10,991 Topics
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Hi all, I would like to format a column in datagrid with 2 conditions. The column must be entered with only "N/A" or date (DD-MMM-YYYY) format value. [CODE] If Me.grdDataGrid.DataFormats(10).Format <> "N/A" Then MsgBox "Invalid Data Entry!", vbInformation Exit Sub End If[/CODE] The code above still produce "Invalid Data Entry" … | |
They want to have a [COLOR="Red"]"search textbox"[/COLOR],[COLOR="Red"] "result textbox"[/COLOR] and a [COLOR="red"]"datagrid".[/COLOR] If the secretary input a keyword, all the "familiar data" will be displayed in result textbox. and if that secretary click one of the results in the result textbox, the details of that data will display in datagrid. … | |
Hi experts, well, nearly 10 years after .net became the mainstream I am finally making the move to vb.net after having supported VB6 apps all this time. I have been learning vb.net 2010 but am finding it difficult to find relevant information on the COM aspect. In VB6 COM was … | |
Hello, I am new to vb and I need some help from you all. I have to do a project which is interface an vane anemometer to computer by parallel port. I have done almost everything now i only left with the programme. My idea is the anemometer will give … | |
I have the problem to convert the rtf document to PDF. I search around the internet but it still cannot solve my problem.I am using TextControl in visual basic to create the document .Please help thx :) | |
I have prob. with my printer my printer is Mini Dot Impact Matrix Printer. model AB 300 Kc. how to setting paper for this printer? | |
Hi, i really need help making this program: Write a program that will ask a teacher to enter his 4 digit password. The program gives three tries for the password. If the teacher fails in three tries, the program displays the message, “you are not eligible to enter the grades”. … | |
just wondering if there was any way to disable some values in the combobox or at least grey them out. i populate the combo box from the database: rs.MoveLast With Me.Combo1 .Clear Do .AddItem rs.Fields("CustomerFirstName") rs.MoveNext Loop Until rs.EOF End With once one value has been selected, is there a … | |
Hey all, I have split an Access database not on the server. I have decided to VBA code the links, however I have reached a stall when attempted to VBA code the update query; updating the remote table with data from the local temporary table. I have tried multiple things … | |
Hi masters, I try to write and read file into txt file but i dont know how to do it. Anyone know how to achieve this? Please help me. any help will appreciated much. Best Regards | |
I put this code to button_event: [CODE]01 On Error GoTo ErrT 02 If mValidateControl.Validate(txtKode0, txtKode0.Text <> "") = True Then 03 MsgBox "Kode Bahasa belum diisi" 04 Else 05 Rs.MoveFirst 06 If Not (Rs.EOF = True And Rs.EOF = True) Then 07 While Not Rs.EOF 08 If Rs("kdBhs") = txtKode0.Text … | |
How to display the field in text box using combo box. When the user click the combo box, two fields will be displayed, the first field will be displayed in 1st text box1 and 2nd field in text box2. These are my codes. Can you help me how? Dim cmdoff … | |
Hi, I'm kinda new to VB.net programming and now I'm get stuck in one simple problem, plz help if you can. I'm trying to create a simple program that display a list of game(from database) according to user's input. The input is core, clock, ram, vga. How I make the … | |
I have a problem with Excel 2003. Every time I open the program I get a MS Visual Basic Error that says: Compile error in hidden module: AutoExecNew (when i open it) Compile error in hidden module: DistMon (when i close it) I installed MS Office 2003 Professional on my … | |
sir i have vb6.0 with crystal 10 with oracle 9i but when form is run it giving strange run-time error'424' object required. but later ver.(crystal 7) same report running file. pls.help me. kewal sharma | |
Hi there, i get the following error message every time i open and close Microsoft Word and Excel For Microsoft Word: Microsoft Visual Basic Compile Error in hidden module: Auto Exec and for Excel: Microsoft Visual Basic Compile error in hidden module: AutoExecNew (when i open it) Compile error in … | |
im using the dlookup() to prievew password at a unbound textbox within a criteria that the username and security question that are entered matches the database. Ex: user forget password. he enters his user name, and select the security question, and answer the question. if these data match the data … | |
[CODE]Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim vPass As String If IsNull([usernametxt]) = True Then MsgBox "Username is required", vbOKOnly, "Required Data" ElseIf IsNull([answertxt]) = True Then MsgBox "Password is required", vbOKOnly, "Required Data" End If ' Evaluate filter before it is passed to DLookup function. strFilter = "[USERNAME]= '" & Me.usernametxt & … | |
Hi experts out there, I'm using a zebra printer, model TLP 2844Z. I need to print my company logo on a label. I've been trying this for the past two weeks and no idea what I'm doing wrong with the code below :( Other lines are printed except for the … | |
Hello All, As the title.. Does any one know how to find how many specific character in a text? Best Regard Eko. | |
Dear All, Could someone can help me with this.... I need to extract file name example ABC-01.xls in to ABC-01 only what method i could use on this? Could anyone help me please!!! Thanks & Best Regards | |
Hi all,, How i can sum all item on listview column. Thank you in advance. | |
[CODE]Public Sub loginbtn_Click() If IsNull([usernamecbo]) = True Then MsgBox "Username is required", vbOKOnly, "Required Data" ElseIf IsNull([passwordtxt]) = True Then MsgBox "Password is required", vbOKOnly, "Required Data" Else If Me.passwordtxt.Value = DLookup("PASSWORD", "SYS_USER", "[SERIAL_NUMBER] = " & Me.usernamecbo.Value) Then strUser = Me.usernamecbo.Value strAccountType = DLookup("USER_TYPE", "SYS_USER", "[SERIAL_NUMBER] = " & … | |
Hye all I am developing a Shop Software i want to know what kind of Grid i have to use at Sale Form which will sum up and print bill? | |
needdd help...... how could i view remote database connection status using vb6? if the status currently connected or not to other user........ TY in advnce :) | |
Hello, Please help me, how can i populate or display my newly added list in the listview, if i will click my addbutton.can you please help me. Thank you in advance and I am hoping for your positiver response. | |
Hello, can you help me please,why is that if i insert picture on my listview and then if i have many data to display it.my listview will be destroy,it will not display properly the data.can you help me please why is this happen and how to fix this.Thank you in … | |
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Hello can you help me please, Is it possible to load only 30 data on my listivview?after i run my program?can you helop me please. Thank you in advance and I am hoping for your positive response | |
Hi guys, I've just managed to get 99% of a script running for my website. I am creating a system where a user can create an invoice using our billing system, and then download it via PDF. I am using Persists PDF module and I have got it all working. … |
The End.