10,993 Topics
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i am using font style [B]Bookman Old Style [/B]and size 12 for my Project but the default font type is Ms Sans Serif and size is 8. Can default size be set to Bookman Old Style and font size 12. Thanks | |
Hi, I have a WebBrowser control that accesses an IP cam on the same network on form load. The camera has a login interface that I don't want to be seen. Is it possible to autocomplete the form once it pops up? Attached is a screen shot. | |
thanks a lot I need another code where once I enter a text into a text box i need the data to be transferred to MS access without erasing any data(a new record is to be created) | |
Is it possible to print a report in VB using only Data Environment. I mean setting the textboxes only to datasource and datafields in the record I really dont want to use codes (RS, things like that) cause you see, I'm kind of a rushing so i don't have much … | |
hi everyone. i have problem with SQL UPDATE command, with Add and Save Record, Delete Record and Search record, it works well, I have this code: for SAVE Command button squery = "": squery = "SELECT * FROM tblEmp WHERE EmpID=" & txtEmpID.Text & "" Call ExecuteCommand With rs .Open … | |
Hi, I'm currently using vb6. i need help. How can I increment a number in a textbox/label everytime when the form is loaded? Suppose company_id I want that first time when the form gets loaded Customer_id should appear in the textbox/label as C01. Second time it should appear as C02. … | |
hi im trying to link a browse button to a textbox when the user clicks the browse button and selects a destination the selection is displayed in the textbox thanks for your help | |
hi :) can anyone tell me how to pass data from datagrid to several textboxes. I have a textbox where the user can search a data. The data searched would display in the datagrid, so when I clicked on a data from the datagrid, it will be distributed to their … | |
i am trying to trigger tab key in keypress event of text box If KeyAscii = 13 Then SendKeys "{tab}" End If [U]but getting error[/U] Run time error 70 permission denied any help | |
I have a form that has 5 text fields... TextField1 TextField2 TextField3 TextField4 TextField5 I need to automatically input those fields into a website via a button. The Website link is [url][/url] -Next i have to click login -enter a password Admin00 and select ok -Click on Basic -Click on … | |
Visual Basic 2008 here is a code that will show you your smtp server Dim info As New ProcessStartInfo("nslookup", "-type=mx -timeout=30 sendmail.org") With info .RedirectStandardOutput = True .UseShellExecute = False .CreateNoWindow = True End With Dim proc As Process = Process.Start(info) Me.ResultTextBox.Text = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd proc.Dispose() but how do i link … | |
hi. HAPPY NEW YEAR! :) I'm making a system that uses ms access2003 and vb6. My problem is how to search the database with two field names (namely: Lastname, Firstname) and yet I can still search them one by one. Ex. the Lastname field = "Smith" while the Firstname field … | |
Hello, I am Using VB 6.0 . Please Help me to get the codes to Create Backup and Restore in SQL server 7.0. I request Some one to help me at the earliest. Rajesh | |
Hi, After I packaged the project and deployed it on another computer without VB6 installed on it, Every thing works properly except the Reports. when I try to call the Report it gives error "Application-defined or Object defined error" and Report does not open. If you install VB6 this problem … | |
I am a young programmer faced with a situation. I need help in getting a vb application to be an internet based system. Please help anybody | |
I have the code to create a folder, does anyone have the code to share the folder and set the permission for everyone to have full control? Thank You | |
Hi! I just want to share you this code snippet of mine which I use always in my application. This code snippet will help you debug your code easily. It will also help you locate where the error occurred and it also create an Error log located on your project … | |
Is there a way i can write this into a command button? In a CMD Prompt if you type: nslookup set type=mx set timeout=30 emailaddressdomain.com it will give you the outgoing mail server address is there a way i can write that into a command button and display the results … | |
I had no idea what to title this, so please excuse the stupidity of it. I've written a WPF application that runs as an xbap on my intranet server. What I want to be able to do is have the IT staff update users credentials and have it save to … | |
i have the same problem but nit that similer the other function works ok and no error only this function of ftp. pls help me [code]Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Timer1.Enabled = False FtpHDB.CloseConnection FtpPDB.CloseConnection FtpPRD.CloseConnection FtpRDB.CloseConnection FtpMID.CloseConnection Set FtpHDB = Nothing Set FtpPDB = Nothing Set FtpPRD = Nothing … | |
I need help with my maze game. I just need to know how to use an array to map out my 500 x 500 form into a 25 x 25 without actually making it 25 x 25 in the properties window. | |
I want to make a countdown time that will basically let you click one of the buttons and the countdown will start. But I don’t want the countdown to be shown in seconds but rather in Hours/Minutes/Seconds. There will be multiple buttons that will trigger the countdown. The only hiccup … | |
Hi I used VB6 to create an EXE file that uses MSComm1. The program runs OK in my XP computer and also in my Win7 computer (that has VBE installed). It would not run on my Vista laptop. I installed the VB runtime files (even though Microsoft says they are … | |
hello coder, could anybody can share an idea on making attachment files. on my cms software. i wanted to have an attachment portion. where my doc,jpg,xls files can be attach. im planing to stored it on my app.path by copying the files. but my problem is when opening on the … | |
Hi I used VB6 to create an EXE file that uses MSComm1. The program runs OK in my XP computer and also in my Win7 computer (that has VBE installed). It would not run on my Vista laptop. I installed the VB runtime files (even though Microsoft says they are … | |
is there possible to save two picture box at the desame time in one command button? | |
Hi! i just want to ask about having two decimal places in a text box using a visual basic 6.0. :[ | |
Hi.I am working on a project(patient management system).I want a code for this. Once I enter the name of the patient whose details want to know, I want the next form to be loaded and those specific details of that particular patient(already stored in a database) to be displayed in … | |
Okay, so I'm working on this Application which will find it's way to the User's AppData folder and find a specific File .prefs File. It should then read that File and find specific Sentences/Names/Whatever pleases you. If it finds a Sentence/Name in that File which matches the one it's supposed … | |
I m creating a software in vb (Laboratory management System using ADO as connection) .bt, Nw I m facing a problem..The laboratory's result page should contain a DB Grid control..It has 4 fields namely ITEM CODE,INVESTIGATION,OBSERVED,NORMAL. Here I want to display the values in ITEMCODE,INVESTIGATION and NORMAL automatically in DB … |
The End.