10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for leo_83

Hallo comrades, I am a newbie in VB and I need your assistance to complete my assignment The task is : 1 ) Open Excel file -->>> Sucessfully done & working 2) This excel file contains 3 important strings BEG_Spe $ Package_N: <Package_N> End_Spec the VB program must be able …

Member Avatar for RORY24

I am in the pocess of converting an old VBA program into VB6 to try and sort out some of the problems it is having. I am finding that the syntax is a little different. I also found that they used text boxes to display the data. the vba program(when …

Member Avatar for sofiagrave

Hej I am new here and also new programming in VB, I am making a form in VB and I want that some data that I have in a xml file to be loaded into that form. my XML file looks like this: <Ship> <Identification> <OrderNo>2</OrderNo> <Yard>T</Yard> <HullNo>NB</HullNo> </Identification> <CargoTypes> …

Member Avatar for Jawker

Hello Everybody, I just started learning programming about 2 months ago. I'm trying to do a Tic-Tac-Toe game using labels but I have a little difficulty. How do I get the computer to check if 3 labels are of the same value. I've tried this: [code] If lblLeft.Text And lblCenter.Text …

Member Avatar for Bob Jacobs
Member Avatar for jonrmoore

I don't know if this is the right section for this. Over the weekend I decided to try to install the service pack for vista. It did not install (big surprise) and now whenever I try to go into vb6, I get a permissions error on every project! I tried …

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for jbett
Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for diyanajaafar

hello, Im doing a system to calculate student attendance to class. Now i'm having problems to grab a data from Access, use it as a value in VB calculation. Then, how to send the answer of the calculation to another [FieldName] as an updated data in Access. the formula of …

Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for davidebrownzvi

How do I unlock the forms (for editing) in a vb6 project? One form (the main one) is open, but the rest are locked and read only. Thanks for help.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for zipperhead

Hello. The affair is straightforward but I don't imagine how to do the following. Let's say I press x button. The dialog appears asking if I want to save changes. I press "Yes". New window appears asking to enter the name of document to be saved. How do I make …

Member Avatar for zipperhead
Member Avatar for rainelyn

i would like ask you how i can generate a multilple choice questions chosen randomly from a list of questions with anwers using functions in visual basic 6.0?

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for Mikecc2691

Hi. I am new to DaniWeb so I hope I am doing this right. I am an amateur VB programmer. I wrote a VB6 program that featured a fruit machine with changing letters in the windows. To add sound I used the code line (e.g.) MediaPlayer5.Play. My recollection is that …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Hi, As the subject states I'm experiencing some strange problem with source safe (6d) integrated with VB6SP6. I have projects 1 and 2, I open Project 1 and from the file menu I choose Tools > Sourcesafe > Check-Out a form appears in which I can choose multiple items to …

Member Avatar for Bob Jacobs

I am moving gif images(that have transparencies set) around the screen, which move over similar images. autoredraw is set to true, however the transparent part of the background images takes on parts of the image passing over it.

Member Avatar for shahriar2403

I need to get a total of a specific column of a table of access db in a text box in my visual basic application. What should be the code? I am using adodc to connect with the database. Help urgent please..........

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for crazymanzach

Hey guys, I'm to to the whole VB thing...actually new to software coding in general. I'm trying to build a media center app. I have a form with a FileListBox that will list the movies files located in a specified folder. I'm trying to figure out how to have an …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for mahibha
Member Avatar for danny00

All, I have a giant notepad filewith lots of data. I need to chop it up into appropriate records. They data always starts with 123XYZ e.g. the following would be the contents of this notepad file: 123XWZ data1 data1 data1 data1 0000XYZ 123XWZ data1 data1 data1 data1 0000ABC 123XWZ data1 …

Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for Run.[it]

When Im browsing with either internet explorer or firefox and I recieve an error I get a window popping up asking If I want to debug in visual basic. Im guessing there is a setting in visual studio to turn this off? debugging? Could someone advise, thanks kindly.

Member Avatar for Run.[it]
Member Avatar for Asad__

hi, am brand new to VB. i have the same problem. i want to open a folder, say; C:\apache on clicking a command button on VB GUI. i have something like this: Private Sub Command1_Click() ShellExecute hWnd, "open", "C:\apache", _ vbNullString, vbNullString, SW_SHOWNORMAL End Sub but it gives compilation error. …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

I have an vb6 app. Help works well under any version of 32b version THE SYSTEM(tm) except VISTA(R) 64b. I simply press F1 as usually and nothing happen. Run it as an admin, click tons of confirmation dialogs, press F1 and nothing happen again. Setup add always hh.exe into app's …

Member Avatar for SPereira

Hi There, I need some help in VB 6. I have a textbox wherein I need to validate the data entered after the TAB key is pressed. Using KeyDown, KeyUp and KeyPress does not get me the KeyAscii of the Tab Key. It works fine with the Enter Key but …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for shinoske
Member Avatar for prachi malpure

hello, v are the students of engineering and developing a project on speech recognition system. our system is just opening the applications.can anyone just help us so that v can create a agent that will train the system with different voices.if anyone can give us the code it will be …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for evios

i'd created a game, now thinking of adding background music to it, however i'd tried the codes below..n unsuccessful, anione know what is the mistakes? Thanks a million. [code]Public Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long ' ' sndPlaySound constants …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Agita

Hello, I know basically nothing about programming but none the less I have chose to play with VB2008 just the same. I read learn Visual basic in 24 hours, didn't do me any good..(other than learning random info) All I want to do is make a application that links to …

Member Avatar for Agita
Member Avatar for t_yalthis

hi everybody, I need arrays which has boolean type of data in them.. is it possible to do it in vb6? I searched the web but couldn't find any related information.. thanx..

Member Avatar for Mbt925
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

I am new to VB.Is there anything similar to checkedstbox(VB.net) in VB 6.0?. If not, can i make one using listbox,checkboxes and scroll bars?

Member Avatar for Mbt925
Member Avatar for SubProf

Hello, I have a combobox on my form that I need to be populated with data from a table in MS Access. I am new to coding in Visual c# and would appreciate any help I can get with this. Thanks in advance, SubProf

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Member Avatar for hawada99

Good Morning to all of you. I just joined today. I am a freasher in programming, live in India. I made a project and want to create a setup of project. Can anyone tell me the solution. Thanks in advance. Raj

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sk8ndestroy14

Okay, so here's the challenge. I want a continously running program that will automatically close all running programs, log off the user account and shut down the computer when the batterly life of my laptop reaches a certain amount. First of all, can that be done with visual basic and …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man

The End.