10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Krs13

Hi, In vb i used data form wizard to create Master/Details form from a database. When i run that code i get a error in the below line: Private Sub Form_Load() [COLOR="red"]Set grdDataGrid.DataSource = datPrimaryRS.Recordset("ChildCMD").UnderlyingValue[/COLOR] End Sub It says Data error event hit err:[ADODC]: Unknown error. [ADO] then it says …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for xirosen

HI, can anyone help me pls on how to set the paper size of my datareport on printing. here is my code but it doesn't work. I don't know the reason why it does not work on me. Printer.PaperSize = 5 'SET TO LEGAL PAPER SIZE dr1.Orientation = rptOrientLandscape dr1.Show …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sutanu_halder
Member Avatar for gertails

please help me on my problem about visual basic 6.0 my problem is how to add music background .... please give me some code or some idea thank you....

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Samir Mishra
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for samurai14

I just want to know how Can I display an asterisk pattern like if the user selects on the combobox.additem = 1 then it will display * ** *** ** * If user selects combobox.additem= 2 then * ** *** ** * ** *** ** * then so on and …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for kinvieb

I am developping an user interface in VBA to manage an MS access database. I am confronted with a task that consists to open any document file store on a computer using a VBA command. I can do that that for any MS office document but failing with other document …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for AncieV

hi..i wanted to know how to set focus from form2 to say a desired textbox in form1.. Problem tht i face is if i give a setfocus() in form2 it gives me an "Invalid procedure call or argument error"....i have already set the focus in the form load event of …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Seba Sama

Hi I'm trying to send some text to LPT1 port. [url]http://www.logix4u.net/[/url] this seems to work but there is nothing happening on my printer. can anyone tell me how to do it? thx

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mobilevb

Could somebody help me with VB code that can send and receive SMS text messages to and from my PC via a GSM modem? I use VB 6 - Enterprise Edition.

Member Avatar for SRI2SRI
Member Avatar for Maestro12

Please help me guys. Im trying to create a program where i have a car racing a plane. So far everything is alright except my plane won't move and only the car moves. This is my code in VB6 format 'we need two counters to store the number of wins …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin

Does anyone know any example of source codes that can receive a string(SCPI String) and send it to a SCPI library/module/commands? For example to those who know, GPIB has their own specific module that can be used in VB and what i need is somewhat that same specific module that …

Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin
Member Avatar for gangaloves7

hi i wanna combine all three column values in column... i want some thing lik this PartNo Stock Obsolute Replaced order part no 12345 10 12345 12346 10 12346 12347 11001 11001 12348 11002 11002 12349 12349 Empty 12350 12350 HELP ITS URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for xirosen

Can a pageset.dll can be use to change the default printer paper size? I have tried using printer.papersize = 5 but this doesn't work on my project. I have tried pageset orientation and it works so i wonder if pageset has the capability to change also the paper size of …

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor

I will greatly appreciate, if someone could help me to revert a VB6 Exe. file into Source code file. Cause I have lost my working project as a result of formating my PC. I have a copy of the Exe. file on my Flash memory. Only hope is that to …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for harikumar86

[CODE]Dim tp As Integer Dim str, flt(), strflt, sflt As String Dim l, l1, l2, l3, i, j, t As Integer 'Title code Private Sub Title_Change() Dim commas As Integer Dim pos As Integer Dim str As String l = Len(Title.Text) If l >= 80 Then MsgBox "Title Exceeded the …

Member Avatar for harikumar86
Member Avatar for shena

Hi, I created tables in ms access whereby all the tables have index. In a table, if I delete a record (lets say index number 10) and then write a new record through program, the new record doesn't follow the last running number (where last index is now 9, new …

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for bertrand

hi every one am looking a way to write a simple vb exe written in notepad where the function would be: -when the file open an image pops up. -i don`t want it to have any window around it i just want a close button that would be on the …

Member Avatar for sanjeevarao
Member Avatar for RahulV

[B]--URGENT--[/B] I have created a database in Access 2007 ([COLOR="Red"][B]*.accdb[/B][/COLOR]) format but im not able to connect it to VB6.0 project to access the data. i know how to connect using Access 97 / 2000 ([B][COLOR="Red"]*.mdb[/COLOR][/B]) format but how to connect and use DML queries on a Access 2007 file …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Krs13

Hi, I have a login screen where user enters their name and password. The username and password are stored in access. Then when the user opens forms i need their username to appear in the form. Can somebody give me code for that please. Thanks Krs

Member Avatar for Krs13
Member Avatar for amby

hey can anybody help me.. i want to interface my hardware with the PC through usb port.... and my application program is written in vb6.0...so do i need WIN DRIVER type software for low level programming and then call win driver libraries in vb 6.0 or else? can somebody send …

Member Avatar for glenndr_15
Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart

Hi everyone, is there a possible way in moving the position of a picturebox anywhere inside an MDI form? [ATTACH]16691[/ATTACH] I tried to use the picturebox's left and top property through code but when the mdi form is loaded, the picture box is still aligned at the top, or at …

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor
Member Avatar for Hisham-Usif

I'm wondering whether it is possible to declare a global variable in a click event. I need to declare an array of a specific size. The specific size is generated using a series of IF statements. I only need to know how to declare it. Thanks in advance I'm using …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Ghost34

the error say's object required the error point out on CheckInsql where the code to insert data [CODE] Dim CheckIncon As ADODB.Connection Dim CheckInrs As ADODB.Recordset Dim CheckIncmd As ADODB.Command Dim CheckInsql As String Private Sub CheckInConToDB() Set CheckIncon = New ADODB.Connection CheckIncon.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for 4Spin

I have VB6 code which I inherited and modified to run an instrument and calculate information from the collected data. That code is distributed to many locations throughout my company, but the personnel at those locations are not skilled in adjusting settings. On older PCs, the instruments were connected to …

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Member Avatar for livlyf
Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for jawsykilla

Okay ive been looking everywhere and I can't find this. Ive used the help documents and tried to use the Shell function and also Process.Start. So say I have a file at relative path /Data/manual.pdf (i know how to get directory of application to create absolute path). But I need …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for g(valve)

Visual Basic 2008 Hey i was wondering if it was possilbe to change the colour of text in a textbox through a button in a simple text editor that i am working on any help would be appreciated. cheers

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Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello mates I've got a database with tables for Job Department and Job position. Every Positions has a respective Department assigned by the id. So, when the user selects a Department, the program deploys into the combobox the values of the Positions assigned to that department. The thing is, the …

Member Avatar for jasneg

i got this code in the some video and made some few adjustment, one of it is the size of the pixel or the drawings and the size of the tile/grid or map i wish to use..... But it looks like i need to do more adjustment unlike following the …

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The End.