10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for divakar.it

Hi, My requirement is to delete a selected row in the datagrid from SQL server. If no row is selected then nothing should happen. Below is my code [CODE] Private Sub BT_Remove_Click() On Error GoTo ErDsc: Dim MyConn As ADODB.Connection Dim MyRecSet1 As New ADODB.Recordset Set MyConn = New ADODB.Connection …

Member Avatar for divakar.it
Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

Hello all, I have created the setup/installer for my application using the PDwizard. The installation is working all good (as its expected). For uninstallation, I have used a custom program (created by me) instead of directly calling the st6unst.exe. This program is called from both programs shortcut menu as well …

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for zebnoon

Hye again , I have problem to get Backup file .my code is bellow [CODE]Dim strB As String 'On Error Resume Next strB = "D:\backup\db" & Date$ & ".mdb" FileCopy "C:\Database\MyDb.mdb", strB MsgBox "Backup Complete!!"[/CODE] I always receive Run-time error '70' "Permission denied" please help me

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for harius

[code] While dr.Read() //read from access database Dim tb1 As New TextBox() tb1.ID = "tb" + i.ToString() WallDiv.InnerHtml += dr(0) WallDiv.InnerHtml += "<br>" WallDiv.InnerHtml += dr(1) WallDiv.InnerHtml += "<br>" WallDiv.InnerHtml += dr(2) 'Create TextBox under each Comment WallDiv.Controls.Add(tb1) i = i + 1 End While [/code] Problem is that :-Loop …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for jaasaria

Hi everyone, goodday. Right now im planing to setup 5databases for each store(5 loan branch). Each branch encode customer and loan account. Also hold each db for the branch inventory. For single branch the database works perfectly (encode transaction and produce reports). Now my problem is.. I want to centralize …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for nitguit

Hi, My Access database has one column named 'Term' and the Table name is 'ATG'. I require to populate my listbox with data in the 'Term' columns. I'm unable to do that using this code. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this (it displays numbers from 1 to 10 …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for eniine

Hello . I have a toolbar in my application . IT display image and text in english. Now i want to change the font family of the font. For example the font is ARIAL and i want to convert it to a new font(ex HINDU) that i have installed in …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for shelexelex

please i am new to this vb programming but i have a challenge before me.. I need to make a program that will compare the date in the database with the system date and if they are equal, it pops up a notification on the icon tray. Your help will …

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Member Avatar for neosonic

I have this little problem (at least I hope it is little). My vb6 program behaves differently when I execute it with the execute button in vb6 and when I execute it by using the compiled .exe file. I have a huge 2 picture boxes which loads 2 x 5 …

Member Avatar for neosonic
Member Avatar for vinothmca

When i was entered into login page the code is here [code] Private Sub txt_Password_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then If UCase(txt_Password) = UCase(txt_dbPassword) Then Unload Me Modification_Main.Enabled = True 'unlock database here Else MsgBox "Invalid password.", vbExclamation txt_Password.SetFocus SendKeys "{home}" & "+{end}" counter = counter + 1 …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for vinothmca
Member Avatar for vishal31

I need to create a program which calculates the bonus points for the books read. This program need to obtain reader name and bonus point earned. Number of books read Points is as bellow; First three books 10 points each Next three books 15 points each All books over six …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for denine

hi good day, im a beginner of VB using DAO. Right now im doing my first sales system. My problem is I want to delete something from my database. my code is this. With DTPicker1 Dbase.Execute(Delete * from SalesTable where eDate = ' " & DTPicker1.Value & " ' ") …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for Evesy

Hi, I recently got a wireless printer which is downstairs and I want to make a program that turns the printer on/off. If anyone knows how I can do this, that would be great. I may be able to do this in C# if necessary. I will post more details …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for androidz

im making a program and my problem is i want to make the textbox behave like a search engine whenever the user input certain word in the textbox all similar keywords will display like search engine does.sorry i dont know what is the name of that control and im not …

Member Avatar for aquamarine_kath
Member Avatar for jemz

Hello, Hi, can you help me please I have problem in my program,I used MsAccess as my database... how can i make my textbox just like in google that when you type a certain word it will have drop down list... ex...the user will type this word "how to make" …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Skrollan30

Hi, I hope some one have time to help a new hobby programme. I have a Word doc with is a report over an inspection, with is linked to VBA. First history When you are open the doc you will have a pop up window (with is create in VBA) …

Member Avatar for y2kshane

i have a XML file that temporary stored data from the DB. i have DataSet that reads from the XML file and fill the DataSet. i want to set this Dataset as data source to ReportViewer in runtime

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Member Avatar for kiswah03

Hi, I have created a program to play videos in VB6. But it cant play FLV files. Can anyone please suggest how to play FLV files in VB6.

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Member Avatar for AndreRet

I have followed every step in the My Sql forum posted - [URL="http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/vb-blob-handling.html."]http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/vb-blob-handling.html.[/URL] I have no problem in saving the picture file to MySql. The problem arises in retrieving the picture. I am using code as follow: - [CODE]Private Sub DataLoadPicture() On Error GoTo ErrFailed Dim cnPhoto As New ADODB.Connection …

Member Avatar for GTA_doum
Member Avatar for sdr001

Hello, I am almost done with writing the program below. My problem is when I go to get the next line in the file, the first line works great. I am writing it in autoit and I heard it is similar to Basic so hopefully someone could help. I am …

Member Avatar for joaep2

Hey guys, I want to write code that does something like this: If option = 1 Then Create one Button and display it Else If option = 2 Then Create two Buttons and display them End If To do this, can I simply do: [CODE]If option = 1 Then Dim …

Member Avatar for aquamarine_kath
Member Avatar for twsmale

I'm relatively new to VBA, and I'm trying to automate some macros for a datasheet. I need it to look at the value known as rackRack.Text (I know, not the best var name) and split it. The original value would look like: "B-04". I want it to split and select …

Member Avatar for twsmale
Member Avatar for divakar.it

Hi, Please find my requirement - The Datetimepicker should display the current month - It should disable the 1st day of the month (i.e mindate should be 2nd day of the month) - It should disable all dates > current date (i.e maxdate should be current system date) So that …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

How to get the difference of the month from the date specified. Example: [code=vb] date1.value="5/1/2010" date2.vale ="5/31/2011" [/code] it should give a result of 12. thank you for helping.!

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for heavy.is.happy

Hello! My first post here. I have a problem. I want to make a Windows form that it's exist a button, and if you click that button, then the mouse cursor will move to a choosen X and Y coordinates and after that the cursor will click left or right. …

Member Avatar for heavy.is.happy
Member Avatar for y2kshane

i want to detect if listview has been updated eg: there are listview1,listview2 and a button1 .u can send items to listview2 from listview1 .if the listview2 has an item button1 will enable if the listview2 is empty button1 will disable what is the suitable event for this?? (there is …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for Lygris

So I've been trying to convert CSV files to XLS. However, this line of code keeps giving me problems: [CODE] oExcel.SaveAs FileName:=FilePath_XLS(TableName), FileFormat:=xlNormal[/CODE] The FilePath_XLS returns correctly... I just can't figure out what's going wrong but it will not execute..

Member Avatar for Lygris
Member Avatar for MAnders09

Hi everyone! i have a question if someone know how can i check with a VB application if another programs window is minimized or maximized? example i would make a simple VB app that could while running check with a timer if "MS Paint" for example was maximized and check …

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hi! we are having trouble in our program. every time we click login button it will proceed to the next form even if it doesn't have anything on it. can you please help us regarding this problem [code] Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.RecordSource = " select * from login where username …

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The End.