10,987 Topics

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i already figured out how to send an email using VB, using GOOGLE SMTP. but i wanna find out how to send a text message using vb.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for drogers76

I am using streamreader to read and streamwriter to write, i have put the lines into an array [text file contents] ********** Remove [ ] ***************** blah blah blah ;this is blah blah blah ;this is another blah [end of example file] i want to remove the lines that start …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for lerkei
Member Avatar for grvs

Hello guys I am a newbie so please don't freak if you find this question stupid or easy I have some data in CSV format, which I want to bring into Excel, and based on that data, I have to create graphs in PowerPoint. I searched on Google and everywhere …

Member Avatar for grvs
Member Avatar for zanderhack

Dear all, I want to determine the frequency of numbers in ranges. So, instead of just determining the frequency of numbers with the elements 1-10 (see example below), I would like to determine the frequency of number that have been created between 1-5 and 6-10. An example result would be …

Member Avatar for akirson

In the following code snippet, I am using the same two expressions in two places. In the first everything runs fine, but the second generates a run-time error '424' Object required. I have tried retyping the code in case there is a hidden character somewhere, I have rebooted, cleaned the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Ok, my code for my Backup module works well via Copyfile. Here's what it can do (current): [COLOR="Red"]Backup my Database but using the date function as its filename Restore my backup file only if the filename is Database.mdb[/COLOR] Here's a screenshot of the prog: [URL="http://img262.imageshack.us/i/restore.png/"]http://img262.imageshack.us/i/restore.png/[/URL] and the backup files: [URL="http://img152.imageshack.us/i/backups.png/"]http://img152.imageshack.us/i/backups.png/[/URL] …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Having trouble with my code. You can see the values of the list in the code. Here's my code: [CODE] If cboGender.Text <> "Male" Or "Female" Then MsgBox "Please select from the list provided.", vbExclamation, "Error": cboGender.SetFocus: cboGender.Text = "Male": Exit Sub If cboGender.Text = vbNullString Then MsgBox "Please select …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
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Member Avatar for 4ukh

Dear Experts please help and support: Scenario: 1. 4 excel sheet (same structure) stored on 4 different computers attached to a network… 2. 1 master sheet (same structure) as other 4 sheets stored in my PC... Objectives: 1. Want to consolidate into one master sheet that is stored in my …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for BhuviRajen
Member Avatar for a1a4a

Hello all I am on a windows application form where people can log in and add status ... and it's all online via sql database. What i am looking for is a sql query that Insert into the table the current time. Not the user time because he might be …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for undersurvival

Hi, cancan someone help me with my problem? I am using vb 6.0 and MS Access 2003. I have a form where all the data in the database should display. The problem is, I don't know why my code is not working. here it is: [ICODE] Private Sub Form_Load() Dim …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for undersurvival

hi can someone tell me how can I search the database using dtpicker. I am usinf vb6 and ms 2003 and I need to display the date of birth of a on 3 textboxes,namely the firstname, lastname and middlename and also in a listview. please help me. this is my …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for serolfaceh

Please help me, am new to VB6.0 im doing database wherein in my ms access i have 12 tables, and i have to connect it to vb6.0 and display its contents... is it possible to connect 2 to more than two tables in vb6.0? please show me how to do …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for GROUP1STI

Can you help us for our project in creating a daily record transaction? Do you have any codes out there or samples, and help us in connecting it to the database thru Microsoft Access. Your feedbacks are highly appreciated ASAP.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for gangaloves7

i want to generate crystal report using vb6.0 using invoice table which have rate column and total should round up like 63.7 to 64.00 invoice table is in sqlserver 2005

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi All, I has a question how can i insert a image into a specific cell in excel using the vb6. I already store the image(jpg) in a specific location then i want to display it at excel Can you all teach me what the method i should use? Or …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jemz

Hello can you help me please i got problem in making the crystal report 9,i have form which is inquiry of customer no. if i will input 0001 keydown this will display the data and i want to print it to have hard copy...can you help me please how to …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Joe Hart

Hi, The following program takes all the items off of an excel sheet that are selected and puts them in a single file. I would like all of the items in a column to go to a single file, and then put all of the items in the next column …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for daniwaber

Hi Can anybody explain, How to copy folder in VB6. All the files in that folder should be copied. Please help

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Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for zanderhack

Hello, How do you determine the frequency over ranges, i.e instead of returning the frequency of each of the 40 values, how could we find the frequency from 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40 ? Cheers. Zander

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for VBNew

I'm new in VB6, and i'm having an error message while debugging...after the login checking, I need to open the form to select a project code from my Access db. The error was stop at RS.OPEN. and prompt the error message "Method or data member not found". Now, when I …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for PM312

I have form name FRMABC with msflexgrid Msflexgrid get populatd by data from table msaccess database on form load event of FRMABC There is one command button on FRMABC which opens another form say FRMPOR where new data is added on to database table There is subprocedure (Public) SubRefresh on …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for kccomputers2000

I'm currently working on a small bank account register program for myself (just to help me get aclamated to vissual studios) and I was doing ok until I put in the add new database and add new account pages. I wrote code that takes the blank database copies it and …

Member Avatar for kccomputers2000
Member Avatar for xWiredx
Member Avatar for kittystitches

[FONT=Arial]whats goin guys? I wanted to know how you would add in videos or music into your website using VBScript. If anyone can help me out I'tll be great :) thank you[/FONT]

Member Avatar for media90cj
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

I have a problem with date and time picker when i select the date from dtpicker1 then txtdate1 gets the value but when i debug it shows txtdate1 = "" why please help [ICODE]Private Sub DTPicker1_CloseUp() txtdate1.Text = DTPicker1.Value DTPicker1.Refresh End Sub[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for kkcaddy

hi all i am using the visual basic portable, and the about form, splash screen, and the other additional forms refuse to appear. i would like help, if it is to use a different vb. thanx all

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The End.