10,991 Topics
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I'm trying to open a text file in a rich text box, but when I use the OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() function it says: "refrance to a non shared member requires a object refrance" even though I've uesd imports system.IO if I sound like an idiot, Its because I'm learning. My code so … | |
I've already succedd to dial a number via modem using mscomm control, but i want to actually be able to speack with that person i'm calling, how can i do it, or if you have some modem dialer examples in zip files, please let me know, i'll apriciate it. | |
I have created three tables used dataset to generate fields when i enter data it does get stored but when i close application and then reopen data doesn't show. | |
'======================================================================================================= If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close rs.Open "select ActvID from activity_id where ProjectNo = '" & ProjectNo1 & " ' ", db, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly If Not rs.EOF Then rs.MoveLast While Not rs.BOF ActvID.AddItem rs(0) rs.MovePrevious Wend Set rs = Nothing i need to add items without using While plz | |
hi... I have problem where I could not read 1k Mifare tag with vb2010 . I use the reader cr038 from here http://www.cytron.com.my/viewProduct.php?pcode=RFID-ICRW-CR038&name=Mifare%20Reader/Writer%20CR038 ... based on the datasheet(user manual) given the command to be used in hexadecimal .. can anyone help me ? Your help is greatly appreciated ... thank … | |
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I had created a window application, finish debug and it work perfectly in my computer. I then copy a whole folder includes the .exe file to another computer which doesn't installed vb. When i run the .exe files, it doesn't work and pop out the statement below: *********************************************************************************** See the … | |
Hello All, I am working on an Access 2010 application. I would like to click on a command button and open a Adobe PDF document. The code for the On-Click event is: Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Run """C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\acrord32.exe"" SourceFile" When the Shell.Run line executes, Acrobat returns an … | |
Hello, how to programatically close outlook model pop up in vb6.0? Thanks | |
All, What is the most efficient way of writing several lines of data to a *.txt file? Currently, I store the required text in memory then write it all to a user-specified text file at the end, similar to the following; Dim text As String = "" text = text … | |
` How can I print a watermark in the middle of a word document then return to the top of the doc and start to print whatever text I want to? Here's my code: Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") oWord.Visible = True 'Add a new, blank document Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add … | |
i'm using the data control with mask edit box control. when i click on next button, the mask edit box isn't updated. but why show us the 1st element from data? | |
Please help. How to connect vb6 to mysql. What are the codes? Thanks.! | |
I am writing an application in Visual Basic 5.0 that calls Crystal Reports 4.6. I used to be able to do this on my old PC which ran Windows XP, but now when I try to do it on my new PC which is running Windows 7 (64-bit), I can't … | |
For the life of me, I can't get this to work.... What am I doing wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated!! [CODE] Private Sub webBrowser1_ProgressChange(ByVal Progress As Long, ByVal ProgressMax As Long) On Error Resume Next If Progress = -1 Then ProgressBar1.Value = 100 lbl1.Text = "Done" ProgressBar1.Visible = False … | |
halo sorry i distrub a i like to ask about vb and MySQL project | |
Hi! I don't know where to post this, but since this is vb6 thread i'll just post it here. I need all of your support by voting Visual Basic Classic to be improved. here is the link: [Bring back Classic Visual Basic, an improved version of VB6](http://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio/suggestions/3440221-bring-back-classic-visual-basic-an-improved-versi) To vote: Click … | |
hi every one i want to write a program in visual basic 2010 to read any file and convert it's binary data into an array i search it internet and find this website http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/320160/visual-basic-reading-text-file-into-array i compile the code and make some change and its work fine i tried to read … | |
-->>Hello everyone, -->>I curently faced the problem with My project that the Main Form (Which is My startup form) in My project is NOT loaded in.. -->>project explorer window during the design time,when I lounch the project I get the following error: Microsoft Visual Basic Errors during loading. Refer to … | |
Hello, Hope you are doing excellent. I have developed a small commercial application in VB+MSAccess. Now, I want to sale it with trial version and registered version. However, I am not getting a [I]perfect [/I]logic to write in VB to design a [B]Product Registration Code![/B] Please guide me in this … | |
Friends I have a problem in totalling the variable .When I use my code I am not getting the answer as I expected. My code is as below Jsharbal = Format$(TRS("Sharbal"), "#,##0.00") Jworkbal = Format$(TRS("workbal"), "#,##0.00") Jsalabal = Format$(TRS("Salabal"), "#,##0.00") Jprofit = Format$(TRS("Prflbal"), "#,##0.00") CRTOTAL = (Val(Jsharbal.Caption) + Val(Jworkbal.Caption) + … | |
Hi guys, I'm having problems converting .bmp to .jpg using vb6. :icon_question:The idea is to convert .bmp to .jpg so i can import the saved image to a pdf file for email and/or printing. I downloaded code that's supposed to convert .bmp to .jpg, but I get a compiler error … | |
How do I detect left mouse button down and up events on the 'Close' option of the system menu that appears when the mouse is clicked on the top left corner of a form? | |
i have 2 arrray. array2 have 10 elements array 1 have 5 elements i want to copy all the element of array1 to array2 to fill all the 10spaces..ie arra2 is filled 2times of array1 how it done. array1={1,2,3,4,5} now array2 is filled like(1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5} need urgently plz help.. | |
Hi everyone , I am doing a log in& registration form. And i am using a adodb connection. can someone pls tell me what is wrong with my code on the rst.open part, and what should i replace. Im trying to call the password from ms access and suddenly there … | |
I need to create a form with 2 text boxes to receive numbers as input and 1 command button that displays a message box containing the larger of the two numbers. To do so, I need to write code in the Click event of the command to call a user-defined … | |
Hello and Asslam o alekom! I have problem to install my VB6 Application on Windows 8.First there is erorr when i start to install my Application.Please solve this problem? | |
how we can calculate 1s and 2s complement of binary digit in vb | |
I was trying to find an answer for my issue over the net, but it was hard to find any relevant information. I'm in the middle of my school project and I got stuck in a dead point! I have a form which looks like this: http://i60.tinypic.com/24zjfpl.jpg I don't know … | |
Hi I need help with something, I really don't know how to do this, but how would I add these questions in to VBA? could somebody tell me for atleast one. The net take-home income and other values are calculated as follows: 1) Calculate CPP and EI If annual income … |
The End.