10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi Experts, good day! I have hard time coding the click event when I click cmdTime on the second time a message box will say, "Your first time in for 2/16/13 at 9:00:33 am, Are you sure you want to record this time in, Yes Cancel?" The time 1:22:33 is …

Member Avatar for kimangel
Member Avatar for lexaeterna

i am making an inquiry kiosk for a certain company and it required to be on a network, with sql server as backend database. is there any way that i can connect to the database which is on the server and fetch data?

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hope all is well,I've Managed to write code to Open Folders/Browse Folders using Common Dialog... -->>The name of Common Dialog is Folder... -->>But now as I've the Open Button when the Browse Windows Show up,I was wondering how can I... -->>Open the Selected File when User Click the Open Button …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Ayesha.Shahnawaz

So I've FINALLY gotten my code to work but unfortunately my code's sooo messed up that its displaying something else! As you can see in the picture below, the Flex Grid is displaying the data of "Service" http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc228/rose_408/receiptform_zps1a66f838.png http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc228/rose_408/service_zps5e886a12.png When its actually supposed to show the data of "Receipt Service"! …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi Expert, my Option1.value is not save to databse while Option2.value is saving. Pls help me check my code. Thanks Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select*from Employees", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic On Error GoTo err rs.AddNew rs!Employees_IdNo = txtSearch1.Text rs!Lastname = txtLastname1.Text rs!Firstname = txtFirstname1.Text rs!Middle_Initial = …

Member Avatar for kimangel
Member Avatar for ponnu
Member Avatar for Divinedar

I have the following code that hyperlinks the file to a cell in excel when you type in the file name. I need to alter this code and not sure how. I need for the code that when you type in file name it also finds the filename path and …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for ponnu

I have vb form tht accepts user data.I need to check whether user enters emailid in the correct format ?Please provide suggestion .Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for ponnu
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Now I have managed to go through some codes that creates a System Tray Icon... -->>I've managed to create it but something is wrong here that disturbs Me... -->>When I Click on the Tray Icon of My Software it wont Load My Application... -->>That is Say if it was Minimized …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for elanch

hi all! I have created two datetime picker for getting input for start time and end time. but i could'nt able to calculate time duration between them. How to calculate the time duration by getting start and end time input. Thanks in advance elanch

Member Avatar for dhineshbabu2k1
Member Avatar for habenero

I was here once before and I'm back; Here's my quandary: What I want to do is build a filename (and save it of course) using what the user puts into a txtbox. In that filename I have the user select one of three option buttons and a number of …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi experts, kimangel is here again, doubling my time. Thanks alot for helping. I have problem with two tables, when I click cmdSearch button searching for Employees_IdNo error occur "The specified field 'Employees_IdNo' could refer to more one table in the FROM clause in your SQL statement. below is my …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Ayesha.Shahnawaz

I've got 2 flex grids in one VB form and I wanna connect both of these Flex Grids to 2 different tables in MS Access. This is how my form looks like: http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc228/rose_408/form_zps100c290c.png Here's the code for the service flex grid (FlexService): Private Sub Form_Load() Set conn = New ADODB.Connection …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for kiran2012

Hi, I newly installed VB6 and Visual Studio 2012 Premium. OS - Windows 7. I want to add Listview control to my form. For this when i add reference to MS Windows common controls, VB crashes and closes. This is the error msg i am getting "Unhandled exception at 0x00409719 …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for CHRIZOTA

Please I need the codes that enable a user to create a new user with a password and also to enable one change a password in Visual Basic 2008

Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! I have this datasets format in sql server! AccountID AccountName 1/30/2013 2/30/2013 3/30/2013 4 Credit Cards 20,000 30,000 12,000 5 Loans Payable 5,000 6,000 5,000 How can I load all this data to listview? The colums are dynamic. It could be 6, 7, 8, or 12, or higher. …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for mgunia

Hello, I want to re-arrange my existing macros in the excel file. I have a macro which goes to the specified sheet and checks column R if there are commas. If it finds the commas it replaces it to dots. Column R is called Email. But in some of documents …

Member Avatar for mgunia
Member Avatar for kimangel

hi experts, i have problem saving my logout entry could not be saved on database. Password & username textbox is in the login form on form 1 and lbldate & lbltime is on form 2. Log-out click is a Menu editor on form 2. Pls help me check my code. …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Ayesha.Shahnawaz

Ok, so my form displays an error saying "run time error. could not find installable ISAM." everytime i run it. And its pointing at "conn.Open" part of the code when i run it. heres my code: Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rec As ADODB.Recordset Dim rec1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim rec2 …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sachins1986
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for josverhoeff

My vb6 to vb.net converted application performs about twice as slow as the classic ASP version. Here is the setup: I have an old ASP application that uses for most of its function calls a vb6 dll of 30000 + lines of code. I managed to convert the dll into …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for oail

Hi, can anyone help me by showing me a sample of MS Access linked to Visual Basic that have edit, delete and add function?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for SID.SIL

Hi Guys Normally I obtain a data this way "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS" but now I need tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Can you help me? Thanks a Lot

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi experts, my time value display is the word "true" on Label2.caption and not a real time. On Label1.caption the is the exact date. Only the time got wrong. below is my code: Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Label1.Caption = Date Label2.Caption = time End sub I have a timer1 the dispaly …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sarman.boyslo

newbie wanna ask... please help let say i have a form, in this form i make a menu, if i click it, it will show a form, mini form (sub form), in this form i put a textboxt and a button, the textboxt contain some value and changeable, if i …

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for Bile

-->>Hi, here is athing I managed to write Codes that Creates a Folder for a User when Registered... -->>The Folder takes User's registered name with some additional files inside it,works very fine... -->>The code I used is this one: MkDir GetAppPath() & "SPGPAC - File User Files\" & UCase(txtUserName.Text) MkDir …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mgunia

Hello. I would like to ask for a help. I deal with excel spread sheets and very often I need to amend specific column. The whole steps look like this: Step 1. Find the column name, Step 2. Mark the all populated rows in this column, Step 3. Proceed with …

Member Avatar for sharunkumar

Hi, I want to know how to send keys like ALT, Shift, Ctrl, Entre, etc. with the My.Computer.SendKeys() function. Also, I need a code with which i can send 2 keys together like Ctrl+C If its not possible with SendKeys(), please suggest some other function to acheive this. [I use …

Member Avatar for Cardine.Mpisane
Member Avatar for v.k.p

Please, I need guidance. I know **VB** and some vb.net programming. 1. I have an assignment in which I have to program for product process management, where I will have a client updating daily reports(processes completed) and this data will be compared with targetdata (available on other client/server) and the …

Member Avatar for A0110

Hi, I am facing some problems in the deployment of my VB ActiveX DLL on a server. I have a job which runs a stored procedure. The job and the SP are on the same server as the DLL. Using this stored procedure I access the classes (and the methods …

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The End.