10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I am trying to create a simple application for personal use for Twitter marketing. This is my first time trying to interact with REST APIs through VB and I have been going around and round getting various different errors. Here is my current code and I get a '401 …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB

I have this routine that works in outlook 2010 but not in outlook 2013 (365). ` Public Sub readTextFile(oFolder As eFolder) If oFolder = NotSupported Then Exit Sub If oFolder = Inbox Then ActiveExplorer.CurrentView = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Views("MgInbox") Else ActiveExplorer.CurrentView = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail).Views("MgSentMail") End If Dim oTV As Outlook.TableView Set oTV = ActiveExplorer.CurrentView …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for mcdczzz
Member Avatar for Moiz_1

Hello Anyone could you help i have got a strange problem when i update any record i get an error 2147467259 -(8000405) Insert Field failed. Where as on the same application i can add a new record. Please see below the code i have used dont know where am going …

Member Avatar for Daemon_CC
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hi there. I am making an application in VB.Net. In which i am scanning some system folders and on the execution time it gives me the error; E.g, access to the path "C:\any system file" is denied. Is there any code you people have that is edited in to the …

Member Avatar for deletedaccount
Member Avatar for Yogesh_5

vb color commondialog box return color if i am selecting cancel in color dialog box.how we can handle this. commondlg.showcolor lblcolor.forecolor=commondlg.color

Member Avatar for Yogesh_5
Member Avatar for pebryan

Hello.. i just want to know..how i copy or transfer all data record from datagrid1 to datagrid2 ..Thanks

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor
Member Avatar for Estella

Hi All, How can i get mac address from other computers with input ip address? Please helps Best Regards...

Member Avatar for tekuna1678
Member Avatar for Sushma Somesh

HI, my code for search is rec.Open "select * from Body_Markings_new where Part Number like '%" & txtsearch.Text & "%' ", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic after compiling this code getting an error saying syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'part number like' %1%" please help me I not able to …

Member Avatar for Sushma Somesh
Member Avatar for Dr.Lipe
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for fada397

below is the code which select value from the database and increase it by 2 and update the database with the new value. how do I lock or prevent multiple read and update at the same time? please help Dim query2 As String = "select * from " + usern …

Member Avatar for ronmark.madrona

Gud day to everyone!!! Hi, I really need your help guyz, i want to connect my system and database to 2 or more computer, just like the server and client. how could it be possible?? and what you shuold i do for this project?? i hope you can help me …

Member Avatar for ronmark.madrona_1
Member Avatar for ronmark.madrona

hi to all, i am new in vb6 and im trying to make a project. Can you help me guyz, i want to populate the textbox in datagrid. im don't have the idea on how to do it. this is what i want to try , when i am inputing …

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Member Avatar for Gulzar_1

im using access 2007...when i open database in vb6.0 it is throwing an error 3343 unrecognised database format..i m using latest reference. help me out

Member Avatar for Fadli Muhammad

can anyone how to disable process such as explorer.exe at startup windows7 until i was true entering password? i want make log in display as my style.. thanks before.

Member Avatar for annain

hi, I need a help.how can i SEARCH a record in a database using listbox and display the results?? For an example: if i select a destination on the listbox and it will look for the records on database and display it. im using ms access and adodb connection.Below is …

Member Avatar for annain
Member Avatar for annain
Member Avatar for annain
Member Avatar for prashant9928

Hi there, I am working on a project and want to resolve invalid form submition. i want to create a regular expression which can check each form value that must not have any string like as: '"abc.Xyz What exactly the regular expression should be?, for more information please feel free …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends , Is there any way for data alignment in the list box. My code is given below Private Sub TxtFdt_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Dim L, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 As Integer Select Case KeyAscii Case vbKeyReturn If TRS.State = adStateOpen Then TRS.Close TRS.Open "SELECT * FROM Tran WHERE Ac …

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor
Member Avatar for Yogesh_5

i want to create a table and fill the data inside. i have crated table manully using loop now i want to fill data inside it... how we can fill plz help Dim tmpcounter As Integer tmpcounter = pageLeft + Printer.CurrentY For x1 = pageLeft To 2036 Step 200 Printer.Line …

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor
Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hello, I have my own mail template in vb6.0. when i click on send button it creates a new outlook 2007 window. all information passes to it except subject message. on my local machine it is working but on client side not. Tanks, krunal

Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

i have problems with the application that i currently develop. I use tab control, and to access tab pages(page 1 , page 2, etc) i use link label. Now my question is, how can i remove the WHITE BORDER of my tab control?? I tried using panel to hide the …

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Member Avatar for noor_3

Hey, I never use any CSS file in VB...just wanna ask is that posibble? And for what i've found, in order to implement the css call we need to declare it in the master or content page rite?? well my badluck i dont have any of it..the project that with …

Member Avatar for junglefury

Hello daniweb, I would like to us if it possible to search using two boxes from listview in vb6… First text box is for company name then the second box is for Number…the idea is that search first in the first textbox(companyname) then the second textbox (number)will search based on …

Member Avatar for ctrah

hi... how to calculate the difference between time 1 and time 2 ... and how to get the current time without moving "second" coding that I do now makes a ticking time and can not do subtraction between the time ... I really appreciate your help Private Sub Command1_Click() Timer1.Enabled …

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Member Avatar for tbuchli

I'm trying to make a hit counter. I have it working but when I add it to my website, I get a web config. error... <%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %> <script language="VB" runat="server"> Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for tbuchli
Member Avatar for <\Jericho>

I'm trying to open a text file in a rich text box, but when I use the OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() function it says: "refrance to a non shared member requires a object refrance" even though I've uesd imports system.IO if I sound like an idiot, Its because I'm learning. My code so …

Member Avatar for alina.nazchowdhury

I've already succedd to dial a number via modem using mscomm control, but i want to actually be able to speack with that person i'm calling, how can i do it, or if you have some modem dialer examples in zip files, please let me know, i'll apriciate it.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for imti321

I have created three tables used dataset to generate fields when i enter data it does get stored but when i close application and then reopen data doesn't show.

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

'======================================================================================================= If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close rs.Open "select ActvID from activity_id where ProjectNo = '" & ProjectNo1 & " ' ", db, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If Not rs.EOF Then rs.MoveLast While Not rs.BOF ActvID.AddItem rs(0) rs.MovePrevious Wend Set rs = Nothing i need to add items without using While plz


The End.