé@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãóö@ÃÖÕåÅÙâÉÖÕ@ãÖ@âÅÇè@ÆÉÓÅ@MÉÂÔ@ÆÖÙÔÁã]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãó÷@``````````````````@ÕÁåÉÇÁãÉÖÕ@`````````````````````````````@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãóø@ÕÁåÉÇÁãÉÖÕ@ÙÅÆÅÙÅÕÃÅÄ@ãÖ@ÃÄÖâÉãÉÖÕkÃÅÕãÙÁÓ@ÔÅÙÉÄÉÁÕ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ãóù@ÆÉÙâã@@ÃÄ@ò …

Member Avatar for ziopulcher
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi everbody, I have used one ADODC control in my VB6 prog with SQL 2000 as backend. I have completed the connection of ADODC using UDL file and it's working fine But when i write the following syntax to retrieve data its not working: The code is as under: [B]Private …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Dr. Worm

At my school we use Visual Basic 6.0 and I wanted to try something that we learned about arrays and using notepad as a cheap database. We would use thinks like: Open "Filename.txt" For Input As #1 Input #1, strVARIABLE lblVARIABLE = str VARIABLE So basically it'd take the first …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for mattu124

I am stuggling to write a VB program and not getting any sucsses. My Problem is, I am doing a data analysis for a machine on daily basis. And the end of each job i summerize all the times and start the next one. For analysis i have to move …

Member Avatar for leroi green

hey guys, i've got an 'if' statement that works but i have to change it into a 'loop' statement. i originally chose 'if' because it's easier for me to understand but... it's gotta be a loop. so if anyone could, what would be the best loop style and how would …

Member Avatar for leroi green
Member Avatar for HB25

Hi I do have a form called booking, when user should be able to type a booking number in text box and by clicking on the Find button then all the details for this booking should be displayed. My problem is when I type the number and click on Find …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, Pl tell me the code to [COLOR="Red"][B]copy the existing table of Access or SQL [/B][/COLOR]and give the [B]new file name to it[/B] from VB6 at Run time without changing the field name. (k. S)

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for Dextergaisie

Hello everyone, please i need your help very urgently. I am working on a data management application and am using the data control and the standard report system. The following is an example of data collected. Name Age Birthday ( Day/Month) , Gender Samuel 23 2/5 Male John 22 3/5 …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for RAFAAJ2000

here is a workbook demo: [URL="http://www.datafilehost.com/download-553fafeb.html"]http://www.datafilehost.com/download-553fafeb.html[/URL] Ok. Let me explain. I have an Excel worksheet with a Source Cell and a Target Cell. Via GDI API functions, I draw a temporary gradient fill over the source cell which happens to be cell "D6". then, I make a transparent copy of …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

i'm trying to connect two computers over the internet. kinda a messeging service between my desktop at one house, and my laptop at my other. i want the desktop to connect to my laptop and then just send it a message. but i don't know how to get the laptops …

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The End.