10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for Erllarhrie

IAm Creating a pRoject that uses visualbasic and m having difficulty storing data into the database m I created ......thqnks

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Tensigh

Hello, The code below works almost perfectly except for two flaws: 1. It provides the full name of the file (workbook.xls) instead of just "workbook" 2. If there is more than 1 worksheet then the loop appends the previous worksheet to the filename. For example, Workbook1 has 1 worksheet Workbook2 …

Member Avatar for Tensigh
Member Avatar for Madiya122

I am trying to insert records in a SQL table from Excel sheet with VBA code. Data contains of a range with all the rows to be inserted. I am using below code for the same. Insert INTO [odbc;Driver={SQL Server};Server=myserver;Database=mydb;Uid=abc;PWD=abc].DPR Select * FROM [TempRange] I am getting error as above. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ponnu

I have vb form that accepts input from user,search in database(database acess) and displays matching records if any in the listview .The problem is that the search query will display only one matching record even if there are many matching records .anyone please help

Member Avatar for hannah_2
Member Avatar for jangojan

hie all i am in a phase of creating a hta application for our internal functionality of our company. basically the reqt is to embed a self devloped binary file in the hta file, but i am facing a problem. like where i should paste the base64 strings in the …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Program runs without errors, unfortunately it will not calculate the days overdue. Any Suggestions? I have attached the code as a pdf, i have also done this as an IF, THEN, ELSE statement with the exact same results, but it will not let me upload it. Help! Private Sub calculateFees …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for tin1296

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Searchvar As String Searchvar = InputBox("Enter the Name to find") Searchvar = Trim$(Searchvar) 'remove surplus spaces If Searchvar <> " " Then 'cancel if nothing entered With Adodc1.Recordset .Find "[Title of Books] = '" & Text1.Text & "'", , adSearchForward If (.EOF) Then 'record not found …

Member Avatar for Pranav b
Member Avatar for aarthi anand

Dim total As Integer For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows total += row.Cells("Total").Value Next TextBox2.Text = total // the above was the code i used and it worked good,bt if i do it for another column it is showing an error (which is given below)// Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jakizak

Ok here is the required feature: To send data gathered from a database inside a UserControl to the main form which houses the UserControl. Hierarchy at present: Mainform --FlowLayoutPanel ----UserControl The UserControls are generated on the fly by a client list in a database. This all works fine. When you …

Member Avatar for jakizak
Member Avatar for shubham05

i want to make a program which is connected to google maps and take input in form of (eg: location) and search it through webbrowser component???

Member Avatar for rothfarb
Member Avatar for Jing_1

Good Evening Everyone, i am currently facing a problem. I want to append data to an excel file but before that i want to check for duplication records in the excel file before appending. For example, an employee want to check in to a company but he can only check …

Member Avatar for Jing_1
Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Having a problem. Wrote program originally as VB Console using Sub procedures, had to change it to Function. It worked as sub procedures, but now as function it won't calculate correctly, I actually have two that are doing the same thing because of the procedure switch! Grr! Any suggestions? Sub …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends, I met with a small problem please help me I developed a small programme. When I exit from it I want to make a backup in another drive I coded like this FileCopy "I:\My Documents\New Folder\Pebble.mdb", "D:\Pebble\Pebble.mdb" Here the "Pebble.mdb" is my database in Drive "I". I want to …

Member Avatar for mavtcr
Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hello, I have my VB 6.0 Application and make a Exe and I hosted it on my windows server 2000 it gives me error 'Could not access network location \\mynetworkpath'. earlier when there was Datepicker control was used then also there was error coming but I had registered MSCOMCTL2.dll and …

Member Avatar for vikas.rb

Hello , I have to perform a function repeatdly ,say in every 2 hours .For this , I have a form with me in VB 6.0 and added a button to it .I have written all necessary coding in click event of that button and finally made exe of it …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for Riteman

I have created a C# code where I'll input a code to it and it returns me an encrypted entry pass code. Its all working perfectly. Now the question is that, I want to apply this code to every application I create so that only after getting the pass code, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for D Mac Gregor

Hi I need to turn off the printing of hidden text in my vb6 program so I have inserted options.PrintHiddenText = False after opening the file in VBA. However it gives me an error 438 which I do not seem to be able to circumvent. The section of the code …

Member Avatar for shubham05
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends, I made a small calculator in a form.It works well. On the form there is an Exit Button to close the form. Now I want this task.If I keep the calculator on the form (Computer) idle for 60 seconds the form must be closed automatically / If I goes …

Member Avatar for mavtcr
Member Avatar for shubham05
Member Avatar for shubham05

I want a very short code (maximum 6 lines code) for identifying the given input is prime number or not ???

Member Avatar for shubham05
Member Avatar for mcoliver88

Hi All Quick question would VB in visual studio 2010 work in visual studio 2013. I know that when I went from 6 to 10, there were changes in the code. Thanks Michael

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for borce
Member Avatar for micca.jhai

I am trying to update some records.The moment the line Adodc2.Refresh executes, I get an error message saying that the "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed" Yet, when I put "On Error Resume Next", it updates the records as I want it to. Please help me thank …

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor
Member Avatar for HR09

Hi guyz ! i'm HR .. does anyone know what's the code for printing using ADODC connection in VB6.0 ? I wanna know because I'm working on some system with a printing command so I hope anyone will give me answer .. Thank you in advance !! :)

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor
Member Avatar for Sushma Somesh

Hi, I have one more issue.. tht after searching part number in datagrid, it will display the searched item in same datagrid. After tht i want to refresh the datagrid with completely. can you please help me on this. Sushma.s

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor
Member Avatar for cd88

Hi, I am stuck with this logical error and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. When I debug this program the array's do not contain the data from the textboxes that the user enetered. as far as I know the code is in the correct …

Member Avatar for cd88
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I am trying to receive the documenttext of a web browser after the user has clicked a javascript button which loads more information on to the page. Instead of getting the new code, it simply gives the original code which was given once the page was loaded. Any help …

Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hi, I have migrated OS from XP to win8.1. Earlier in my VB application, I was sending email thourgh my outlook object. set outapp = createObject("Outlook.application") but now I am getting error "ActiveX Compponent Can't create Object." as i have migrated my OS. is there any other change in code? …

Member Avatar for krunal1986
Member Avatar for jhaiyz

Hellow daniwebians! Anybody can help me on how to print fastdraft in crystalreport8.5 thru vb6. Im using crystl.ocx to preview my report and i want that it will automaticaly change the printer settings into fastdraft.

Member Avatar for ACE--

Hi, My requirement I need to edit or replace content in the word document every time and save it to another location. What I wanted is I want to simplify this through vb.net but stuck in somewhere I am doing mistake in the code itself (I am completly newbie). I …

Member Avatar for cgeier

The End.