10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for kimbsan.sande

HI Iam a student trying to develop an application in vb6 that can "download data from and upload data to any connected mobile phone" and iam only stack on the code that can do this so that i can get done with it. Request; can any one send me that …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for EntangledDesi

How do I go about coding the 'Calculate button' so that when a user is prompted to input a number into a Input box it will will calculate the square and square root of it? This is what I have so far. I'm pretty sure about the first part, but …

Member Avatar for EntangledDesi
Member Avatar for coollife

1) how to check whether Internet explorer window is open or not using visual basic code 2) how to get the url of a Internet Explorer window. actually i got some code which works fine in getting url the problem is it will not get the url of the child …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for titansrealm

ok prof in college asked us to write a program for a simple gradebook. iv wrote it 3 times and still cant get it right. he wants it to be able to put in 10 names/ids and 10 grades,and get a listing of those grades getting an average. im butchering …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! Any body uses a lynxgrid control because it only accepts the navigation key to move between cells. Does it allow moving between cells by the use of tab key.? If someone has an updated activex wiht the tab key support pls help me guys. Thank you guys for …

Member Avatar for coollife

Hi I am looking for an internet explorer project which blocks all the websites and in turn direct or opens a single website which i specify. Ex: in the code of the project if i give a website name abc.com whichever website u open in IE it may be google.com, …

Member Avatar for Vineeth K
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Hi guys good day.! I have two numbers(105 & 210). I want the 105 to be left align in textbox1 and 210 to be right align in the same textbox at form load. Would this be possible.? Thank you guys for giving time with this post.! God bless us all.

Member Avatar for Vineeth K
Member Avatar for critalk

I would like to create a program to check dimension of piece part. My probram should be consist of interface form to get input from user and display mode to show the final result after program completely processed. Now I have completely created user interface form that is "Form1". This …

Member Avatar for critalk
Member Avatar for tinker

.. need help, i want to know how to identify the type of cable design if it is cross-over or straight-through cable using visual basic language...... just send your answer to my email <EMAIL SNIPPED> ...thank you very much!

Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.! This will be my problem regarding on how to update the listview when one of the data in the field in sql server tables has been changed.basically, i have achieved the result by looping on the table continuesly with a timer. But is there any other way to …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for mpande

Good Day People I'v just finished my project in VB6.0 and now have to include reports for the program. I would like a button in VB6.0 to direct to a report in crystal report V85. I'm just not sure how the code on the button is supposed to be. Could …

Member Avatar for thappisalim
Member Avatar for jeto
Member Avatar for Vineeth K
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day to everyone. Im just able to finish my banking system with QB SDK integration. I just want to ask help, idea or any other way to make a mathematical operation in a single textbox.Like you can perform to add two numbers in a single textbox and display the …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for coolheadedguy

I am currently working on my final year project and i researching into building an Information system with SQL as database and ASP.Net as an interface? I just want to know if VB6 has the capabilities of been used as a tool to develop an Information system, integrating SQL and …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for NebulaM57

Hello, I am trying to read the contents of a text file from a website. I am running Visual Basic 6 (SP6). I need to add this code to an existing application written in VB6, so VB.NET is out. The file I want to read is on our website. It …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kiran1241988

hii to all..i am currently completing my b.e in I.T. and for final year project i have selected to design a voice driven application for a cafeteria whr customers could book their orders on a pc placed at corner with help of their voice.I am aware that such an application …

Member Avatar for fauzanf

Hello My Friends, I have a question... How can i add a photo/picture into SQL Server 2000....? Need advice please.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for karimpepe

(a) Given the following program fragment in C or Java static int a = 3; static int f(int x, int y) { int z = a+x; ...; return ... } explain how the four variables (a, x, y and z) are accessed from within f at the instruction level for …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for amarbir

I have a word file containing questions and those questions also contains images. I want to save all those question images in a separate folder in a sequential order even also same images and replace them one by one with a text in sequential order. So please tell me how …

Member Avatar for helloshurite

i want a travel management system which has following details: ABC ltd. is a travel agency provides the services of reservation and cancellation of tickets for buses, trains and airlines. They require a travel management system to store the information regarding reservations and cancellations done by the passengers through them …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for frank.zappa

I'm working on a school assignment and I'm having trouble with radio buttons. I want something like this: [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e395/frank_zappa77/vb04f06.gif[/IMG] Where at least one radio button from each frame (in that example, the frames being 'Processor' and 'OS') can be selected. I've set up my application to look somewhat like this …

Member Avatar for frank.zappa
Member Avatar for Afi83

Hi there I have a problem with coding application with relational database in access. I have 3 table with relation to each other with one key. The tables are Faculty, Department and class. I relate each faculty to many departments and using the faculty id as foreign key in department …

Member Avatar for mannyloy

Pls. enumerate the steps in using a Status Bar Control wherein, Date, Time, Capslock will be displayed in every panel. Thank you very much for your help.

Member Avatar for mannyloy
Member Avatar for zidaneqrro

I started an introductory Programming Course in High School, and right now we're doing Visual Basic. (We're learning about For Loops :/) I find the course far too easy and I can do 90% of the work of a single unit in one class. I would like to get ahead …

Member Avatar for Vineeth K
Member Avatar for mpande

Good Day People I'v just finished my project in VB6.0 and now have to include reports for the program. I would like a button in VB6.0 to direct to a report in crystal report V85. I'm just not sure how the code on the button is supposed to be. Could …

Member Avatar for mpande
Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi there, I get an error message everytime I try to run a software written in vb6.0. The error is "vsflex7d.ocx not currectly installed or one of its components is missing". I tried to seek it on the net but it seems it is not available on the net also. …

Member Avatar for Fahim6479
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

hey guys.... does anyone here knows how to disable and enable CTRL, Alt, windows keys, or Tab key in keyboard?... because im going to use it in my time cafe client project in vb...

Member Avatar for omoridi
Member Avatar for abu taher

in data environment I write code[CODE]SELECT AccountInfo.incategory, Sum(AccountInfo.InAmount) AS SumOfInAmount FROM AccountInfo where Date and Date between DTFr.value and DTTo.vlaue GROUP BY AccountInfo.incategory;[/CODE] in form I write code in a command button like:[CODE]Private Sub Command2_Click() Load DataEnvironment1 With DataEnvironment1 If .Command3.State <> 0 Then .Command3.Clos .Command3 Format(DTFr.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy"), Format(DTTo.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") …

Member Avatar for Neil_W

Hi guys, I am working in Access 2003 andtrying to populate a form from an underlying query written on the fly. My code is as follows: [CODE] Private Sub cmdDefra_Form_Click() Dim Cat As New ADOX.Catalog Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Dim sqlText As String Set Cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection Set cmd = …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for NorthDakota

Hi all :) First of all, sorry for my bad english :) Actually I'm creating a little program that should replace Vista's welcome center (that one that shows the system info's, microsoft's related links, etc..). So far I've made the "header" part of the form (see attached image) and now …

Member Avatar for TomW

The End.