how i can get all drive in my computer?
does anyone know how to get it??


yes, here it is the code, try it and let me know if it worked :

Dim AllDir
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
For i = 65 To 90
x = Dir(Chr(i) & ":\", vbDirectory + vbHidden + vbSystem)

If Err = 52 Then
    If x <> "" Then AllDir = AllDir & (Chr(i) & ":\")
End If

Next i
MsgBox AllDir
End Sub

Hope this helps...

commented: thank you very much. it was i looking for +1
commented: worked +1
commented: spontan uhuy +1


One more Simple way:

Add a DriveListBox on the form and loop thru all the list items.. it lists all the drives


yes.. got it.
thank you all.

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