10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sarwat Zodiac

Hi everyone.. I made a small program by VB6, it is a Clock, but in the run time when the Second-hand is moveing the texts around the Circle vibrates !! How can I make these texts stable (no vibration) ? Thanks Sarwat

Member Avatar for Sarwat Zodiac
Member Avatar for Ravi Kant

Hello ! I want to get the current week number of the month. I have used this code below : - Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim t_Day As Double t_Day = Day(DTPicker1.Value) Select Case t_Day Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Text1.Text = "1st Week" Case 9, 10, …

Member Avatar for iluvchubs
Member Avatar for anuradha71

THIS IS MY CODE.... bUt i am not getting the data between the given dates IN THE DATAGRID VIEW Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= C:\Users\Anand\Documents\db.accdb" Dim dfrom As DateTime = DateTimePicker2.Value Dim dto …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for SaRa Ahmad

i need to know if i can scan an image or any file from vb6 form then save it to my database, if yes how i can do it ?? thanx in advance...

Member Avatar for Sabrina.Moro
Member Avatar for missy_mi

Hi, i am having problem with my vb project to clear all item in my form. Below is the code that i am using : Dim ctrl, obj as control For Each ctrl in Me.controls If typeof ctrl is GroupBox then For Each obj In ctrl.Controls If typeof obj is …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for mcdczzz

hi is there someone that can give me some hints on how to create excel file using data from my ms access database..because i haven't seen one in the net maybe someone might help me here..i would appreciate some hints or tutorials..:D thanks a lot...

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for Needhelp2

Hi all, I have a large txt file (3 Million lines). Ouside excel capacity. Thanks for your support... input file format: =================================================== .. ... ... 2014 Jul 23 08:15:16.675 ... .. Name = x Lastname = y . . Age = 5 height = 1 .. .. ... ... 2014 …

Member Avatar for e.pol
Member Avatar for mcdczzz

If cboSearchType.Text = "Accredited Month" Then If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Close SQL = "SELECT * FROM BusinessInfo WHERE " & " AccreditationDate " & " like '" & cboMonths.Text & "%'" rs.Open SQL, con While rs.EOF = False With grdSearchResults .Redraw = False .Rows = .Rows +1 .Row = …

Member Avatar for e.pol
Member Avatar for nayzin.phyo

'====================================================================================================== '====================================================================================================== Option Explicit 'For Log ID Public RUNNINGID As String Private Sub butBrand_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim colData As New Collection frmSearch.SQL_Statement = "SELECT ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY brand_type_code) AS [NO.] , " & _ "[brand_type_code] AS [Brand Type] , " & _ "[brand_type_name] AS [Brand Name] …

Member Avatar for e.pol
Member Avatar for jmay1327

I have a EXGrid in a form and want to add button to a cell that either say "Edit" and "Remove", or Have icons for the two. Here is the code I have so far. With grdGrade .BeginUpdate '.DataSource = objCo.DAL.Connection.Execute(sql) .DefaultItemHeight = 21 .TreeColumnIndex = -1 .MarkSearchColumn = False …

Member Avatar for jmay1327
Member Avatar for mcdczzz

can anyone help me?..i trying to make a very flexible report according to a search Results...i use vb6 and ms access as database...

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for No Way

Guys. I Want To open file,Find the LAST line,Start APPENDING then finishing When User Presses Return.Any Ideas? I am a Beginner with VB6. Sorry for bad Engilish.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for mcdczzz

can anyone help me arrange my code?..i would like to format a text to be displayed in a flexgrid.. Format(len(rs!UserPassword),"•") the len = 11 so i would like to display 11 dots..•••••••••••

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for Spm_1

Please tell me how to get report for a given from and to dates using crystal reports......i am using access database.....thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for Bhagwanshay_1

i am developing a project in vb6.0 and i want to open a child form in mdi form with function keys and want to close child form with escape key.Plz reply me with source code

Member Avatar for milan.oparnica.90
Member Avatar for gibookrishnan

Hi, I have a set of word macros which I need to share it with my friends. I want to make the job easy for them such that I share them an installable which they will install and all my macros will be automatically added in their PC's MS word …

Member Avatar for gibookrishnan
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

I want to connect my access database to my project in vb 6. What are the steps i should follow? Once i'm done with that, i want to know how to drag them and place them on a form (like the way we do it in VB.NET). Thank you

Member Avatar for millyn
Member Avatar for fourty
Member Avatar for Kev756

Type rounds_key 'Storage Container raundnyh keys key (255) As Byte End Type Global data_ () As Byte 'Declare global byte array Global key_ () As Byte 'Declare global byte array Global data_size_block As Long 'Declare global variable 4 bytes Global su_box () As Byte 'Declare global byte array Global …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello to all! I have two questions 1- please give me a internet link from where i download Vb 6 enterpize edition setup 2- Please also give me a link from where i download vb 6 enterprize edition origina/reference book

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for mcdczzz

how can i write this in case select syntax? please help If cboSearchType.Text = "Accredited Month" Then With grdSearchResults .Rows = .Rows - .Rows + 1 End With If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Close SQL = "SELECT * FROM BusinessInfo WHERE " & " AccreditationDate " & " like '" …

Member Avatar for mcdczzz
Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Have a program I am writing for class using the pseudocode given. I have written it in a flowchart program successfully, but cannot get it to work properly in VB. It is supposed to show the C for Celsius and F for Fahrenheit, and list the matching equivalents below up …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

I need to dynamically group rows together in an EXCEL worksheet. The obvious choice to do this will be VBA. I hope you can help. My spreadsheet has 18 columns and (up to) 5,000 rows of data. I've written the following code which works "OK" however it fails to group …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Erllarhrie

IAm Creating a pRoject that uses visualbasic and m having difficulty storing data into the database m I created ......thqnks

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Tensigh

Hello, The code below works almost perfectly except for two flaws: 1. It provides the full name of the file (workbook.xls) instead of just "workbook" 2. If there is more than 1 worksheet then the loop appends the previous worksheet to the filename. For example, Workbook1 has 1 worksheet Workbook2 …

Member Avatar for Tensigh
Member Avatar for Madiya122

I am trying to insert records in a SQL table from Excel sheet with VBA code. Data contains of a range with all the rows to be inserted. I am using below code for the same. Insert INTO [odbc;Driver={SQL Server};Server=myserver;Database=mydb;Uid=abc;PWD=abc].DPR Select * FROM [TempRange] I am getting error as above. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ponnu

I have vb form that accepts input from user,search in database(database acess) and displays matching records if any in the listview .The problem is that the search query will display only one matching record even if there are many matching records .anyone please help

Member Avatar for hannah_2
Member Avatar for jangojan

hie all i am in a phase of creating a hta application for our internal functionality of our company. basically the reqt is to embed a self devloped binary file in the hta file, but i am facing a problem. like where i should paste the base64 strings in the …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Program runs without errors, unfortunately it will not calculate the days overdue. Any Suggestions? I have attached the code as a pdf, i have also done this as an IF, THEN, ELSE statement with the exact same results, but it will not let me upload it. Help! Private Sub calculateFees …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for tin1296

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Searchvar As String Searchvar = InputBox("Enter the Name to find") Searchvar = Trim$(Searchvar) 'remove surplus spaces If Searchvar <> " " Then 'cancel if nothing entered With Adodc1.Recordset .Find "[Title of Books] = '" & Text1.Text & "'", , adSearchForward If (.EOF) Then 'record not found …

Member Avatar for Pranav b

The End.