10,993 Topics
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how do i write a vb code to develop an electronic case management system for a legal firm | |
I do not understand how to get modules to recognize variables that have been declared Public in the frmMain section. When I try to use a variable in a module, and the variable has already been declared as Public in the frmMain section, VB shows an error that says the … | |
Hi, Is there any chance to get a visual basic 6 compiler for free? I mean, I have a vb6 project (made with the visual studio 6 IDE), but I have no IDE (visual studio 6 or something). Thank you very much. Omar | |
Hi, I'm glad I've been here. I hope I can share, ask or answer questions and make contacts. Anyway I have my tutorial for VB6, HTML, and SQL at [url]http://www.basicprogtutor.com[/url]. Anyone is invited to view my site and leave comments here. Thanks. | |
Please Help me on how to make my list box function in vb6.....what's the code to use that whenever I'm going to select the choices in the list it will function accordingly.. | |
hi, im doin a project in visual basic 6.0,. pleae help me in constructing a inbox in vb 6.0. mail: [email]manjupapu2006@gmail.com[/email] -manjunath | |
Hi I have problem with packaging and transferring VB6 and MS Access database from one computer where it is designed to another computer. I need some help. thank you. | |
When button is pressed from Forms of MS-Access, a file open dialogue box is displayed. I need the VB code. | |
Hi, I would like to know how can I stop windows from logging off, restart or shutdown. I want to automatically pause these operations and then send a signal to USB port and then resume the shutdown, log off or restart operation. Is it possible you can help me write … | |
Private Sub cmdgo_Click() //txtsearch.text is where you going to input student number and the StudentNo is database field name or should i say it is table name the one that contains student number If txtsearch.Text = StudentNo Then Data1.Recordset.OpenRecordset //hmm... i made this cause it looks like its going to … | |
Hi All, I am trying to create crystal report 11 with VB6. But it seen like during the execution of code, the sql statement was ignored (line 12). And the report listed out everything. Below is my code. [CODE]Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Set Report = New … | |
how can i enable or disable internet connection in registry using visual basic 6? pls help. tnx | |
I need a macro that will search an excel spreadsheet for a specific text. If the text is found than I need it to store a value from a neighboring cell then procede to search the rest of the sheet and in the end sum all the values found and … | |
dear experts, I just want to wave the last digit of each cell's value like 20001 should like 2000 using ms excel 2007. please consider this table: 20001 2000 20011 2001 20021 2002 20041 2004 20042 ???? 20043 20044 20045 20046 20051 20052 20053 20061 20062 20063 20071 any help … | |
hello all, I hope someone is there to help me out this. I am spliting a text file. and after splitting I want to concate the string 1 and string2 and string three and thereafter the normal string 4 ,5,6,7,8,9,10 etc. But when I debug the total string I got … | |
Dear sir i want to know about how to print multi line code in rich tex box , because richtextbox.tex t=rscontact!companyname & rscontact@city it is display in a line , i want print one by one | |
Hi there I want to search a records in course filed and find the names that repeated in records. For example if math repeated 3 times I want to show only the maximum of the grades in grades field for person and don't consider others. I do something like this, … | |
When running this code --> [CODE]Private Sub cmdSquare_Click() Dim i i = InputBox("Please enter a number.", "Input Box") MsgBox "The square of " & i & " is " & (i ^ 2), vbOKOnly, "Result" MsgBox "The square root of " & i & " is " & Sqr(i), vbOKOnly, … | |
I have an input box in my program and I want to be able to control the flow when the 'cancel' button is pushed. Any help would be appreciated. | |
I got an excellent code for putting registry entry of my visual basic project in windows start up . Now my project runs automatically when windows starts, but the problem is i am unable to delete the registry entry fully at all. I mean to say in my vb project … | |
hi every one , i developed a software in VB but i cant access the bar code reader in the s/w .so pls help me .... by Abin | |
if an mp3 file is added to usb drive , it should be playable and it should not be copy able to the disk . | |
Hi there I want to do something like this in formula field. I want to calculate average on specific records on my reports. This is for calculating average grades of students. I want to do like this: If {course.courseName}(i)={course.courseName}(i+1) then GradeMax=max{grades.grade} This code is for incorporating the max marks of … | |
Is there a way to make a pen drive/usb drive read only , i mean to say u should not be able to copy its contents to any system or delete its contents or modify its contents, U SHOULD ONLY BE ABLE TO READ ITS CONTENTS Provide the means to … | |
hey everyone, i am doing a group project for varsity and we are trying to get an online help going using treeview. we have created it along with a separate panel with some labels. wat we would like to do once we have selected a child node is to set … | |
[B]i enter text into a text box, when i move to the next textbox, the text i entered in the other text boxe disappears.....this started when i run form after linking my text boxes with the necessary database items.. i used an adodc for connection. before connecting the textboxes i … | |
Hello Everyone, I am having some problems with VB using MSComm. I have some hardware I developed and the firmware instructs the MCU to send data via serial port to a PC. The data stream must not stop, and for one reason or another I can't send data to the … | |
Dear All I want to develop an application to compare 2 input text file and show the difference with highlighted text in the first file itself. Please assist how to do it Or any readymade software is there for effective file comparison. Regards Sasikumar | |
dim hwnd as long I am using FindWindow function to find whether Internet Explorer is open or not . hwnd = FindWindow(vbnullstring,"Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer") the problem is it easily find most of the windows , but in few cases for example if i type something in google search … |
The End.