10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for verbalurbs

Hello I am trying to display an ID which is a primary key in my table by selecting the corresponding name in my table. the names have been saved in a combo box and depending on the name selected the textbox will display that Id. the code I have so …

Member Avatar for martinhosking
Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi Experts, my sql query below returns 0 value, though I have entries in my data base. Please help me check my codes below; Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim sTrID As String sTrID = txtSearch.Text Dim Total As Integer Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select Count(DateIn) as Total from Time_In …

Member Avatar for kimangel
Member Avatar for mfbi23681

I'm new with VB6 and i'm a self learner.. I need help with coding for generating data report by filtering between 2 dates using 2 dtpickers. i'm using data environment and the dates are in 1 field

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jovstudios

Hello Guys Help Me To Count The Item in Listview and Update it. Scenario.. Customer Buy 3 Milk and 2 Nescafe then the Cashier Punch it Item-----------------Qty Milk-------------------2 Nescafe---------------2 The Cashier Forget to Punch the 1 Milk. the Cashier should Punch Another One Milk..But My Code This is What Happen …

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Member Avatar for maytham

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a, b, cc As Integer Dim p(3), d(3), e(3), t(3), h(3), w(3), c(3), f(6) As Integer If Text4.Text <> "" Then strfile = Text4.Text Open strfile For Input As #1 For i = 1 To 3 Input #1, p(i), d(i), h(i), w(i) Next i Close #i …

Member Avatar for maytham
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I'm trying to save an incoming email as a .txt document but I'm having some trouble with the VBA. My procedure is as follows: Sub ConvertToPlainAndSaveAs(Mymail As MailItem) Dim strID As String Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem strID = Mymail.EntryID Set objMail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strID) objMail.BodyFormat = olFormatPlain objMail.SaveAs "C:\Users\Me\Documents\path\to\Test.txt", …

Member Avatar for Tinnin
Member Avatar for aderogba08

I'm making a calculator, and I want the question(text) to shift the left when the textbox is full. So as you type, it shifts to the left(only when the textbox is full) to make the newly typed question visible. In a normal textbox the text shifts to the right making …

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Member Avatar for kayjenx

I've been battling with this for the pass few days. I have an access03 database that is used to track training that we give to employees. i had a form that has, the training info and then a subform that lists all the attendees and their scores. Now I was …

Member Avatar for tirror69
Member Avatar for archangel1177

Hello, its been a while since I have been here but I am in need of assistance. First off I haven done this in a while so to say that I am rusty is an understatement. What I am trying to do is create a form that allows for input …

Member Avatar for archangel1177
Member Avatar for Ayesha.Shahnawaz

Hi, I've never really created a login screen in VB and connected it to a table in MS Access before. So I'm supposed to create a login screen and after gaining access to it, a main menu form needs to show up which would be connected to the rest of …

Member Avatar for Ayesha.Shahnawaz
Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi experts, I have a Daily Records form of an employee. my fields are; search box search button datefrom (datepicker) dateto(datepicker) datagridview (fields are Employees_IdNo, DateIn, TimeIn and TimeOut) totaldays totalhours The scenario is this, first search for an employee using Employee number, set the datefrom and dateto to two …

Member Avatar for kimangel
Member Avatar for rishif2

how to add scroll bars to mdi form when the height of child form is greater than the actual height of mdi parent form . . .

Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for ahmad.aiman.35

hello guys, can help me out? My assignment need to do a registration system. Student register use identification card(put in mycard reader) and the existing database(already have student data) will recognize and mark the student attendance and the system also can check how many people are coming for the event. …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for silversurf

Hello, Here is the scenario : I have the follwoing sales return from in my software: ![sales_return1](/attachments/large/3/sales_return1.JPG "sales_return1") In the from I have tow listview control, the left is Listview and the right is Listview1. I have the following code in procedure : Dim xsprice As String Dim xsprice1 As …

Member Avatar for hyesin
Member Avatar for rahul.gour

If .SubItems(19) = "Y" Then chkTax.Value = 1 txtTaxRate.Text = .SubItems(16) Else chkTax.Value = 0 txtTaxRate.Text = "" End If having problem Compilation error : method or data member not found with this code chktax is a check box.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for JakeRivett

How do you go about pausing your code from operating. I want to make an animation by making a picture box visable then another then another but I need a period of time between transitions? How would I go about doing this? boredPic(1, 1).Visible = True boredPic(1, 1).Image = My.Resources.Red …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pinkxhmile03

what code can i use in my game when i'm upgrading or i will evolve or build ong picture to another picture ? please help me thanks !

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for fx.eko

When I create data report use VB6 Enterprise, when I add Data Source to that form, I'm get error message "UNHANDLED EXCEPTION AT 0X89067542 IN VB6.EXE : 0XC0000005 : ACCESS VIOLATION READING LOCATION 0X89067542" and VB6.EXE close What happen ??? any body can help me, thanks for advanced Regards, FX …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Is there a way to open a form in vb6 when they clicked on one of the field in crystal report? Ex. If I want to update certain deposit, when clicking on crystal report, it will open the vb6 form to display for editing.. Ive found 1 in vb.net from …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mikaichan13

I'm having trouble with this: Option Explicit Dim hold1, hold2 As String Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() LoginSucceeded = False Me.Hide Welcome_Scrn.Show End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() With Adodc1.Recordset hold1 = "[Username] like'" + txtUserName.Text + "'" hold2 = "[Password] like'" + txtPassword.Text + "'" If .EOF <> …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for josverhoeff

Hi, I am (still) converting an old asp web app / vb6 dll to aspx / vb.net I am now biting on a fairly simple function in vbscript: the execute() function What the vbscript does is the following: It reads in a variable name and its (string) value from a …

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Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain

Its all in the title, i want to get 2 dates from user then view them in a data report text labels so we have idea what the report is displaying

Member Avatar for bCubed
Member Avatar for illusive_blood

hello. i'm only 15 year old and so i dont know much about vb6.0 . i m using a code for a search button that would display the fields in a database(ms access) in textboxes when i select a date from the combobox i used the code: Adodc1.Recordset.Filter = "infodate='" …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for javanoob101

Hello, I suck at programming, so I'd like some help on createing a .vbs script to disable right mouse clicking on the entirely Is this even possible? Google searching yeilded me nothing usefull... javanoob101

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Member Avatar for asaness
Member Avatar for kimangel

Hi experts, I have an update form, even without changes made in fields the form will still be updated. How can I code that the form will not update without changes made. Pls help me. Thanks alot. below is my code. Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() If Trim(txtLastname.Text) = "" Or Trim(txtFirstname.Text) …

Member Avatar for kimangel
Member Avatar for martin9t9

hello everyone, i have just finished developing my first program that includes a database. i have used instalsheild to make it a file so i can instal it on other PC's. but when i run the program on another computer i get an error, i cant remember what it said …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for pjns19

Hi all, Looking to extract all HTML tags from a dump of HTML data and put them all in a listbox. I currently have the following code. It displays to me things like HTML HEAD TITLE BODY. But i want things like the IMG and ALT tags. ' Obtain the …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for vprakashit

i am tyring to create new project nemmed as car parking system please help to get the password and check the name in database and display the already gathered displays ........please help me ...........<snip>

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Member Avatar for wondering_ed

Good day to everyone. I am new to Visual basic and I am having a hard time at school because they dont teach all the codes in visual basic 6.0 and they want us to have self study and all. What a bummer. For our midterm exams, our professor wanted …

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The End.