10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for jatinder_44
Member Avatar for omoridi
Member Avatar for gothic1989

hi everyone!! im ren, im in my 4sem. and i required to make a project in my major. using VB6.. and that was supposed to be cafe client/server. can someone help me how to make a cafe client/server? im just a newbie in VB6 so i don't have any idea …

Member Avatar for omoridi
Member Avatar for xWiredx

here's my connection string for database over network.. for security purposes i put a password on my database... then for additional security i put a password on the shared folder... but i dont know the code to how open it... [CODE]"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\warehouse-encod\Database\WI.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=thankyou"[/CODE] please help.. badly needed.. …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for leokuz

The macro below works, however I do not know how to make the removal of the paragraph marks (second portion of this macro) apply only to text it pastes, rather than to all existing text in the document. As it is right now, this macro pastes and then removes all …

Member Avatar for abu taher

[CODE]Sub QryReport() On Error Resume Next Dim QryDef As QueryDef Dim str As String Set QryDef = dbase.QueryDefs("balancesheet") dbase.QueryDefs.Refresh If Err.Number = 3265 Then Set QryDef = dbase.CreateQueryDef("balancesheet") dbase.QueryDefs.Refresh End If str = "select * from [balancesheet]" & _ " where Date ='" & Dtpicker.Value & "'" QryDef.SQL = str …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for EntangledDesi

If I have a form that is to resemble a standard dialog box that prompts for a name and I need to display the name on the main form when the main form is first run, how do I do that?

Member Avatar for EntangledDesi
Member Avatar for Krondorl

Greetings, I have a workbook that has 600+ rows of information. I want to iterate through all the rows and copy sections from that sheet to a new workbook that is created on the fly. The following code is what I am using to attempt this, but the .Range line …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for HelloMe

hello guys im just doing a pos project and i wanted to ask how to print a receipt. im so far that i can sell items and display the change money...but after that i need a receipt to be printed. Can u maybe give me an idea how to do …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for sanam

hello I send to items to Microsof t word with this code: [code] Dim wdApp As Word.Application Dim oDoc As Word.Document Dim oRange As Word.Range 'Create new hidden instance of Word. Set wdApp = New Word.Application With wdApp ' Show this instance of Word. .Visible = True .ScreenUpdating = False …

Member Avatar for Nerrisa

How can one update automatically the tables in Ms Access such that once you input an item it is automatically viewed to other tables that are related to that particular table in relationship and the methods used to link Ms Access contents to Visual Basic Interfaces created according to the …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for xirosen
Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for hery

Hello, when i input to database show error cannot convert type varchar to type numeric.. I' m using convert(numeric, quantity). Where my quantity is empty. Please help me. Thanks

Member Avatar for manoshailu
Member Avatar for phuanon

I needing a program increase/decrease a day every 5 second or 1 min for clock system I use date function to set day but I so weak in timer function :) and 1 loop fuction to when it to day 30 it will return 1 thk:)

Member Avatar for phuanon
Member Avatar for EntangledDesi

The InputBox function needs to be used in a command button to prompt the user for a number. I know that the syntax is ([I]prompt, title[/I]), where[I]prompt[/I] is the message you want displayed inside the dialog box [in this case - "Enter a number"], and [I]title[/I] is the next you …

Member Avatar for EntangledDesi
Member Avatar for leokuz

I am having this MS Word macro which works well, but not fine. It replaces word [COLOR="Green"]Street[/COLOR] to [COLOR="Green"]St[/COLOR] which is the way I want, but it changes STREET TO ST (I need St), etc. However, I need them changed as follows: Street or STREET to St Avenue or AVENUE …

Member Avatar for RousebyWolfCA

Excel 2007: Within a Macro I did the following: 1: an autofilter on a specific column w/specific criteria Question/Request: I want to do a do loop starting with the 1st row of the filter and ending with the last row of the filter. Example: 'Set Filter Range("AF1").Select Selection.AutoFilter ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$1X$44489").AutoFilter Field:=32, …

Member Avatar for santosh.garg

I am using command object in for loop on first time execution it inserts the record but the next time it gives an error Multible OLEDB error following is the code I use Set rssave = New ADODB.Recordset Set cmd = New ADODB.Command 'cmd.ActiveConnection = GCon 'cmd.CommandText = "prc_Invoice_Insert" With …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for HelloMe

Good day everyone!!! Pls dont kill me when a forum like this already exist but i was not able to find one through the search function. The purpose of this forum is, that skilled programmers will tell beginners how they managed it to become a programmer. Like what book was …

Member Avatar for Nerrisa
Member Avatar for francoise

I have a function and I want it to output one word in the current cell and one in the cell to the right (i.e., the next column). Is there a way to write this in VB? So, something along these lines (though this doesn't work): [code] Function test(word1 As …

Member Avatar for shiftingspanner
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, This is my coding......... Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim Wb As Excel.Workbook Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet Dim name As String Set xlApp = New Excel.Application Set Wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("E:\Projects\VB Excel to textfile\crse.xls") Set ws = Wb.Sheets(1) Open "C:\rolllist.xls" For Output As #1 For i = 1 …

Member Avatar for francoise
Member Avatar for deepak12333

hi I am in deep trouble to loose my job please help me I am working on a website where a user comes and login when it enters a pop up screen appears where it is written continue or remind me later now i am unable to handle this functionality …

Member Avatar for umesh8all

If anybody has some idea to make antivirus in VB6 then please reply with your ideas. well, i m thinking it is possible by Controlling the windows services but i m not sure. Pl. help me......

Member Avatar for Vineeth K
Member Avatar for shiftingspanner

Hi, I'm a bit of a numpty when it comes to programming so please excuse the silly question and I'm not even sure this is the correct forum to post it on but here goes... I'm trying to upgrade some VB6 to Visual Basic 2008. I'm trying to create a …

Member Avatar for xWiredx

good day.. i have a problem in accessing my Access database in network.. I made an inventory system... i couldn't run the program simultaneously in two PC. i got this error >>> "could not use.. file already in used"... i thought it can use in network? is my coding have …

Member Avatar for xWiredx
Member Avatar for alyssasiglos

I am doing an Attendance monitoring with PAyroll program... I have difficulty in doing the data report and data environment in order for me to print the table from the database.. Will someone help me out with it..? I think I need a tutorial. =)

Member Avatar for umesh8all
Member Avatar for ImMoRtAl-

Ok scene i love all you guys/gals here on daniweb.com i will be giving you this one free. it's a program that lets you text cell phones from your computer for those nongeniuses it's pretty easy all you need is 1. a gmail user name 2. a gmail pass word …

Member Avatar for coollife

not allowing to surf anything in mozilla , so i want to close mozilla if somebody tries to open it. I have to do this by coding it in visual basic.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for coollife

what i have done is i have allowed assume abc.com , apart from this if u enter any website in IE , the IE will get closed. For this to happen i have used Timer control and in timer control i am checking the IE toolbar contents . I am …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for patstarks

Hello, I have a .vbs file called Replace.vbs that: 1. opens a text file, test.txt 2. finds a string, orig_name 3. replaces string with new_name The file runs and works fine if I go to Start-->run-->cmd and type cscript replace.vbs ".\test.txt" "orig_name" "new_name" However when I go try to run …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for Afi83

Hi experts I have a problem for data entry to grid like control. I have a relational database part of my data is for entering grades for each student. (I have a tables with student, courseStuJunc and course names). I want to make query with sql and show only the …


The End.