10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi.. im writing a macro in Excel to copy a selected roe into a text file. i ve taken a button on a sheet and when user clicks on the button the selected row (only selected row) should b copied into a file on c: seperated with ","... ive written …

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Member Avatar for cheekeemonki

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!! I have already created a dialog box that holds the Combobox that contains the list of searchable terms but I am getting stuck on my search/go button. Here is a link to a copy of the DB Event Search form in question. [url]http://cheekeemonki.angelfire.com/Event_TESTER.accdb[/url] I have …

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Member Avatar for sal21

see the image of my listview... I want colorize each cells in rowset based the percentage in cells, how to? is possible? for example: if the percntage is 50% colorize half cell if the percentage is 25% colorize 1/4 of cell .... ecc i use this to insert percentage: ITM.SubItems(5) …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj

can anybody tell me why i am getting error object variable or with block variable not set .here is the code what i have written. any help would be greately appreciated. [code] Public Sub Addtolistview() 'Dim success As Boolean DataPath = GetSetting(Application.Name, "BasicSetup", "Database", "") 'StrQuotationStartID = GetSetting(Application.Name, "BasicSetup", "QuotationStartID", …

Member Avatar for crackerjacker

i was wondering, is their any way to do something, say msgbox, when an exe is ended via the end process in the task manager? thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for crackerjacker
Member Avatar for KikoLtd

Hello guys! I am a new member so if a make a mistake please don't shout at me :P I want to know how can i edit and delete a registry key in visual basic 2008 and also how to add a subfolder. I don't have any code so please …

Member Avatar for crazyhorse09
Member Avatar for tinajl

Hi, I am brand new to the DaniWeb Forums. I'm also very new to VB, and I taking my first course on it. I nearly have a large project done, but I have one main issue that I have not been able to resolve on my own as of yet. …

Member Avatar for tinajl
Member Avatar for nugget93

Im trying to make a small game in visual basic 6. It requires the moving of a command button depending on the different key inputs. I have the code working when you push other command buttons that this one moves but I cant figure out how to detect when either …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for BChanthorn

Hi all, I have wrote VBA code by export data into excel. But when i run it in some machine, an error occured. Error message is below: "Run-time error '-2147024770 (8007007e)': Automation error The specified module could not be found." Error occured in some compters only, not all. Any one …

Member Avatar for ricosuave
Member Avatar for rymyst3rio

Hello, I am trying to make a Rock Paper Scissors Game. I hae a combo box which the player is supposed to choose one of the three options. I want when they choose one that a corresponding image is shown in the picture box. I cannot figure out how to …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Dextergaisie

Hello everyone. I first want to thank all who have been of help or made attempts to help me out in my coding problems. I just want to say am very grateful and to DANIWEB for their wonderful job Keep it up. Anyway, I want to to be able to …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Zermoth

Am trying to print a report and also save it to a snapshot. The problem is that it runs off a query which works off two date fields (user entry). When I run it, it asks for the date twice, there by eliminating my backup of the file. There only …

Member Avatar for Giffordw

Should I be able to use VB6 to read/write an Access 2002 db, where the executable is running on Win98 SE?? I've resolved the oleaut32.dll version issue and reference DAO 3.6 but still get "unrecognized database format" if I reference a 2002 db.

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for sam1

Hello, I have an access database with 3 tables. The table i am working on is tblemployee. On a form i have a combo box with the employee numbers. Now, when a user chooses an employee number from the drop down box, i want the initial and name of that …

Member Avatar for Pacman21

Hi All.. I am angry cause its such a little thing but its a big part of my project so Here is the scenario.. I have an access database with a table called People and a Field called Names.. In the Names field I have five entries. A B C …

Member Avatar for chanthung

Hello, I have a problem again and will be grateful for a solution from anyone of you. i get this error while trying to make a setup file. how do i find out Which line it's refering to... i could make a setup before this without any problem. Thanks. [B]Compile …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Pacman21

Okay.. I have an Excel sheet and an Access database.. For example, my Access database has a bunch of numbers in a column.. For example it will look like, Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I want to be able to look at the field Numbers and …

Member Avatar for sowmyav

Hi, I already have a VB program to parse the data from the webpage and loads into the table for 3 values And I need to modify as it refers to the new page and the column is 14.And also, in this new page i need to search for a …

Member Avatar for sowmyav
Member Avatar for dongtrien

In operation system windows have got function Addfont for windows, windows will copy file font into fonts windows directory (C:\windows\fonts) after windows will register file font into registry of windows. I want to find this command in VB6.0. Do you know this command ? help me ?

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me.How should i get value on the basis of combo box.i simple want when user click one of the productname from the combo box other corresponding fields from the database should come in the text box of the form.Here is the code what i have written.kindly help …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for kevin12

Hi, im a bit new to vb6. Thing is I have to convert this php application to vb6 and im a bit stuck on the decryption module. below is the code, could you please give me some [B]guidelines [/B]on how to go about this conversion to vb6. I tried google …

Member Avatar for kevin12
Member Avatar for limesight18

hi everyone pls help me on the syntax,codes to be used i have this datagrid and a database is loaded to it then i have a listbox what i want to happen is when i click on a certain row in the datagrid it will be added in the listbox.. …

Member Avatar for palak_paneer
Member Avatar for maliha

hi evrybodt plzhelp me in vb6 hough transform for circle detection.....i need its code as soon aspossible.....

Member Avatar for maliha
Member Avatar for dongtrien

I wrote 1 function Random2 to create random number for dynamic array variables, when my program run, it's suspend my computer, my function below: Public Function Random2(Min As Single, Max As Single) As Single Dim i As Integer Dim vitri As Integer Dim N As Integer Dim Num() As Single …

Member Avatar for ryan311

help please, how to save a data between the time of what user input in the 2 textbox. 1 textbox is for intime and the 2 one is out time. for example if the user input 7:30 - 9:30 Am Intime all i want is this is the only time …

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Member Avatar for Cardenio

Hi, recently, within the last week, my computer has developed a problem where it will suddenly just turn off. I will see a taskbar appear just before saying "Microsoft Visual C+..." and with a couple of seconds the computer switches off. It will happen randomly whilst just browsing the internet …

Member Avatar for Cardenio
Member Avatar for vijaysr85

how to write code for the visual basic files can be save into mp3 format while savig.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anyone tell me why i am getting error object invalid or no longer set.here is the code what i have written.any help would be greately appreciated. [code] Private Sub FillVendorList() Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset, sqlQuery As String, i As Integer sqlQuery = "Select Suppliers.sup_id,Suppliers.Sup_name from Suppliers order by …

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for jackVB

Hello, Can anyone please give me the coding to caculate BODMAS of the data shown in the FlexGrid or a database. The calculation is not to be saved in the database back. It is for the use of the client. Thanks


The End.