i have 3 textbox text1 & text 2 for input & text3 for sum of text1 and text2.plss help me guysss

ok you can do that using lostfocus()

Private Sub Text2_LostFocus()
Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) + Val(Text2.Text)
End Sub

when you lost focus from textbox2 then it will fire code written inside lostfocus()

hope this helps you . . .

thanx rishif2 one more question..where should i put the code? in textbox2? thanx again for helping newbies in programming

hey it work!! thanx a lot man! u dont know how u made me happy!!!

happy to see that someone really getting helps.
please mark this thread solved(you can do it by pressing the button in left bottom saying Mark Question Solved).

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